Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi 2024-03-31T06:54:46+00:00 Hesky Open Journal Systems <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>E-ISSN&nbsp;<a href="">2829-6796</a>&nbsp;</strong></span></div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)</strong></span>&nbsp;adalah jurnal multidisiplin ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dengan menggunakan dua bahasa (Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia). <strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi</span></strong>&nbsp;merupakan jurnal yang bertaraf nasional yang memiliki fokus utama pada pengembangan ilmu-ilmu di bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat&nbsp; terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Maret dan September.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;">Lingkup bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat antara lain meliputi pelatihan, pemasaran, keamanan pangan lokal, Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG), desain, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan,&nbsp;Transfer Teknologi, Globalisasi dan Transformasi Sosial, Pengembangan Kompetensi dan Kewirausahaan, Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Rekayasa Sosial, Manajemen Konflik, dan Literasi Informasi Digital.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi</strong></span>, berisi berbagai kegiatan Mahasiswa dan Dosen sebagian besar di Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dalam menangani dan mengelola berbagai potensi, hambatan, tantangan, dan masalah yang ada di masyarakat. Implementasi kegiatan layanan juga melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan mitra. Kegiatan pelayanan diorganisasikan menjadi kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</div> Sosialisasi Strategi Umkm Dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Ekonomi Melalui Diversifikasi Pangan Lempuk Durian Di Anggut Bengkulu 2024-03-31T03:41:17+00:00 Tito Irwanto Iswidana Utama Putra Amalia Wahyuni Wagini Wagini Ida Ayu Made Er Meytha Gayatri <p><em>MSMEs have a very important role to improve the economy of a country. With the existence of MSMEs, it is able to facilitate the government in pursuing economic growth. In Indonesia, the number of MSMEs continues to increase every year, people who have an interest in business and business will establish MSMEs that are able to increase economic growth in their area. Bengkulu is a province that has also experienced an increase in MSMEs, there is a lot of potential in Bengkulu province so that it can be used as a business or business activity by the community, one of which is the management of durian fruit into durian lempuk in the Angut area of Bengkulu. In improving the efforts that have been made by the community, it is also necessary for people who are creative and innovative in developing their business so that they are able to compete globally so that durian lempuk can become an icon as a typical food of the Bengkulu province. the purpose of this service is to socialize to the community and motivate them to continue to increase the potential of the region so that they are able to create quality and growing&nbsp;MSMEs.</em></p> 2024-03-31T03:00:24+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengabdian Diversifikasi Olahan Ikan Slengek 2024-03-31T03:41:21+00:00 Andwini Prasetya Ana Nurmalia Yossie Yumiati Ririn Afriani Resta Purnamasari <p><em>Kawasan Kota Tuo is one of the coastal areas in Bengkulu City. Most of the livelihoods of the residents of Kawasan Kota Tuo are fishermen. One of the fish that many fishermen get from Tuo City is slengek fish. Slengek fish is a typical fish from the Bengkulu region which is usually obtained in large quantities. However, this fish has a fairly cheap price, which is around Rp. 5000, -/Kg. So it is necessary to have information and processing technology that can add added value and shelf life. Therefore, training and counseling were held on the processing of dimsum and nuggets made from slengek fish. After the service was carried out in Kawasan Kota Tuo, the community had obtained information and knowledge about the technology for processing slengek fish into products that have added value, namely dimsum and nuggets and the community had received digital marketing counseling that had never been received before and through this training partners were guided how to use social media as a forum for the promotion of its products so that it is expected to be a stimulant of economic growth.</em></p> 2024-03-31T03:02:38+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Proses Produksi Dan Saluran Distribusi Produk Rumah Babe 2024-03-31T03:41:25+00:00 Ifan Caesar Ramadhan Tiken Ahiriansyah Nana Maharani <p><br><em>The Community Service Partner in this activity is the Babe House Production Business whose business is engaged in the milk jelly business, having its address at Jl Zainul Arifin Gg Mandiri no 25 RT 01 RW 01 Padang Nangka Singaran Pati Bengkulu City. The production of processed jelly milk products is carried out conventionally and is a product that is in great demand by the general public. The socialization carried out by students in the production process is also a way that can be used as an example for the wider community to be able to make or produce jelly milk business products so that it becomes a positive thing for the community and students also make this a lesson or knowledge for them processing of this jelly milk. The socialization of production is carried out by observing and participating in the process of making jelly milk from the beginning of the process until the jelly milk is ready to be sold.