Pengaruh Film Dokumenter Nada Nusantara Terhadap Kesadaran Siswa Smk Dalam Pelestarian Budaya Lokal (Survei Terhadap Siswa Kelas XI SMKN 10 Bandung)

  • Salwa Syafiqoh Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya Bandung
  • Dasrun Hidayat Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya Bandung
Keywords: Preservation, Public Awareness, Local Culture, Documentary Film


Indonesia's local cultural diversity plays an important role in the country's identity as the world's largest archipelago. The Ministry of Education and Culture records more than 67,273 cultural heritages, including immovable objects, movable objects, and intangible heritages. This diversity requires attention and preservation, especially from the younger generation as cultural successors. Public awareness, especially the younger generation, is very important in preventing the extinction of local culture in the midst of globalization. Mass media, especially documentary films, are considered an effective means to raise this awareness. This study examines the influence of the documentary film "Nada Nusantara" on the awareness of students of SMK Negeri 10 Bandung in preserving local culture. Using a quantitative descriptive method, this study questions the influence of frequency, attention, and quality of the documentary film on students' awareness. The results showed that the movie had a positive influence on students' awareness, contributing to their understanding and appreciation of local culture. The implications of this study can be used as a guideline in utilizing documentary films as an educational tool to enrich students' knowledge and awareness of Indonesia's local cultural heritage


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How to Cite
Syafiqoh, S., & Hidayat, D. (2024). Pengaruh Film Dokumenter Nada Nusantara Terhadap Kesadaran Siswa Smk Dalam Pelestarian Budaya Lokal (Survei Terhadap Siswa Kelas XI SMKN 10 Bandung). Professional: Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Administrasi Publik, 11(1), 119–130.