Dehasen Journal Systems<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>E-ISSN <a href="">2829-6796 </a></strong></span></div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)</strong></span> adalah jurnal multidisiplin ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dengan menggunakan dua bahasa (Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia). <strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi</span></strong> merupakan jurnal yang bertaraf nasional yang memiliki fokus utama pada pengembangan ilmu-ilmu di bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Maret dan September.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;">Lingkup bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat antara lain meliputi pelatihan, pemasaran, keamanan pangan lokal, Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG), desain, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan, Transfer Teknologi, Globalisasi dan Transformasi Sosial, Pengembangan Kompetensi dan Kewirausahaan, Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Rekayasa Sosial, Manajemen Konflik, dan Literasi Informasi Digital.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi</strong></span>, berisi berbagai kegiatan Mahasiswa dan Dosen sebagian besar di Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dalam menangani dan mengelola berbagai potensi, hambatan, tantangan, dan masalah yang ada di masyarakat. Implementasi kegiatan layanan juga melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan mitra. Kegiatan pelayanan diorganisasikan menjadi kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"> </div> Usaha Dan Pembuatan Kemasan Serta Labeling Home Industri Bakso Aci Pada Usaha Kelompok Warga Kahuripan Nirwana Sidoarjo2024-09-13T11:52:22+00:00Yola Rizki<p>With the home industry business of aci meatballs, the Kahuripan Nirwana Sidoarjo Residents Group, which already has regular customers, will increase its marketing by making attractive packaging and labels to find a market and even agents who want to sell it, so that there will be many who will help to develop this aci meatball business. The problems faced are (1) entrepreneurial management has not been implemented optimally (2) good packaging has not been provided for the aci meatball products being marketed and (3) labeling has not been provided to introduce the product. The stages of implementing the service that have been carried out to date are: assisting with packaging by providing assistance in the form of tools to glue packaging ready for market so that it looks neat, helping to make attractive labels on packaging by replacing old labels; help carry out promotions by placing small banners in front of Partner's house. The expected result at this stage is an increase in the number of buyers / customers from our partners, namely the Home Industry of Meatballs and the Kahuripan Nirwana Sidoarjo Group. The next stage is evaluation of the results of entrepreneurial management assistance, packaging and labeling creation.</p>2024-09-13T11:17:41+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Potensi Bromo: Pengalaman Study Tour Fakultas Ilmu Komputer2024-09-13T11:52:26+00:00Indra Kanediindrakanedi12@gmail.comTiara Pramuni Sucitiarapramunisucibkl@gmail.comRupawan Azzahrarupawanazz12@gmail.comIntan Mayang Sariimayangsari404@gmail.comNanda<p>This study describes the experience of a study tour conducted by the Faculty of Computer Science to the area of Mount Bromo, one of the famous tourist destinations in Indonesia. The aim of this study tour is to explore the tourism potential of Bromo's natural attractions and to gain deeper understanding of various aspects related to tourism development in the region. During the study tour, participants were given the opportunity to explore the beauty of Bromo's landscape, learn about the local culture, and interact with the local community. The results of this study tour are expected to provide valuable insights for the participants and contribute positively to the development of tourism potential in the Bromo area.</p>2024-09-13T11:41:12+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pramuwisata Dalam Promosi Kepariwisataan Di Bali2024-09-13T11:52:31+00:00Empi Desni Linia Junitadesny2759@gmail.comHasna Nabilahnabila2022@gmail.comInda Mareta Indrianiindamaretai@gmail.comMelanisma Yunitayunitamelanisma@gmail.comIndra<p>Tourism promotion is becoming the most important factor for the success of any destination. Every destination is applying the strategy based on its resources. For Balinese tourism, which is enriched by its cultural aspects, the role of tourist guide is still necessarily required. The essence of tourist guiding somehow is rarely recognised as promotional tool that should have been very possible to be focused on. Therefore, this study is aimed to discover the role of tourist guide as indirect promoter for the Balinese tourism. In order to accomplish that objective, examination was laid on Balinese promotion system, expectation of stakeholders/users, and tourist’s perception toward the roles of tourist guide. Based on the findings, the author has proposed a concept regarding the utilization of tourist guiding as wordof-mouth promotion strategy for the importance of Balinese tourism. Its composition consists of tourist guide as the promoter; actual tourist as the channel; and potential tourist as the target.</p>2024-09-13T11:44:50+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sinergi Antara Program Studi Dengan Lembaga Sertifikasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Lulusan2024-09-13T11:52:36+00:00Khairil Ramadanitriramadani64@gmail.comDimas Mekar Ayu Fatimahdmafatimah62@gmail.comSetiaji Ayu Handayanisetiajiayuh@gmail.comEndah Puspa<p>Dehasen University and the Multimatics Certification Institute need to provide a curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the job market.Through partnerships with certification institutions that are recognized nationally or internationally, apart from that, certification institutions must also ensure that universities provide access for students to obtain professional certification that is widely recognized. However, to achieve all of this, study programs and certification institutions need strong cooperation, and Studies must also monitor developments in their industry so that they can adjust their learning strategies. Universities and certification institutions must ensure that their graduates are ready to be deployed in the world of work, and that they prepare future generations.