</em></p> 2024-03-31T03:05:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemanfaatan Internet of Thing Dalam Dunia Pendidikan Sekolah Menegah Atas Negeri 1 Kepahiang 2024-03-31T03:41:29+00:00 Yessi Mardiana Toibah Umi Kalsum Prahasti Prahasti Achmad Fikri Sallaby Agung Pradana Iskandar <p><em>The relationship between technology and education has been going on for quite a long time. The use of information and communication technology for learning is increasingly developing. With the idea of ​​developing the internet of things (IoT), the use of technology for learning is increasingly showing significant progress. As a consequence, life activities are very dependent on the Internet, one of which is carrying out the education process. Considering the enormous potential for development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, knowledge about this technology and how to use it in everyday life is very necessary. SMAN 1 Kepahyang has development potential in utilizing IoT technology, but requires training in its use in education. For this reason, the Faculty of Computer Science, Dehasen University, Bengkulu conducted community service regarding IoT technology to students at SMAN 1 Kepahyang. Material related to IoT is provided in stages from introduction to practical use of IoT in everyday life. The results of the training show that the students gained knowledge about how to use IoT in education</em></p> 2024-03-31T03:16:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelatihan Penggunaan Software Geogebra Bagi Guru MTSN 2 Bengkulu Tengah 2024-03-31T03:41:33+00:00 Jumiati Siska Diah Selviani Asnawati Asnawati Fallela Rohma Saputra Monica Indah Lestari <p>The proposed Community Service (PKM) is "Training and Assistance in Using Geogebra Software for MTsN 2 Central Bengkulu Teachers. This activity is carried out in order to prepare mathematics teachers' knowledge about mathematics software with the Merdeka curriculum and with the rapid development of digital information technology which is starting to enter education World. On this basis, teachers are also required to improve their abilities in the IT field in an effort to support an effective learning process in the current digital era. PKM activity partner at MTsN 2 Central Bengkulu. Teachers at these schools will be given training in using Geogebra software. The specific target to be achieved in this PKM is that mathematics teachers at these partners are able to operate Geogebra software and make Geogebra a learning medium and are able to operate computers as a learning medium so that facilities such as computer labs and others can be used by all teachers at MTsN 2 Central Bengkulu.</p> 2024-03-31T03:17:28+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelatihan Pembuatan Dokumen Ekspor pada PT Pacific Express Cargo 2024-03-31T03:41:38+00:00 Ni Luh Putu Widhiastuti Ni Luh Srimeliani <p><em>In export activities, several documents are required to be prepared so that export activities can run smoothly without any obstacles. Some of the export documents required for export activities are Invoice/Packing list, Certificate of Origin, and PEB. PT Pacific Express Cargo is a company operating in the export-import and freight forwarding sector which is located on Jalan Hang Tuah No. 1-3X Denpasar. Errors and delays in the process of making export documents at PT. Pacific Express Cargo occurs frequently, which results in delays in export activities. Therefore, this activity is carried out with the aim of minimizing the occurrence of errors and delays in making export documents. The approach methods used are counseling, training and utilization. The result of this activity is that employees in the export documents section at PT. Pacific Express Cargo is able to make documents well so that errors and delays that occur in making export documents can be minimized and document section employees can work optimally.</em></p> 2024-03-31T03:20:06+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sambut Tahun Baru Belajar Investasi Seru Bersama Siswa/i SMKN Negeri 3 Bengkulu Tengah 2024-03-31T03:41:42+00:00 Yun Fitriano Yesi Indian Ariska Dennis Rydarto Tambunan Oni Yulianti Dewi Harwini <p>Technological changes and developments must be utilized by all groups, not only for consumption but can be used as a tool for investment, investment in this case is stock and capital market investment which can be done by all groups, including students. The problem that occurs at SMKN 3 Central Bengkulu is that students and teachers do not yet fully understand investment in the capital and stock markets. With this problem, the community service team consisting of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dehasen University, Bengkulu, in collaboration with the Indonesian Stock Exchange, representatives of Bengkulu, provided material regarding the capital and stock markets. The solution that the community service team can provide at SMKN 3 Central Bengkulu is to provide assistance in operating the applicationProfits Anywhere which has been downloaded by students and teachers on their respective smartphones. In this case, the method used is preparation, observation and presentation of the FGD. With this activity, students and teachers understand more about capital and stock market transactions and the importance of cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit in life and will later be able to gain profits without just relying on job vacancies from the government and private sectors.