Analisis Kriminologis Korupsi Perspektif Pendekatan Sobural Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Korupsi Di Indonesia
Corruption is a complex crime phenomenon, not only related to legal issues, but also socio-political and cultural issues, so that the approach to solving it can also use social, cultural andstructural approaches. Complications in eradicating corruption always occur, this can be seenrom the increase in criminal acts of corruption, both in terms of quantity and the amount of statelosses caused by criminal acts of corruption. The sobural method is not a principle used to solvea problem or case, but this method plays a role in understanding an evil act accurately throughthe three value lenses that influence it, namely social values, cultural values, and structuralelements. The aim of this research is to determine the criminologicaanalysis of corruption from asocial theory perspective. The research method used is: This research uses a normative legalresearch method, namely research that focuses on examining the application of rules or norms in the social life of society. With approaches, including the first, the Historical Approach is carriedout to understand historical values which are the background for the social value approach,cultural values and structural factors (Sobural) which become the knife of criminological analysiswhich dissects the causes of Corruption crimes. Second, Conceptual Approach. The findings are based on research results, namely that the first approach to social values, cultural values andstructural factors (Sobural) becomes a criminological analysis knife that dissects the causes ofcrime as a whole, both the perpetrator and society. The advantages of the social values, culturalvalues and structural factors (Sobural) approach provide a way for law enforcers, especially judges, to understand acts of corruption in deciding cases. Both social approaches can be instruments for corruption prevention activities, because preventing corruption is basically part ofthe spirit of eradicating corruption. To avoid corruption, it is very important to pay attention toSobural's approach to the society in which the action is carried out in terms of social values,culture and structural variables as an effort to prevent corruption.