Journal Of Dehasen Educational Review 2024-03-29T07:23:04+00:00 Dr. Lina Tri Astuti B. Sembiring Open Journal Systems <div class="paragraph"> <h2 id="focusandscope">Focus and Scope</h2> <p>e-ISSN <a href="">2721-2505</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Dehasen Educational Review - JDER is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal publishing an academic article in the scope of Education including Education Management and Administration; Curriculum Development; Media and Teaching Material Development; Pre-School Education; Primary Education; Middle School Education; High School and Higher Education; Communication and Informatics Technolgy based Education Development also Subject Matter Development. JDER is published by the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu. JDER is published every four months each year (March; July and November).</p> <hr></div> Cultivating Early Childhood Religious Morals in Loving and Loving Allah Swt's Creation in Tk Alam Kreasi Edukasi Bandar Lampung 2024-03-29T07:17:40+00:00 S. Sekar Nur Cahyani Sulistianah Sulistianah T. Dewantari Herpratiwi Herpratiwi <p>This study aims to describe the religious moral instillation of early childhood in loving and caring for Allah creation and to find out the factors that cause children to have the behavior of instilling religious morals in early childhood in loving and caring for Allah creation in Kindergarten Alam Kreasi Education Way Halim Bandar LampungThis research is a research using descriptive qualitative method. Sources of research data obtained from primary data and secondary data. The researcher obtained primary data from the results of interviews with school principals and class B teachers at Alam Kreasi Education Kindergarten and observations of children's behavior related to love for the school environment. Secondary data was obtained from the results of documentation, in the form of photos and videos of children's behavior towards the environment in Alam Kreasi Edukasi Kindergarten. The data obtained is then collected, reduced, described, tested for the validity of the data and concluded. The results showed that the inculcation of religious morals in early childhood at the Alam Kreasi Edukasi Kindergarten, Way Halim Bandar Lampung at grade B level was going well. most of the children have shown that there are no children who do not yet have behavior that reflects the religious morals of early childhood in loving and caring for Allah creation. This behavior is shown in several actions, namely the child always takes care of the environment, cares, is honest, polite, respects the surrounding environment, maintains personal hygiene, helps care for plants and does not act rudely to animals at school.</p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Permainan Tradisional Egrang Batok Kelapa Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Dini Di Kelompok B TK Padma Mandiri Bandar Lampung Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023 2024-03-29T07:20:25+00:00 Juliyanti Juliyanti Ahmad Tohir Hetty Anggraini Qomario Qomario <p>Gross motor development in early childhood plays an important role in the process of their growth and development, one way to improve gross motor development is through playing. The traditional game of coconut shell stilts has the potential to provide useful motoric stimulus for early childhood. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the traditional game of coconut shell stilts on gross motor development of group B early childhood at Padma Mandiri Kindergarten Kedaton Bandar Lampung in the 2022/2023 school year. This research is a quantitative research in the form of One-Group Pretest-Posttest Designs experiments. The population of this study amounted to 12 children. Determination of the sample was carried out using saturated sampling, as many as 12 children. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, documentation, and tests. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be seen that based on the calculation of the t test, it is obtained that t count is 17.683 which is greater than t table 2.201 and it is determined that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted because t count &gt; t table, namely 17.683 &gt; 2.201. So it can be proven that there is a significant influence between playing stilts on the gross motor development of children aged 5-6 years.</p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EVALUASI PROSES PEMBELAJARAN PJOK DI SMK AGRIBISNIS KOTA BENGKULU 2024-03-28T08:18:35+00:00 Ilham Lahia Feby Elra Perdima Ajis Sumantri <p>This study aims to determine the implementation of evaluation in the learning of Physical Education, Sports, and Health at Agribusiness Vocational Schools in Bengkulu City. This research is a descriptive research. The method used is a survey with data collection techniques using a questionnaire in the form of a closed questionnaire. The subjects in this study were PJOK students at SMKN Agribusiness Bengkulu City. Data analysis techniques using quantitative descriptive analysis as outlined in the form of percentages. The results showed that the implementation of the PJOK evaluation at the Agribusiness Vocational School of Bengkulu City based on the assessment aspect factors in PJOK learning was in the category of "very poor" at 0% (0 teachers), "poor" at 33.33% (8 teachers), "adequate" at 25.00% (6 teachers), "good" at 25.00% (7 teachers), and "very good" at 16.67% (4 teachers). The conclusion of the research evaluation of physical education learning is in the Less category.