</p>2024-09-13T11:45:44+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Inovasi Produk Olahan Singkong Menjadi Kudapan Hipnotis Colourfull Di Desa Pasar Pedati Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah2024-09-13T11:52:40+00:00Joko Saputra Maryantijokosaputra322@gmail.comNirta Pera Yusdayantinirtaperayusdayanti@gmail.comPutri Az-Zahraputriazzahra0530@gmail.comHilda Meisya<p>The Student Community Service was carried out in Pasar Pedati Village, Central Bengkulu Regency, to be precise in Hamlet 2 because there are still many people who plant cassava. For the marketing of cassava itself there it is relatively unstable, sometimes it goes up and down according to consumer demand and there are also places where cassava plants are processed into flour but they also experience problems for marketing, therefore to help improve the economy of our society we make innovations in processed food made from cassava so that the community can directly make processed cakes from cassava so that in this way the community can process cassava crops and sell processed cakes to help the economy. Student community service activities aim to provide knowledge to the community about cassava processing and practice how to make Colorful Hypnotic snacks.The settlement method is by making cassava into snacks. This student community service activity (PMM) from the Pasar Pedati Village officials gave appreciation for wanting to visit and choosing Pasar Pedati Village as a place for student community service to share knowledge, and have held direct practice on how how to make this colorful hypnotic cake. After that there was a presentation represented by one of the village officials he hoped that this activity would not only end here but could establish friendship so that when there were people experiencing difficulties or problems in processing or marketing cassava they could work together whether there was a bazaar or other activities.</p>2024-09-13T11:51:26+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Media Sosial Untuk Berjualan Bakso Secara Online2024-09-13T13:54:31+00:00Hesti Pestiko Donahestipestikodona@gmail.comTito Cahya Restu<p>This service activity was carried out in Air Kelinsar village, Ulu Musi District, Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra. This activity aims to utilize social media for home meatball sellers in Air Kelinsar village. Previously, meatball sellers in Air Kelinsar village only sold or traded meatballs at home and waited for buyers to come. The aim of this service is so that traders can get more buyers. Traders can use the Cash on Delivery system, which is a form of financial transaction where payment is made after the goods are delivered and received by the consumer. With this system, meatball traders can post photos of their sales on Facebook and people in Air Kelinsar village can order via inbox or contact Meatball Sellers. then the meatball seller can deliver the order according to the orderer's address, so that people in Air Kelinsar village who don't have vehicles or whose homes are far from where the seller is can order the meatballs.</p>2024-09-13T13:54:29+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Dan Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Pabrik Tempe Dan Tahu2024-09-13T13:59:47+00:00Shofi Rahmadannia Putrishofirahmadannia10@gmail.comIda Ayu Made Er Meytha Rahman<p>Most Indonesian people really like tempeh and tofu. The affordable price means these two foods always sell well on the market. However, behind the cheap prices of tempeh and tofu there are entrepreneurs who are having difficulty because the price of soybeans continues to soar. If the price of tempeh and tofu increases, it is feared that purchases of tempeh and tofu will decrease. However, if it is not increased, entrepreneurs will have difficulty in the production process. The aim of this service is to optimize MSME income through market improvement.</p>2024-09-13T13:59:45+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Manajemen Produksi Dan Pemasaran Tahu Dan Tempe Di Lingkungan Industri Kecil Menengah2024-09-13T14:00:37+00:00Septi Septiseptinurmaisya2909@gmail.comIda Made Ayu Er<p>This community service activity aims to optimize production and marketing management of tofu and tempeh in the Small and Medium Industry (IKM) environment. The main focus of this program is to increase the efficiency of the production process and expand the marketing reach of products through technology and digital marketing strategies. The methods used are surveys and observations, technical assistance and monitoring and evaluation. In the production aspect, the main challenge is raw materials whose prices are starting to rise or become expensive, while in the marketing aspect the challenge faced is competition between other factories.</p>2024-09-13T14:00:36+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Marketing Project Pemasaran Produk UMKM Penjahit Rumahan Melalui Media Sosial Pada Usaha Jahit Ibu Noni Di Lempuing Kota Bengkulu2024-09-13T14:05:04+00:00Amelia Ameliaameliaa.yaaaa@gmail.comAndriyani Prawitasariandriyaniprawitasari@gmail.comRina Trisna Yantirinatrisnayanti@rocketmail.comSri Handayaniiiehandayani27@gmail.comSiti<p>Social marketing marketing projects in a business are very important to develop in a business so that the business can be better known by the public. The aim of this community service in the home sewing business sector is to provide vacancies for sewing business actors so that the businesses they run can get more turnover or jobs from consumers. Methods that can be used to achieve this goal are by helping business people to open their stalls in strategic places and also by opening social media accounts to facilitate product marketing. With the completion of social media creation for business actors, they can immediately jump into loading or sharing some content about the products or services they offer to consumers.