Literary Criticism <p>Literary Ciriticism is a peer-reviewed journal that focused on the scope of literature and linguistics topics including applied linguistics, language teaching, linguistic histories, linguistics descriptive, literary criticism, literary history and literary theory. This journal is published by UNIVED Press the publication institution in Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu and managed by Faculty of Literature Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu. This journal publishe every six months (March and October) each year. The journal is indexed in several indexing agencies such as Google Scholar, Neliti and Garuda.</p> UNIVED Press en-US Literary Criticism 2355-1828 Analysis Of Psychological Conflict Of The Main Character In The “The Rocking Horse Winner” Short Story <p class="Abstract">This research discusses psychological conflict using Anna Freud's Defense Mechanism theory in the short story “The Rocking Horse Winner”. This research has two objectives, namely to find out the defense mechanism and to find out the factors that cause the defense mechanism in the main character in the short story “The Rocking Horse Winner”. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. This relates to the description of the data in the form of the utterances of the main character Paul in the short story. The analysis in this study using Spradley's analysis. The results of this study show that of the ten defense mechanisms, six were found, namely rationalization, displacement, repression, projection, denial, and identification. Neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety were found as two of the three factors causing defense mechanisms. In this study, the most common type of defense mechanism found is rationalization and neurotic anxiety is the dominant factor that causes the use of this defense mechanism by the main character</p> Febby Okta Novrianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 12 1 1 8 Analysis of Gender Discrimination in Precious Movie <p class="Abstract">This research discusses gender discrimination in the “Precious” movie. This research has two objectives. (1) To find the forms of gender discrimination in Precious movie. (2) To investigate the factors cause gender discrimination in the Precious movie. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This is related to data descriptions in the form of conversations and descriptions of actions in the his. The analysis in this research uses analysis from spreadlay and theory from Zulhayatin and Relawati. The research's findings demonstrate that 3 of the 5 forms of gender discrimination namely violence, stereotypes, and marginalization were discovered. Additionally, the rationality factor and the patriarchy factor are the two causes of the gender discrimination that Precious experienced in the “Precious” movie. Based on the research that has been completed, there are 7 data sentences or actions that contain gender discrimination experienced by the character Precious in the “Precious” movie. In accordance with the data, researcher found that 5 data were caused by patriarchy factors, and 2 data were caused by rationality factors.</p> <p class="Abstract">&nbsp;</p> Noni Dwinka Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 12 1 9 18 Flouting Maxim Of Grice’s Cooperative Principle In An Exclusive Interview With Chris Martin Of Coldplay In Mata Najwa Talkshow <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The focus of this research was to analyse the extent of flouting maxim of Grice’s Cooperative principle done by Chris Martin, vocalist of the band Coldplay and analyse the types of flouting Grice’s Cooperative principle used by guests and their reasons, this interview hosted by NajwaShihab in the Mata Najwa program which is a highly interactive talk show entitled "Exclusive Interview with Chris Martin of Coldplay | Mata Najwa". The research uses a descriptive qualitative and quantitative method since the data is presented as words and numbers. The reason for choosing this talk show is because Chris Martin is an English native speaker, while NajwaSihab is an Indonesian native speaker, making it possible to compare how Grice's Cooperative principle is often flouted during interviews due to language and cultural differences. Inan exclusive interview as shown in this study, 11 utterances were found during the interview, including 4 utterances that flouting maxim quantity, 4 utterances that flouting maxim quality, 2 utterances that flouting maxim relevance and 1 utterance that flouting maxim manner. From the data of flouting maxim, that also found several reasons why Chris do the flouting maxim, these reasons areconfusing in giving answer, friendliness, respectful, confidentiality/hiding the truth and Showing empathy. And the most common reason for flouting maxim was found when Chris flouted maxim quantity and quality. As this was a formal interview, the flouting Grice’s Cooperative principle was done by politeness strategies. Despite the flouting Grice’s Cooperative principle, the conversation still runs well until the end.