Jurnal Gotong Royong 2024-10-05T09:48:51+00:00 Dr. Karona Cahya Susena Open Journal Systems <p><strong>e ISSN&nbsp;<a href="">3048-0744</a></strong></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Gotong Royong </strong>is Journal of Community Service<strong> . </strong>This journal is managed by the Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu. To publish articles of service that have been carried out in order to inspire and benefit the wider community.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Digital Facebook Sayuran Kangkung Di Bengkulu Tengah 2024-10-05T08:40:50+00:00 Esi Rusminita Siti Hanila <p>in increasing interest in entrepreneurship for the community. starting a business through technological advances and being ready to face business opportunities in the digital era This Community Service Activity is entitled "Digital Entrepreneurship Training Facebook Vegetables Kangkung in Central Bengkulu which involves several communities. This activity is carried out with the aim of providing knowledge and training about Digital Entrepreneurship where the development of digital technology opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurship and society. However, it is lacking. skills and even education which makes there are still many obstacles when starting a business. This activity is filled with explanations so that they can have an understanding of digital entrepreneurship.The results of this activity show that digital entrepreneurship training is very effective.</p> 2024-10-05T08:40:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Program Kaliber (Kawal Pemilu Bersih) Di Kelurahan Koto Panjang Kota Padang Panjang 2024-10-05T08:45:48+00:00 Aryo Yasya Rachma Sukmareni Sukmareni <p><em>This research aims to analyze the Clean Election Guard Program implemented in Koto Panjang Subdistrict, Padang Panjang Timur District, Padang Panjang City which focuses on discussing the form of socialization carried out and the obstacles encountered in guarding the 2024 Election. The research method used is field research with a qualitative approach. Data sources include primary data sources obtained directly from the field and secondary data sources from books, journals and scientific articles. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews and documentation. The collected data was then analyzed using qualitative data analysis methods. The results of this research conclude that the Clean Election Guard (Kaliber) Program in Koto Panjang Subdistrict, Padang Panjang Timur District, Padang Panjang City has been running effectively and efficiently in accordance with the desired objectives, namely to oversee the implementation of the 2024 Election which is honest, fair, clean and democratic.</em></p> 2024-10-05T08:45:47+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sosialisasi Pembuatan Kerajinan Bingkai Foto Untuk Menumbuhkan Kreativitas Berwirausaha Pada Anak-anak Di SDN 24 Kota Bengkulu 2024-10-05T09:06:57+00:00 Rina Ardiana Ida Anggriani Eska Prima Monique Damarsiwi Yanto Effendi <p>The aim of this Community Service Activity is to increase the creativity of children at SD Negeri 24 Bengkulu City by socializing the making of handicrafts from rice paper to foster entrepreneurial creativity. The material provided is about the positive activity of making handicrafts from rice paper so that it can open up insight that handicrafts can also be used as a business opportunity from an early age. The technique and method for implementing Community Service activities used is socialization. Techniques for implementing Community Service activities used by 25 students at SDN 24 Bengkulu City. This Community Service activity is in the form of a scientific article published in the Dehasen Scientific Journal for the Nation. It is hoped that this activity will be useful and increase knowledge and understanding for children at SDN 24 Bengkulu City.</p> 2024-10-05T09:06:56+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Digital Platform Tiktok Untuk Menumbuhkan Jiwa Minat Berwirausaha Siswa SMAN 9 Kota Bengkulu 2024-10-05T09:11:13+00:00 Dea Saharani Kamelia Astuty Siti Hanila Aji Sudarsono <p>This Community Service Activity is entitled "Digital Entrepreneurship Training on the Tiktok Platform to Cultivate the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Students of SMK Negeri 1 Bengkulu City" which involves students of SMA Negeri 9. This activity is carried out with the aim of providing knowledge and training about Digital Entrepreneurship where development Digital technology opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs, including students of SMA Negeri 9 Bengkulu City. However, the lack of skills and even education means that there are still many obstacles when you want to start a business. This activity contains material as well as discussions and even a question and answer system between SMA Negeri 9 students and the presenters so that they can have an understanding of digital entrepreneurship. The results of this activity show that digital entrepreneurship training is very effective in increasing the entrepreneurial interest of vocational school students and students. It is hoped that students can develop interests and skills to start a business through technological advances and be ready to face business opportunities in the digital era</p> 2024-10-05T09:11:12+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Konsentrasi Bekerja Melalui Brain Gym dan Ice Breaker pada Karyawan 2024-10-05T09:18:02+00:00 Eka Rizki Meiwinda Muhammad Fadhli Vania Christosye Br. Kalit <p>These intervention was carried out on employees of PT. P. The assessment results show that employees such as Seed Production Unit employees have concentration that needs to be improved. After investigating, several causes of concentration problems among employees include visual distraction, auditory distraction, work overload which results in employee fatigue, and demotivation. Then the intervention is in the form of providing a brain gym with several movements that can increase concentration including sipping water, cross crawl, neck rolls, thinking caps, brain button, arm and leg activation, back cross crawl, gravity glider, calf pump, hooks up and ice breaker which trains employee focus for work. The intervention carried out provided significant results in reducing errors in counting sprouts made by employees. This also shows that employee concentration has increased significantly.