</p>2024-09-13T14:05:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengembangan Produk Usaha Jahit Ibu Noni Di Kelurahan Lempuing Kecamatan, Ratu Agung Kota Bengkulu2024-09-15T09:24:10+00:00Putri Radilliputriradili2@gmail.comSulisti Vera Indian<p>This community service activity aims to optimize the management of making school clothes and pants in the Small and Medium Industry environment. The main focus of this program is to improve the efficiency of the production process and expand the reach of product marketing through technology and digital marketing strategies. The methods used are survey and observation, technical assistance and monitoring and evaluation. In the production aspect, the main challenge is that raw materials in the form of fabric are an important highlight for convection business people In addition to raw materials, the sewing process is also a challenge for convection entrepreneurs. Because the sewing process also affects the results of the product, for example from the neatness of the stitches, the ability of tailors to translate consumer wishes with the products produced. So convection entrepreneurs must really pay attention to the quality of the stitches of their products.</p>2024-09-15T09:24:08+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelayanan Prima Kepada Laundry Cahaya Terang2024-09-15T09:32:39+00:00Nirmalawati Nirmalawatinirmalawati452@gmail.comEska Prima Monique Dsds.monique@gmail.comM Rahman YudiYudi@gmail.comSuswati<p>This study explores the implementation of strategies for providing excellent customer service at "Cahaya Terang" laundry. Through literature review, case studies, and interviews with business owners and managers, the research identifies key practices for enhancing customer experience in laundry services. Results highlight the significance of employee training, efficient workflow management, quality control measures, and customer feedback mechanisms. The study underscores the importance of integrating these elements to cultivate a culture of customer-centricity and ensure sustained business success. Practical implications and recommendations for stakeholders, including business owners, employees, and customers, are also discussed.</p>2024-09-15T09:32:37+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Penyuluhan Demam Derdarah Dengue (DBD) Dengan Penerapan 3M Plus Di Dusun 1 Desa Pekik Nyaring Bengkulu Tengah2024-09-16T06:09:45+00:00Meto Widio Utamoweniroyana79@gmail.comWeni Royanametowidioutomo@jurnalunived.comMaylina Dewi Sinagamaylina@gmail.comJulius<p>Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) occurs due to the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which is often found in countries with tropical climates. The biting activity of Ae. Aegypti which increases during the rainy season can cause an increase in cases of dengue fever sufferers (Dewi and Sudaryono, 2020). Based on data released by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 40% or 2.5 billion of the world's population, both in sub-tropical and tropical countries, are at high risk of contracting the dengue virus. The aim of this community service is to achieve changes in the behavior of individuals, families and communities in fostering and maintaining healthy behavior and a healthy environment, as well as playing an active role in efforts to realize optimal levels of health, the formation of healthy behavior in individuals, families, groups and communities in accordance with the concept of healthy living both physically, mentally and socially so as to reduce morbidity and mortality rates. Based on the results of community service in Hamlet 1, PekikNyaring Village, Kab. Central Bengkulu shows that the level of public knowledge in the Good category is 15 respondents (40%), in the poor category there are 18 respondents (60%). So it can be concluded that the level of public knowledge in the Less category is 18 respondents (60%).</p>2024-09-16T06:09:44+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Edukasi Kecemasan Ibu Dan Dukungan Suami Terhadap Pemilihan Kb Akdr Di Dusun 1 Pekik Nyaring Bengkulu Tengah2024-09-16T06:15:35+00:00Fika Aliyah Putrifikaaaliyahputri@gmail.comTina Anggrainianggrainit620@gmail.comRahma Kamilarahma552kamila@gmail.comLiya Lugita<p>According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 100 million couples use contraceptives in the world using effective contraceptives, with 75% using hormonal contraceptives and 25% using non-hormonal contraceptives. Contraception in the world in 2019 reached 89%, while in 2020 there was an increase to 92.1%. In Africa, it is recorded that 82% of the population does not use contraception. In Southeast, South and West Asia, as many as 43% use contraception (WHO, 2021). Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) for 2020 shows that users of IUD contraceptives throughout the world are still below injectable contraceptives, pills, condoms and implants, especially in developing countries. Exposure to IUDs was below 10%, namely 7.3%, and other contraceptive devices was 11.7%. According to Pekik Nyering Community Health Center data, it was found that the number of IUD users was only 17 people, with a preliminary survey in hamlet 1 Pekik Nyaring numbering 0. Therefore, the author chose IUD/IUD KB counseling. Provide education to women of childbearing age (WUS) and provide knowledge about IUD/IUD contraception, explain the installation of the IUD contraceptive, how it works, types of IUD, mechanism, benefits, side effects, indications and installation time, provide questionnaires to mothers/ Suburban age women regarding the implementation of socialization carried out offline in the 1 Pekik Nyring hamlet hall, attended by 33 residents in 1 Pekik Nyard hamlet. This activity was attended by the cadres. The residents who were actively present in the IUD/AKDR intrauterine contraceptive education program activities. The socialization activities regarding Intrauterine Contraception Methods in the community in Dusun 1 Pekik Nyaring were proven to be effective in increasing knowledge, this was indicated by the results of the pretest and posttest which showed an increase in previous community knowledge. and after the socialization. This activity has an increasingly significant impact because the socialization participants are health cadres who are active in activities related to maternal and child health in the community and are active in inviting residents to pay more attention to health, especially family planning and women's reproductive health.