Anomali Data Mining Menggunakan Metode K-Means Dalam Penilaian Mahasiswa Terhadap Pelayanan Prodi

  • Deti Karmanita Universitas Putra Indonesia "YPTK" Padang
  • Billy Hendrik Universitas Putra Indonesia "YPTK" Padang
Keywords: Data Mining, Anomali, K-Mens


Cluster analysis is a data mining technique that aims to identify a group of objects that have the same characteristics. The number of groups that can be identified depends on the amount of data and the type of object, so that data problems arise when there is a change to a number of redundant data, but not all of it is changed where the data above is repeatedly made into one table with a different code as the primary key and there are anomalies Insertion, so K-means is one method of clustering data which is divided into the form of one or more clusters/groups that have the same characteristics. Student data clustering uses the k-means method, consisting of student assessments. This study uses student assessment data. Then it was concluded that the assessment group was based on reliability aspects: the ability of lecturers, education staff and administrators to provide services, responsiveness aspects: the willingness of lecturers, education staff and administrators to help students and provide services quickly, aspects of certainty ( assurance): the ability of lecturers, staff and administrators to give confidence to students that the services provided are in accordance with the provisions, aspects of empathy (empathy): the willingness/concern of lecturers, staff and managers to give attention to students, tangibles aspects: students' assessment of the adequacy , accessibility, quality of facilities and infrastructure from the grouping results based on reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy data.


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How to Cite
Karmanita, D., & Hendrik, B. (2023). Anomali Data Mining Menggunakan Metode K-Means Dalam Penilaian Mahasiswa Terhadap Pelayanan Prodi. JURNAL MEDIA INFOTAMA, 19(2), 522-527.