</p> 2024-10-05T09:18:01+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sosialisasi Meningkatkan Penghasilan Menggunakan Media Sosial Ibu Rumah Tangga di Majelis Taklim (Lingkar Barat) Masjid Al - Muttahid 2024-10-05T09:20:12+00:00 Okta Feranica Annisa Nenden Restu Hidayah Sulisti Afriani Ida Anggriani <p>Socialization activities at the Al-Muttahid Mosque (West Circle) Islamic boarding school aim to empower housewives with digital marketing skills that can increase family income. This socialization includes a basic understanding of digital marketing, use of major digital platforms such as social media and online marketplaces, as well as effective marketing strategies. Through a practical approach and case studies, it is hoped that participants can apply the knowledge gained to promote their products or services more widely and efficiently. The results of this activity are expected to improve housewives' digital marketing skills, expand market reach, and ultimately increase family income. This research uses participatory methods with direct observation and interviews to evaluate the effectiveness of this socialization</p> 2024-10-05T09:20:11+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pembelajaran Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kkn-Ppm : Pentingnya Menjaga Kesehatan Dengan Berolahraga 2024-10-05T09:22:35+00:00 Weta Ramadany Mega puspitasari Teten Oktasari Hendro Setia Pratama Hengky Tranado <p>Activities of the Community Empowerment Learning-Real Work Lecture Program (KKN-PPM). Real Work Lecture Activities (KKN) are field activities for students taking the final part of the Bachelor's/D4/Applied Bachelor's education program. This program In fact, it is mandatory for all students, because the university believes that this program is able to encourage student empathy and can contribute to solving problems in society. Pagar Gading Village has an area of ​​120 Ha, located in Pino Raya District, South Bengkulu Regency, with 339 heads of families and a population of 1.546 people. From the demographic data obtained with the number of elderly people numbering 187 people, the elderly exercise program carried out by Dehasen University KKN students is a good activity to maintain the health of the elderly in the village of Pagar Gading. when collecting data using primary data obtained from the results of questionnaires announced to the public and secondary data data obtained from the Pagar Gading Community Health Center.&nbsp; The method for evaluating the implementation of the Real Work Lecture (KKN) activity program is reviewed from the sustainability of the program's effectiveness, the sustainability of the program on the targets of each work program.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-10-05T09:22:33+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pendampingan Strategi Pemasaran Produk Minuman Juice Float Cream di Kawasan Kota 2024-10-05T09:25:15+00:00 Tri Lestari Tito Irwanto Karona Cahya Susena Sri Handayani Desti Rupita Sari <p>In a country, the economy depends on the efforts made by its people. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are businesses that have an important role in Indonesia's economic growth. One of the MSME sectors that is often found in urban areas is MSMEs in the beverage sector. This community service (PKM) activity was carried out with the MSME partner Juice Float Cream in the city area. In this activity the aim is to provide motivation for MSMEs to improve marketing so that they can increase income. This service activity is carried out using providing material regarding financial management and digital marketing as well as strategies that must be implemented by MSMEs. The conclusion from this service is that MSMEs need assistance in terms of product marketing assistance in both online and offline markets.</p> 2024-10-05T09:25:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemanfaatan Platform Shopee Dalam Meningkatkan UMKM Di Desa Air Putih 2024-10-05T09:28:21+00:00 Desti Rupita Sari Cindy Aprilia Resti Ulandari M. Ikhawan Mahmudi Yudi Irawan Abi <p>The&nbsp; use&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; shopee&nbsp; platfrom&nbsp; in&nbsp; improving&nbsp; MSME&nbsp; in&nbsp; Air&nbsp; Putih&nbsp; village&nbsp; aims&nbsp; to&nbsp; provide&nbsp; understanding&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; community&nbsp; regarding&nbsp; the&nbsp; benefits&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Shopee&nbsp; application&nbsp; and&nbsp; is&nbsp; expected&nbsp; to&nbsp; encourage&nbsp; or&nbsp; advance&nbsp; MSME&nbsp; in&nbsp; Air&nbsp; Putih&nbsp; village,&nbsp; Margasakti&nbsp; Sebelat&nbsp; Sub-district,&nbsp; North&nbsp; Bengkulu&nbsp; District..