</p>2024-09-16T06:15:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Bahaya Gadget (Handphone) Bagi Anak-Anak Di Desa Air Petai Kecamatan Sukaraja Kabupaten Seluma, Bengkulu2024-09-16T07:22:32+00:00Made Tiara Devimadetiaradevi@gmail.comIda AnggrianiIda.anggriani26@gmail.comNeri Susantinearrysanti@gmail.comRahman<p>The use of information and communication technology in the world of education today is growing, one of them is the gadget (phone). Gadgets (phone) is one of the forms of information technology and communication that is constantly evolving from time to time. Excessive use of gadgets (mobiles) in children can have a negative impact on the growing children of primary school age, it does not exclude the possibility that will cause children to become personal closure due to the lack of social interaction. However, on the other hand, the use of information and communication technology is very beneficial for learning activities. In this case, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge of the technology and how it is applied in everyday life. In this case, parental supervision is essential, because elementary school children usually have a high level of curiosity for new things.</p>2024-09-16T07:22:31+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Tari Barong Budaya Bali2024-09-16T07:36:26+00:00Fikri Martin Saputradosibkl@gmail.comAldo NovriantoAldonoprianto99@gmail.comQodri Amril Syah<p>Barong dance is one of Bali's cultural heritages that has high historical, spiritual and artistic values. This dance is not only an art performance, but also a symbol of protection and magical power in Balinese beliefs. This article aims to examine the uniqueness of Barong Dance from various aspects, including history, symbolic meaning, and performance techniques. Through a descriptive qualitative approach, this research analyzes the cultural elements contained in Barong Dance, such as costumes, musical accompaniment, dance movements, and accompanying rituals. The results show that the uniqueness of Barong Dance lies in its blend of dynamic performing arts and sacred spiritual functions, making it one of the most authentic representations of Balinese culture. This article also highlights the importance of Barong Dance preservation as an effort to maintain the sustainability of Balinese traditions and cultural identity in the midst of modernization.</p>2024-09-16T07:36:25+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kewirausahaan Siswa Sejak Dini Melalui Keterampilan Aksesoris Manik Pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 24 Kota Bengkulu2024-09-16T09:37:09+00:00Elza Septi Triaslenielzabkl71@gmail.comTito Anggrianiida.anggriani26@gmail.comMuhammad Rahman Rupita<p>This Community Service aims to provide knowledge of the efforts made in developing an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age through bead accessories skills in class 5D at SD Negeri 24 Bengkulu city. Entrepreneurship is an important skill and attitude to face future challenges, especially in the world of business and entrepreneurship. The results of the outreach showed a significant increase in students' level of understanding about entrepreneurship development from an early age through bead accessory skills. Students have responded and are interested in starting a business while studying at a higher level. The method of this activity is the socialization of providing materials and making skills from beads which are made into bracelets, phone straps and rings which are directly practiced and taught to students in class 5D at SD Negeri 24 Bengkulu City. Thus, this report contributes to the development of student entrepreneurship education from an early age and increases students' entrepreneurial abilities through bead accessory skills. The students' response to the implementation of the activity of making bead accessories skills was very good.</p>2024-09-16T09:37:07+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Penggunaan E-Commerce Dalam Mengembangkan Bisnis Di Era Digital Terhadap Siswa-Siswi Ma Annur Pagar Jati Bengkulu Tengah2024-09-16T09:59:30+00:00Naldi Setiawannaldisetiawan1701@gmail.comRamadan<p>The development of digital technology has brought significant changes in various aspects of life, including the business sector. E-commerce is one of the important innovations in the business world that facilitates online transactions. This article aims to examine the effectiveness of socialization on the use of e-commerce in business development for students of MA Annur Pagar Jati, Central Bengkulu. This research uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method.. Data were collected through observation and discussion interviews with students of MA Annur Pagar Jati. The results showed that students' understanding of e-commerce increased after the socialization. They better understand the basic concepts of e-commerce, the benefits in business development, and how to use it. This socialization also fosters interest in entrepreneurship among students. Recommendations are given to increase the intensity and quality of socialization to prepare the younger generation to face the challenges of the digital era.