Jurnal Gotong Royong is a peer-reviewed journal. JGORO invites academics and researchers who do original research in the fields of economics, management, and accounting, including but not limited to:
Evans, A.W. 2001. The Assumption of Equilibrium In The Analysis of Migrations And Interregional Differences: A Review Of Some Recent Research. Journal of Regional Science, 30(4):515-532.
Kartodirdjo, S dan J. Suryo. 1991. Sejarah Perkebunan di Indonesia: Kajian Sosial Ekonomi. Yogyakarta, Penerbit Aditya Media.
Putman, S.H. 1990. Equilibrium Solution and Dynamics Of Integrated Urban Models. In l Anselin and M. Madden (eds), New Directions in Regional Analysis. London, Belhaven.
Scott, J.C. 1983. Moral Ekonomi Petani: Pergolakan dan Subsistensi di Asia Tenggara.(terj). Cet. Ke-2. Jakarta, LP3ES.
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