Analysis of the Effect of Economic Growth, Urbanization, Energy Consumption on CO2 Emissions in G-20 Countries for the Period 1990 – 2020

  • Izmi Dwi Maharani Poetri Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Taufiq Taufiq Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Abdul Bashir Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Anna Yulianita Universitas Sriwijaya
Keywords: Economic Growth; Urbanization; CO2 Emissions; Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC)


This study aims to analyze how economic growth, urbanization, energy consumption influenced to CO2 Emissions in Countries that are members of the G-20. In this study using time-series data for the period 1990 – 2020; the data utilized are sourced from World Bank database and BP Statistic. The methode uses a quantitative approach that applies the STIRPAT methode with the fixed effect methode panel data regression. The results of the study state that economic growth with GDP per capita has a positive and significant effect, meanwhile GDP per capita squared has a negative and significant on CO2 Emissions. So that it can prove the EKC hypothesis with an inverted U-Curve relationship between economic growth and CO2 Emissions. Urbanization and Energy Consumption has a positive and significant effect on CO2 Emissions.


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How to Cite
Poetri, I., Taufiq, T., Bashir, A., & Yulianita, A. (2023). Analysis of the Effect of Economic Growth, Urbanization, Energy Consumption on CO2 Emissions in G-20 Countries for the Period 1990 – 2020. EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 11(2), 1939 -.