</p>2024-09-16T09:59:28+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemasaran Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah Di Desa Taba Pasmah Kecamatan Talang Empat Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah2024-09-16T10:05:20+00:00Ira Purwasihirapurwasi956@gmail.comSendi Nopriansyahirapurwasi956@gmail.comYozi Marlezairapurwasi956@gmail.comIda<p>The Final Report of the Thematic KKN Group Work Program of Dehasen University Bengkulu in Taba Pasmah Village, Talang Empat District, Central Bengkulu Regency entitled "Strategies to Increase Sales of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Taba Pasmah Village, Talang Empat District, Central Bengkulu Regency". This report discusses the marketing strategies implemented by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Taba Pasmah Village, Talang Empat District, Central Bengkulu Regency. In this report, the author identifies several problems faced by MSMEs, such as ineffective marketing strategies, limited access to market information, and fluctuations in raw material prices.To overcome these problems, the author recommends several strategies, such as improving product quality, implementing an effective delivery system, and improving communication with customers. This research is expected to contribute to the development of MSMEs in the area and improve the ability of businesses to market their products. In addition, this report is also expected to be a reference for other researchers who want to conduct similar research in the future.</p>2024-09-16T10:05:18+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Market Digital Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Kewirausahaan Terhadap Siswa dan Siswi MA Annur Pagar Jati Bengkulu Tengah2024-09-16T10:56:04+00:00Dio Alianodioaliano06@gmail.comZoniarti Zoniartidioaliano06@gmail.comWagini Waginidioaliano06@gmail.comIda Ayu Made Er Meytha<p>In the era of globalization and the rapid development of information technology, digitalization has entered into various aspects of life, including in the fields of education and entrepreneurship. The utilization of the digital market is one of the important innovations in the business world that provides various opportunities and conveniences for entrepreneurs including for students. This service aims to explore the utilization of the digital market in increasing entrepreneurial interest among MA Annur Pagar Jati students in Central Bengkulu. This research uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method with a special study approach involving observation, in-depth interviews. The results showed that digital markets, such as e-commerce and social media have great potential to increase students' entrepreneurial interest and skills. Through various digital-based trainings and projects, students not only learn about entrepreneurial concepts but also gain practical experience in running a business online. In addition, the use of digital marketplaces also helps students develop other skills such as time management, communication and creativity. This indicates that the integration of digital marketplaces in the entrepreneurship curriculum can be an effective strategy to motivate and equip young people with relevant skills to face future economic challenges.</p>2024-09-16T10:56:03+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemasaran Budidaya Tanaman Hidroponik Pada Central Hydroponik Bengkulu2024-09-16T10:57:32+00:00Sinta Dian Puspitasintadiancurup@gmail.comEska Prima Moniqueds.monique@gmail.comYanto Effendisintadiancurup@gmail.comSuswanti<p>Macroeconomic changes in Indonesia have encouraged investors' interest in investing in business sectors that are not dominated by imported components. Profit potential and specific segment selection create competition between manufacturers and high standards of cooperation set by retailers. Manufacturers must be able to produce products that are high quality, uniform, clean, attractive, able to supply continuously according to demand and other requirements. Central Hydroponil Bengkulu is Sumardi's hydroponic plant cultivation and is cultivated on one hectare of land, located on Jalan Karbela RT 01, RW 01 Padang Jati Village. Referring to the full commercialization aspect that characterizes management's business, the success of this hydroponic business can be achieved if management's attention is not focused only on the production side, but also on the marketing side. Marketing at Central Hydroponics Bengkulu is done in several ways, including joining a community or association, selling directly to the market, selling directly from the garden, using social media, joining the marketplace.</p>2024-09-16T10:57:31+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Penerapan Manajemen Keuangan Guna Mengatasi Hambatan Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat di RT.11 RW.04 Kelurahan Surabaya Kota Bengkulu2024-12-09T05:54:29+00:00Yudi Irawan Wijayaermy.wijaya04@gmail.comAyu Januarsihayujanuarsih2501@gmail.comTri Febrina Melindatrifebrina26@gmail.comLydia Gustina<p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Definition of Financial Management according to J.L. Massie Financial management is an operational activity that is responsible for obtaining and using the funds needed for effective and efficient operations. The application of financial management in the scope of community life is also very necessary for the development of the community's economy. However, there are still many people who have obstacles to their economic development due to a lack of understanding and knowledge about good and correct financial management. Therefore, our Unived Management lecturer and student service team provides knowledge and understanding of the Financial Management System which aims to overcome obstacles to community economic development. The method we use is socialization in the form of discussions, and delivering material to several local residents as representatives of the community where we carry out our service. The results of our service have very helpful benefits for the community