</p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Importance of Digital Literacy in Improving Students' Skills in English 2024-03-28T08:20:28+00:00 Dhanu Ario Putra Merry Rullyanti <p><em>Pandemic Indonesia believes that Indonesians still experience "technology stuttering", especially in the education sector, where technology is scarce due to the availability of technological equipment. The phenomenon of pandemic situations makes online learning difficult for teachers and students because they do not have enough skills to implement online learning. This affects the quality of the learning process and the results of students in school, especially in English subjects. The purpose of this study is to observe the digital literacy skills of high school students in Bengkulu. This study was based on descriptive qualitative semi-structured interviews to investigate 21 students. The use of digital literacy in learning English was used in those interviews, and the results of the interviews are discussed in the journal. Digital literacy is a student's ability to search for information on the Internet. In addition, digital literacy allows students to choose information carefully. This study shows the student's ability to find appropriate information in their English material. In addition, this study explains the importance of digital literacy, especially for ESL students, and how to use English digital literacy in the post-pandemic situation in Indonesia.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Paired Lower Passing Exercises on the Improvement of Lower Passing in Volleyball Games at Iqra High School, Bengkulu City 2024-03-29T07:21:29+00:00 Hifdi Mualim Al Habibaen <p>This study aims to determine the effect of underhand passing exercises on the ability of underhand passing techniques at IQRA High School volleyball club Bengkulu City. This research method is an experimental research that uses a one group pretest posttest design. The population of this study were the 14 children of the IQRA SMA Club volleyball athletes in Bengkulu City. The test instrument used to measure lower passing ability is a modified braddy volley ball test. Data analysis techniques using hypothesis testing with t-test analysis. The results showed that there was an effect of underhand passing training on the ability of underhand passing technique at IQRA High School volleyball club Bengkulu City, with a t count of 6.996 and t table of 2.160 with a p significance value of 0.000. Because t count is 6.996&gt; t table is 2.160, the significance value is 0.000 &lt;0.05 and the percentage increase is 6.21%.)</p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Kemampuan Lari Jarak Pendek Pada Siswa Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta 01 Lebong 2024-03-29T07:22:20+00:00 Miftahur Rezeki Rizky Feby Elra Perdima Deffri Anggara <p>Running is an accelerated step so that when running there is a tendency for the body to float. This means that when running, both feet do not touch the ground or at least when the feet remain on the ground Handoyo in Jafar (2022: 8).Running numbers are numbers that are referred to as non-technical, because running is a relatively simple natural activity when compared to pole vault numbers or hammer throw numbers (Sidik, 2014: 1). The method in a study is needed to measure whether or not the assessment will be carried out by a researcher. So it is expected that with a good and correct research method will get coherent and accurate results. This type of research is a qualitative approach. The method used in this research is descriptive method. According to Sukardi (2016: 52) descriptive method is a method used to describe and interpret objects as they are. In this study, the descriptive method was used to obtain a description of the short distance running ability of Class V students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta 01 Lebong. The method used in this research is descriptive method. According to Sukardi (2016: 52) descriptive method is a method used to describe and interpret objects as they are. In this study, the descriptive method was used to obtain a description of the short distance running ability of Class V students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta 01 Lebong. Based on the research data for the speed score, it was found that the highest score was 3.52 and the lowest score was 5.95. From the data analysis, the mean was 4.59, the standard deviation was 0.60, the median was 4.78, and the mode was 4.92.