</span></em></p> <p><br><strong><em>Keyword: </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Cooperative Principle, Flouting Maxim, Grecian Maxim, Mata Najwa.</span></em></p> Ririn Novita Sari Merry Rullyanti Ami Pradana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 12 1 19 24 Semiotics Analysis Of Moral Message In Cigarette Packs <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research investigates the semiotic elements and moral messages embedded in the images found on cigarette packs, specifically focusing on the types of sign-meanings (denotation, connotation, and myth) and their moral implications. Data were collected from 10 different cigarette packs and analyzed using Roland Barthes' semiotic theory The analysis reveals that all 10 packs contain denotation and connotation, while 8 packs also exhibit myth. Beyond these semiotic analyses, the research uncovers significant moral messages conveyed through the warning images. These pictures serve as stark reminders of the severe health consequences of smoking, prompting reflection on the ethical implications of tobacco consumption. They underscore the importance of informed decision-making and challenge the normalization of smoking within cultural contexts. In conclusion, the semiotic and moral analysis of cigarette pack images reveals a complex interplay between visual elements and societal perceptions. The findings highlight the dual role of these images in conveying direct health warnings and broader ethical considerations, ultimately advocating for a more informed and health-conscious society.</span></em></p> <p><br><br></p> Muhammad Chafri Eza Dwi Putra Dhanu Ario Putra Merry Rullyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 12 1 25 30 Representation Of Liberal Feminism In Greta Gerwig's Little Women Movie <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to analyze the portrayal of liberal feminism in Greta Gerwig's film "Little Women" This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach. This method aims to elucidate the formation of the Representation of Liberal Feminism by analyzing each scene and speech in the movie "Little Women". This research focuses on the film "Little Women" directed by Greta Gerwig in 2019. The research use an observation checklist as the primary tool. This study observation checklist is derived from Stuart Hall's theory (1997), which categorizes Representation into three distinct components: Intentional, Construction, and Reflective. The writer also found moral values based on the theory of Kinnier (2000) which combines moral values into six categories. The results showed that there were seven results of the types of representation shown in the movie " Little Women". Each of these categories, the one that reflects liberal feminism the most is intentional representation. Another finding is the moral values, the most common moral values is a commitment to something greater than oneself.</span></em></p> <p><br><strong><em>Keyword: </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Representation ofLiberal Feminism, Little Women Movie</span></em></p> Amanda Riskia Salam Merry Rullyanti Lina Tri Astuty Sembiring ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 12 1 31 36 Analysis Of Meaning Of Hero Hanabi`S Qoutes In Mobile Legend Game <p><em>Sociology and language are closely related. Sociolinguistics studies speakers and listeners of languages through the study of various aspects. In this bond between social and language, the application taken is sociolinguistic in qoutes. qouts are quotes that are used within a certain range. Based on this research, it is known that researchers discovered different types of qoutes. qouts are not only special words that exist in the sphere of society, but also found in online games. In this study, Mobile Legend Online Game was the object of analysis selected by the researchers. Data collection and analysis completion using a type of qualitative descriptive research. The result of this research is a sociolinguistic analysis of what heo hanabi qoutes mean in Mobile Legend Online Games, using data reduction techniques, data display, and conclusion verification. The data taken is also based on quotes spoken by Hanabi heroes. researchers have found 15 quotes that have denotative meanings and 35 quotes which have conotative meaning in Mobile Legend Online Games and researchers found 37 factors that influence entering into the motivational factor and 13 factors that affect entering in the environmental factor.</em><em> Then the most dominating meaning in qoutes is connotative meaning and the most influencing factor is the motivational factor.</em><em>With the results of this research, the researchers hope that this research can be significant data for the linguistic community and can also be a source of data, reference data, and comparison for future researchers, especially research on sociolinguistics. Based on this research, it is expected that the results can add insight to readers about the meaning of qoutes in various game situations and how it is pronounced by the hero in the Mobile Legend Online Game. </em></p> Viki Mahdian Syah Merry Rullyanti Dhanu Ario Putra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 12 1 37 42