Current Issue

Vol 12 No 1 (2025): January
Published: 2025-02-05

Review Article

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About the Journal

Literary Ciriticism is a peer-reviewed journal that focused on the scope of literature and linguistics topics including applied linguistics, language teaching, linguistic histories, linguistics descriptive, literary criticism, literary history and literary theory. This journal is published by UNIVED Press the publication institution in Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu and managed by Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu. This journal publishes every six months (March and October) each year. The journal is indexed in several indexing agencies such as Google Scholar, Neliti and Garuda.

Focus and Scope

This Journal invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies utilizing an interdisciplinary approach in the study of linguistics and culture. The object materials of the study may include aspects of applied linguistics, language teaching, linguistic histories, linguistics descriptive, literary criticism, literary history and literary theory. The language studies for the articles could be Indonesian Local Languages, Indonesian Language and English Language. The articles for this journal should be written in English.