who are the object of our socialization</em></p>2024-09-16T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kegiatan Pembuatan Oralit Untuk Pencegahan Dehidrasi Pada Kasus Diare Di Batu Urip Lubuklinggau Utara II2024-09-16T11:10:59+00:00Siti Roba’ahsitirobaah15@gmail.comRohana Rohanaanama2adit@gmail.comSiska Avrianisiska.avriani@gmail.comRinaldi Rinaldirinaldi130600@gmail.comMiftahul Jannahhuljannahm477@gmail.comLiya Lugita<p>Diarrhea is still a public health problem in developing countries such as Indonesia, because morbidity and mortality are still high. The research results show that hand washing habits have a significant influence on the incidence of diarrhea. By washing hands and how to deal with it by making ORS to prevent the transmission of diarrhea, it is hoped that the public will understand the factors related to the occurrence of diarrhea, the public will understand what the causes of diarrhea are, and how to treat diarrhea itself. Most of the causes of diarrhea are pathogenic microorganisms which are spread via the fecal-oral route via contaminated food or water or are transmitted between humans through close contact (for example in child care settings). Lack of clean water, overcrowded living, poor hygiene, malnutrition and poor sanitation are the main risk factors, especially for contracting pathogenic bacterial or parasitic infections. The aim is to increase public knowledge about the causes of diarrheal diseases. Based on the results of interviews with the people of Batu Urip sub-district, the problem is the low level of public knowledge about the causes of diarrhea. To overcome the problems faced, namely implementing PHBS and washing hands properly and correctly along with the method of making ORS.</p>2024-09-16T11:10:57+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Penggunaan Terapi Uap dengan Aromaterapi Minyak Kayu Putih (Eucalyptus Oil) Pada Anak dengan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) Di RT 01 Kelurahan Batu Urip Kota Lubuklinggau2024-09-16T11:36:33+00:00Widya Aprilia Ningsihwaprilia314@gmail.comEni Meiriaenymayria@gmail.comMelingga ZulfianaIngga2405@gmail.comIing Pratiwiiingpratiwi799@gmail.comLovi Martinilovimartini1265@gmail.comTaufianie<p>ARI is still the main cause of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases in the world. According to 2020 World Health Organization (WHO) data, it is known that there were 1,988 cases of ISPA in toddlers aged 1-5 years with a prevalence of 42.91%. In Indonesia, ARI always ranks as the first cause of death in infants and toddlers. ISPA also often occupies the list of the 10 most common diseases in hospitals and health centers. ISPA disease in developing countries accounts for 25% of deaths in children, especially babies aged less than two months. Indonesia is one of the developing countries with the highest number of ISPA cases. Data from 2021-2023, ISPA continues to increase and has reached 200 thousand cases. According to data from the Megang Community Health Center, it was found that the number of toddlers suffering from ISPA in 2023 was 522 children (Megang Health Center Profile, 2023). Based on these problems, the author chose to provide counseling regarding ISPA and a demonstration of steam therapy with eucalyptus oil aromatherapy as an alternative for treating ISPA, especially in toddlers. The outreach and demonstration activities were carried out directly at RT 01, Batu Urip Village, Lubuklinggau City, attended by 31 mothers of toddlers, cadres, sub-district midwives and field CIs. Residents who attended were active and cooperative in the outreach program and demonstration of steam therapy using eucalyptus oil aromatherapy. The participants participated in the extension and demonstration activities actively and enthusiastically, as evidenced by the many participants who asked and answered questions from the extension officers during the question and answer and discussion sessions. After the activity is finished, it is closed by completing the posttest by the participants.</p>2024-09-16T11:36:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Penyuluhan Pemberian Minuman Jahe dan Madu Di Kelurahan Batu Urip RT.01 Kota Lubuklinggau2024-09-16T11:42:34+00:00Ira Maya Sovairasovamaya66@gmail.comDwi Uswatun KhasanahDwiukh01@gmail.comNiken SulistiawatiAyuniken.gc123@gmail.comPutri Ariyaniririyaniputi@gmail.comYuli Darlinayulidarlina171@gmail.comTaufianie<p>Traditional medicine can be used to treat cough in ARI. WHO recommends the use of traditional medicines including herbs in maintaining public health, prevention and treatment of disease, especially for chronic diseases and cancer. Objective: to determine the effect of giving ginger and honey drinks on coughs in toddlers. Method: This type of research is pre-experimental with the research design used is one group pre-test-post test design with a sample of 20 subjects. The instrument used in collecting this data is the respondent'scharacteristic sheet which containsthe name, age, genderalongwiththe observation sheet. Honey ginger therapy intervention was given in the morning and evening for 5 consecutive days with a dose of 1 glass containing 150 ml and 2 teaspoons of pure honey. Result: the results of observations in studies that have been conducted for 5 consecutive days with a frequency of 2x a day obtained a p value of 0.00. Conclusion: There is an Effect of Giving Ginger and Honey Drinks to Ease Coughs in Toddlers.