</p> 2024-03-31T03:21:52+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Eksplorasi Keindahan alam dan budaya Melalui Study Tour ke Pura Tanah Lot, Bali 2024-03-31T03:41:47+00:00 Jeni Vegas Tamah Abdul Wahid Rafid Ula Penta Dewantara Dewantara Indra Kanedi <p><em>Study tour is one of the effective ways to directly learn about the natural beauty and culture of a region. This journal documents our experiences during a study tour to Tanah Lot, Bali. We explored the natural wonders, got to know the local culture, and felt the warmth of the local community. By combining direct experiences and deep reflections, we were able to enrich our understanding of the cultural richness and natural beauty of Bali.</em></p> 2024-03-31T03:29:58+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Menggali Kemampuan Anak Melaui Progresif Learning 2024-03-31T03:41:51+00:00 Ela Pebriani Rika Partikasari Syisva Nurwita Yani Ramadhani Leni Merdiana <p>Progressive learning is one of the schools of education that applies progressivism in the education system. This way of learning was born as a correction to the formal education system which was considered rigid and very traditional. This learning assumes that education must be based on the nature of humans as social creatures who learn best when they are in real life situations. The implementation of this PKM aims to educate PAUD teachers in the Alas Maras Seluma area to explore children's abilities through progressive learning.</p> 2024-03-31T03:36:27+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pendampingan Turnamen Sepakbola Putri Mahasiswa Dehasen Bengkulu 2024-03-31T03:41:54+00:00 Dody Ertanto Dwingki Marta Putra <p><em>Dehasen University is one of the private universities in Bengkulu City. Dehasen University has a Physical Education Study Program, which is where competent and outstanding PJOK teachers are born. In Physical Education there are many courses that include both practical and non-practical, one of the practical courses is the football course, football courses are always available in every 1st and 2nd semester, with so many classes in the Physical Education Study Program that competitions are held between classes . It is hoped that holding competitions or tournaments between classes will have a good impact on students, especially students of the Physical Education Study Program. In this tournament, students will manage the competition so that it can run smoothly and the tournament held by the Physical Education Study Program will be held on the football field. Pancasila Islamic Boarding School involving Physical Education Study Program Lecturers. so that community service was carried out by Dehasen University lecturers with the theme: Mentoring the Dehasen Bengkulu Student Women's Football Tournament.</em></p> 2024-03-31T03:40:53+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Inovasi Produk Olahan Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) Berupa Jamur Krispi Di Desa Kelidang Atas 2024-03-31T06:27:15+00:00 Falius Bahri Syaputra Deri Deri Elpera Rosianti <p><em>Every main commodity owned by a village should be developed so that it becomes a superior commodity with further manufactured products to increase the selling value of these commodities so that the echoes of the Superior Commodity-Based Village program do not only become discourse, but can be realized not only by villagers but all elements of society. including academic intellectuals such as lecturers and students. At the Student Community Service (PMM) the Faculty of Agriculture team conducted outreach to villagers regarding packaging, as well as calculating HPP from SJM as a red ginger processed product to increase the selling value of red ginger as a potential commodity from Kelindang Atas Village.</em></p> 2024-03-31T06:27:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Edukasi Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Dengan Budidaya Sayuran Di Lingkungan Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Harapan Bengkulu 2024-03-31T06:54:46+00:00 Nanda Andini Muhammad Fikry Rahma Yunita Bayu Dwi Prasetya Bahari Muhammad Firmansyah Zukhruf <p>The Bina Remaja Harapan Social Shelter in the city of Bengkulu serves as a residence and learning center for children who are mostly abandoned by their parents. Through observation, it is evident that the utilization of backyard land is not yet optimal despite having sufficient space. This service project aims to teach the process and benefits of utilizing backyard land for vegetable cultivation. The method employed is participatory learning, where the team teaches and engages the participants in practical activities. The results show an improvement in the practical understanding of the shelter's children regarding planting techniques, maintenance, and the benefits of urban agriculture. Selected vegetable crops such as eggplants, mustard greens, spinach, water spinach, tomatoes, and chilies can be produced at an affordable cost.</p> 2024-03-31T06:54:45+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##