Impact of Green Investment and Jobs on Poverty via Sustainable Development

  • Yendra Kardiansya University of Bengkulu
  • Ketut Sukiyono University of Bengkulu
  • Izharudin Izharudin University of Bengkulu
Keywords: Green investment, Green jobs, Green economy, Sustainable development, Poverty


Purpose: This study evaluates the influence of green investment and green jobs on poverty reduction with sustainable development as a mediating variable. Methodology: Using a descriptive-quantitative method, secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics of South Sumatra from 2016-2020 were analyzed using a panel regression model. Results: The results indicate that green investment and green jobs affect poverty reduction through sustainable development in South Sumatra Province. Findings: Challenges include green infrastructure development and policies supporting green investment and job creation. Novelty: This research provides insights into the impact of green investment and green jobs on poverty reduction within the context of sustainable development. Originality: The study offers a detailed analysis of how green investment and green jobs contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development. Conclusions: Green investment and green jobs have the potential to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development but require collaboration among the government, private sector, and society. Type of Paper: Empirical Research Article


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How to Cite
Kardiansya, Y., Sukiyono, K., & Izharudin, I. (2024). Impact of Green Investment and Jobs on Poverty via Sustainable Development. AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Pertanian, 11(1), 227 - 242.
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