</p>2024-09-16T11:42:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Strategi Pemasaran Produk Melalui Media Sosial Di Toko Arjuna Collection2024-09-16T11:44:41+00:00Izra Putri Apriliaizraaprilia0204@gmail.comAhmad Irawan<p>Arjuna Collection Shop is a shop that operates in the field of school uniform sales services. Employees' knowledge of marketing strategies is very important to increase product sales. Optimizing social media and attractive product branding can expand promotions and attract the attention of schools in Bengkulu City to buy products. This is one of the important points for advancing especially those in the Arjuna Collection Store. Therefore, socialization regarding marketing strategies related to utilization is needed social media as a marketing medium. The products produced by some at the Arjuna Collection Shop still seem unknown to schools in Bengkulu City. The introduction of social media as a marketing strategy is very important considering that technological developments are now starting to advance. Most people now carry out buying and selling transactions via the internet or social media because it is more effective and efficient. For this reason, service activities were carried out for female employees which included providing insight into the socialization of marketing strategies for products via social media at the Arjuna Collection Store for products that could be promoted via social media.</p>2024-09-16T11:44:40+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Jiwa Kewirausahaan Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Motivasi Siswa Smks 1 Pembangunan Kota Bengkulu2024-09-16T11:45:27+00:00Tito Trisna Yantirinatrisnayanti@rocketmail.comFathur<p>Entrepreneurship education at the secondary education level, especially at Vocational High Schools (SMK), has an important role in forming a generation that is able to face the challenges of the modern economy. This education not only prepares students with technical knowledge, but also explores the creative and innovative potential needed in the business world. Entrepreneurship education plays an important role in increasing entrepreneurial motivation and innovation in vocational school students. High motivation is considered the key to success in running a business, while innovation opens up opportunities to face business competition in a unique and effective way. This service was carried out at SMKS 1 for the development of the city of Bengkulu on Friday 7 June 2024. The implementation of this service activity was to carry out socialization about cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit to increase student interest and motivation, where during the socialization there was a question and answer discussion with the students of SMKS 1 for the Development of the city of Bengkulu. This socialization aims to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in students and increase the motivational interest of students at SMKS 1 for the development of Bengkulu City. It is very influential in improving the entrepreneurial spirit from an early age, and increasing relationships and network connections is necessary.</p>2024-09-16T11:45:26+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Literasi Keuangan ( Pengelolaan Uang & Sosialisasi Menabung ) Pada Siswa SDN 24 Kota Bengkulu Sebagai Upaya Pembentukan Karakter Mengelola Keuangan Sejak Dini2024-09-17T02:10:46+00:00Rahma Daniartirahma.daniarti05@gmail.comAhmad Fitrianoyun.fitriano@gmail.comYudi Irawan<p>Financial literacy is an important lesson to teach from an early age. Introducing the value of money and the culture of saving to children can shape wise financial behavior in the future. This socialization discusses the importance of financial literacy for young children. The community service methods applied include problem identification, needs analysis, and implementation of outreach through material presentations, questions and answers, and discussions. The material presented includes basic knowledge about money, the importance of saving, and spending money wisely. The results of the activity showed an increase in students' understanding of money management, the importance of saving, and the ability to distinguish between needs and wants. The aim of this service is to shape the character of children who are able to manage finances from an early age, which is expected to help them in their future adult lives. With this financial literacy outreach, students at SD N 24 Bengkulu City have become smarter and wiser in understanding how to manage their finances.</p>2024-09-17T02:10:44+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengolahan Daun Jambu Biji: Pelatihan Dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat2024-09-17T02:17:42+00:00Yeni HartatiHartatiyeni775@gmail.comMuhammad Imam AlfajarHartatiyeni775@gmail.comMuhammad Idza Al FitrahHartatiyeni775@gmail.comNeri Gustina<p>This research aims to utilize guava leaves, which are rich in bioactive compounds, in making tea as a strategy for economic empowerment of communities in Bengkulu Province. This program involves direct community training in planning, production, and marketing of guava leaf tea. The research sample consisted of residents from five villages in Bengkulu Province, namely Cawang Lama Village, Batu Kalung, Pondok Kelapa, Tanjung Agung, and Air Cool, including around 350 participants who were actively involved in the training. This program integrates material selection, processing, packaging and product innovation. The results show that people not only gain new knowledge and skills but also open up economic opportunities through selling tea products that meet SNI standards. The novelty of this research lies in the development of a guava leaf tea product that is traditionally underutilized, offering sustainable economic and health opportunities for rural communities. This program successfully utilizes local natural resources to create high value-added products that offer significant health benefits and economic potential.</p>2024-09-17T02:17:40+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepada Karyawati Toko Nadia Collection Tentang Pentingnya Manajamen Pemasaran Digital2024-09-17T02:25:04+00:00Jecky FitraJeckyfitrah@gmail.comMuhammad Rahman<p>Nadia Collection Shop is a shop that operates in the field of sales of school children's uniforms, with the best quality. The sales area of the Nadia Collection Shop only serves the Bengkulu city area, with sales techniques displayed at the outlet in the shop. Sales using this technique have not met the target because the sellers are only waiting for sales transactions to occur in shops or outlets so not many schools have ordered. With digital management counseling, it is hoped that employees will be able to promote products widely and make sales easier. This displays product details in detail and produces information on the products being sold. Digital management is a sales system that provides information from several processes including advertising-based sales on social media.