Vol 10 No S1 (2022)has been published in Vol. 10 Special Issue March 2022. In conjunction with the 14th Anniversary of Dehasen University. We hope that the publication of this journal can help readers to provide insight, ideas, references, in the development of Economics, Management, Accounting. This journal contains 47 articles. -
Vol 10 No 1 (2022)
has been published in Vol. 10 No. 1, January 2022. We hope that the publication of this journal can help readers to provide insights, ideas, references, in the development of Economics, Management, Accounting. This journal contains 54 articles.
Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Volume 8 Volume 1 January 2020 contains 10 Manuscripts from several universities in Indonesia,that is Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu, Open University, Muhammadiyah University Prof.DR. HAMKA, and Bengkulu Dehasen University.
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