Financial Training, Knowledge Management On Financial Competence To Improve Self Awareness In MSMEs At Sepande Village

Keywords: Financial Training, Knowledge Management, Financial Competence, Self Awareness


This research aims to determine the effect of Financial Training, Knowledge Management on financial competence to increase Self Awareness in MSMEs in Sepande Village, Sidoarjo The population and sample for this research are the owners and operators of MSMEs in Sepande Village The research uses descriptive quantitative techniques A questionnaire is used as a data collecting instrument, and the Partial Least Square (PLS) analytic tool is used to process the data. The findings of the study demonstrate that financial training has a positive and significant impact on self-awareness, as does knowledge management. Financial training also has a positive and significant impact on financial competence, and knowledge management has a positive and significant impact on financial competence. Additionally, self-awareness plays a role in mediating the relationship between financial competence and financial training, as well as the relationship between knowledge management and financial competence of MSME actors and owners in Sepande Village. Based on the study's findings, it can be said that Self Awareness, an intervening variable, influences both Knowledge Management and Financial Competence of MSME actors and owners in Sepande Village as well as Financial Competence and Financial Training.


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How to Cite
Masyita, S., Firdaus, V., & Setiyono, W. (2025). Financial Training, Knowledge Management On Financial Competence To Improve Self Awareness In MSMEs At Sepande Village. EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 13(1), 685-.