</p>2024-09-17T02:25:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Dalam Meningkatkan Skill Berwirausaha Di Seginim Taylor Desa Palak Bengkerung Bengkulu Selatan2024-09-17T02:36:23+00:00Putri Eka Wulandariputriekawulandari@gmail.comYudi Irawan Tri<p>Sewing skills are skills that involve studying techniques for making clothing and household linen from designing, sewing, to finishing. Sewing skills are one of the important skills in everyday life, because they are related to human needs for clothing. Based on the type of problem studied and its objectives, this research is a qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative descriptive research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior (Sugiyono, 2019). The reason this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach is because the problems to be discussed are not related to numbers but are described clearly and in detail and obtain in-depth data from training in improving sewing skills in Palak Bengkrung Village, South Bengkulu. Based on research and presentations that have been carried out regarding improving sewing skills in Palak Bengkrung Village, South Bengkulu. The author can provide the following conclusion: The process of improving sewing skills at Seginim Taylor in improving skills has been going well including: the first, namely the preparation stage consisting of determining identification of training needs, preparing programs, preparing experts, preparing facilities, and conducting outreach. Second, the analysis stage is identifying problems. Third, planning, namely by drawing up plans and schedules, carrying out recruitment, then fourth is implementing the sewing training process. The final one is the evaluation or monitoring stage, namely by testing the participant's competency, which will give results after the participant has taken part in the training, whether they are competent or not competent. The result of increasing skills through sewing training is increasing youth skills and increasing knowledge. Sewing training participants can make clothes and design themselves so they can master what they have been taught during the training.</p>2024-09-17T02:36:21+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Kesadaran Dan Kepatuhan Pajak Kendaraan Di UPTD PPD Seluma2024-09-17T02:40:19+00:00Dwi Kusmita Fitridwikusmitafitri@gmail.comNeri Anggrianiida.anggriani26@gmail.comYun<p>The vehicle tax awareness campaign at UPTD PPD Kabupaten Seluma aims to increase public awareness and compliance in paying vehicle taxes. The methods used include direct counseling sessions, leaflet distribution, and pre-post campaign surveys. The results show a significant increase in public understanding and awareness of the importance of paying vehicle taxes. Active community participation and positive responses to the presented materials confirm the effectiveness of the campaign. Recommendations include the need for continuous and intensified campaigns, the use of more engaging educational media, participatory approaches, optimization of social media, and strengthening cooperation with related agencies. Thus, it is expected that increased public awareness and compliance can support regional revenue growth and contribute to community development and welfare.</p>2024-09-17T02:40:18+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Penjualan Lewat Pemasaran Online Kepada Siswa SMA Negeri 09 Kota Bengkulu2024-09-17T02:45:56+00:00Putra GagasadewaPutrafm66@gmail.comKarona Cahya<p>The community service carried out aims to evaluate the effectiveness of online marketing training in increasing sales, especially among students at SMA Negeri 09 Bengkulu City. This training method is designed to increase their understanding of digital marketing strategies and best practices in achieving sales targets. The research was carried out by collecting data before and after training to assess the increase in students' knowledge and skills in implementing online marketing strategies. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide guidance for educational institutions and industry players to increase the effectiveness of digital marketing education in high schools.</p>2024-09-17T02:45:55+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Meningkatkan Keterampilan Dan Produktivitas Pekerja Pada Kebun Sayur Central Hidroponik Bengkulu2024-09-17T03:00:34+00:00Okta Nurul Hudaoktanurulhud@gmail.comSuswati<p>Agriculture plays an important role in the Indonesian economy, with vegetable plantations being key in meeting people's food needs. The city of Bengkulu, with its geographical potential and favorable climate, offers great opportunities to improve the skills and productivity of vegetable farmers. However, challenges such as limited access to modern technology, lack of technical knowledge, as well as climate change and market dynamics hinder the development of this sector. This research aims to explore strategies to improve the skills and productivity of vegetable farmers in Bengkulu City through education, training, introduction of the latest technology, and development of marketing networks. With a participatory approach involving local farmers, agricultural extension workers and agronomists, the proposed solutions are expected to be relevant and applicable. The research results show that improving skills, applying modern technology and good agricultural practices can significantly increase farmers' productivity and welfare. The implementation of this solution is expected to have a positive impact on the local economy and the sustainability of the agricultural sector in Bengkulu City.</p>2024-09-17T03:00:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##