&nbsp; Based on the calculations listed in Table 4, it can be seen that: 5 people or (8.7%) were in the interval class 3.52-3.96, 11 people or (47.83%) were in the interval class 4.42-4.86, 6 people or (26.08%) were in the interval class 4.87-5.31, and 1 person or (4.35%) was in the interval class 5.77-6.21. Running will feel heavier than running on a flat area or on a real track. Therefore, when running training feels heavy, it will feel light when running on the real track, so that it can improve students' 50 meter running ability and can create better running travel times.</p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Tingkat Keterampilan Servis Atas Pada Siswa/Siswi Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli Di Mts Negeri 01 Kabupaten Lebong 2024-03-29T07:23:04+00:00 Sony Apriyanto Feby Elra Perdima Ajis Sumantri <p>Volleyball is a team net game that is fun, interesting, and doesn't require a lot of money to play. Volleyball game is played by two teams, each team has six players. Volleyball games can be played both inside and outside the field. The goal of playing volleyball is to keep the ball moving over a high net from one area to the opponent's area. The research method used in this research is descriptive research. The research method used in this study is a survey with a test. This research is a study conducted on independent variables, namely without making comparisons or connecting with other variables. The variable in this study is a single variable, namely the level of service skills in playing volleyball. The skill level of playing volleyball is the degree of consistent success in achieving a goal effectively and efficiently by students. In volleyball skills which consist of service, underpass, upper pass, smash and block. The research sample used was 30 students who took part in extracurricular activities at MTS Negeri 01 Lebong Regency. The results of this study To measure the ability to serve on volleyball extracurricular students at MTS Negeri 01 Lebong, a service test was carried out on 30 samples. The highest score is 25, the lowest score is 11, the mean is 17.63, the median is 18.5, the mode is 19 and the standard deviation is 4.08. The results of the analysis of the data obtained from the over serve test data on volleyball extracurricular students at MTS Negeri 01 Lebong obtained that the most over serve test results were in the medium category with an average of 17.63. The ability to serve volleyball extracurricular students at MTS Negeri 01 Lebong which is in the very good category is 3 people (10%), good category is 6 people (20%), and the medium category is 10 people (33%), and the poor category is 10 people ( 33%), and the very poor category is 1 person (4%). Based on the results of this study, it shows that the service ability of the volleyball extracurricular students at MTS Negeri 01 Lebong. Overall is in the medium category. This situation shows that the level of top serve ability can be a capital to play volleyball well.</p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN MEDIA AJAR BERBASIS VIDEO TUTORIAL TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN INFORMATIKA DI KELAS X SMK S 10 KOTA BENGKULU 2024-03-29T07:14:07+00:00 Apriansyah Putra Diah Selviani Yenni Fitria <p>This study aims (1) to find out how the Utilization of Video Tutorial-Based Teaching Media Against Students’ Learning Outcomes in Informatics Subject in Class X at SMK S 10, Bengkulu City. (2) to find out how the use of video tutorial-based teaching media on students’ learning outcomes in informatics subject in class X at SMK S 10, Bengkulu City. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, tests and questionnaires. The samples in this study were the students of class X Access Network Engineering. The results of this study are based on the results of observations, questionnaires, and tests conducted, that the use of tutorial-based video learning media has a positive impact on learning informatics for class X students. Teachers who use this media are able to manage classes better and pay attention to students who not focus while watching the learning video. The majority of students, namely 98% (41% strongly agreed and 57% agreed), gave a positive response to the use of video tutorial-based teaching media. The enthusiasm of students in participating in the learning process with this media was also a positive indicator. Student learning outcomes also showed the success of using video tutorial-based teaching media. The range of scores obtained by students ranges from 76 to 100, with the lowest score exceeding the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) set, namely 75. This shows that the students are able to achieve the standards set in informatics subjects with the help of video-based teaching media tutorials.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-29T07:14:06+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##