</p> 2024-10-05T09:28:19+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Edukasi Anti-Bullying untuk Meningkatkan keterampilan Berprilaku Positif pada SMA Negri 9 Kota Bengkulu 2024-10-05T09:33:07+00:00 Dea Alesia Putri Yudi Irawan Abi Ermy Wijaya Yudi Ariantara <p>The aim of carrying out this Community Service is to educate the community, especially school children, in socializing to increase understanding about bullying behavior. This Community Service is of course to provide important counseling in schools so that students can reduce criminal acts and can behave positively. Through this activity, teachers are also expected to be able to convey relevant information at school in the future. This Community Service activity 15 consists of SMA N 9. people consisting of various classes at SMA N 9 Education using the CBPR method which is carried out in a collaborative pattern. The results of this Community Service show that there was active participation from students, including 3 people who asked related questions and were able to understand what bullying and bullying are. Socialization such as education regarding bullying, sexual violence against women and children for young people, students or teenagers in the school environment is important to carry out regularly</p> 2024-10-05T09:33:06+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penyuluhan Kesehatan Mengenai Pengetahuan Tentang Diabetes Mellitus Dan Kegiatan Senam Diabetes Mellitus Pada Lansia Di Dusun II Desa Pekik Nyaring, Bengkulu Tengah 2024-10-05T09:35:40+00:00 Asmi Muqaromah Ayu Permatasari Ahmad Zubiyo Sela Nova Lestari A Meri Epriana Susanti Kintan Annisa <p>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease that has been increasingly found lately. Diabetes Mellitus is also often referred to as diabetes or blood sugar disease. This one disease is a type of chronic disease whose initial sign is an increase in blood sugar levels as a result of a metabolic system disorder in the body. The organ that is disturbed is the pancreas which is no longer functioning as it should. The pancreas is no longer able to produce the hormone insulin in meeting the needs of the body. One of the factors that affect diabetes mellitus is a lack of knowledge. Public knowledge about diabetes mellitus is needed as a foundation for society in showing diabetes mellitus prevention behavior. Knowledge is very important for the formation of a behavior (Donsu, 2017). Knowledge is also related to the level of education. The higher a person's education level, of course, the more information they will have, which will affect a person's behavior (Notoatmodjo, 2002). One alternative in dealing with diabetes mellitus is to do diabetes mellitus exercises. Objective : At the end of the counseling process, all the elderly and pre-elderly in Hamlet II of Pekik Nyaring Village can understand and understand about Diabetes Mellitus and participate in doing diabetes mellitus exercises. Methods : The methods used in counseling about diabetes mellitus are lectures and questions and answers and distributing leaflets. Then the diabetes mellitus gymnastics method used is by direct practice of diabetes mellitus gymnastics. Results and Discussion : In this counseling activity, the elderly experienced an increase in knowledge from the pre-test with an average of 65 and the post-test with an average of 80, with a difference of 15. The final result of this diabetes mellitus gymnastics activity made the cadres agree to do diabetes mellitus gymnastics for the elderly at least 1-2 times every month.</p> 2024-10-05T09:35:39+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penyuluhan Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi Dan Mulut Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kkn) Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Pekik Nyaring Tahun 2024 2024-10-05T09:38:57+00:00 Ninalia Zantika Reza Murdalena Oksidistri Oksidistri Hengki Tranado Emi Pebriani <p>This Real Work Lecture (KKN) seeks to solve various health problems faced by certain communities, especially children at SDN 02 Central Bengkulu. Maintaining oral hygiene is the most important preventive measure recommended to prevent infections that can cause cavities. The solution to this program is the preparation of material delivery and how to overcome the health problem of cavities which often occurs in elementary school children. The form of activity is in the form of health education from lecturers with participants namely elementary school children in class 2 who are the respondents in this activity. Meanwhile, the extension method is carried out by the KKN implementer continuously during the ongoing and programmed KKN program period. During the implementation of this KKN activity, a quiz was also given about the impact of not maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. The output of this KKN is in the form of reports and article publications so that it can be accessed by everyone who needs literature in the form of related articles. Methods: Guidance and counseling before and after counseling students do pre and post test questions. Conclusion: students get increased knowledge about tooth brushing and can re-practice how to brush their teeth. Keywords: tooth brushing, elementary school students</p> 2024-10-05T09:38:55+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Program Pendampingan Bakat Kewirausahaan Dan Keterampilan Bisnis Pada Siswa SMA N 9 Kota Bengkulu 2024-10-05T09:42:18+00:00 Dytha Oktaviani Neri Susanti Aji Sudarsono Ramadan Subhi Dewi Harwini <p>The implementation of community service activities at SMA Negeri 9 Bengkulu City has provided quality and inspiration to students in entrepreneurship to create a generation of successful young entrepreneurs. The purpose of this activity is to develop business talent into entrepreneurs who think of the latest ideas and trends. The method used in this service is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, which is a research method carried out in a participatory manner among citizens and communities. then the author equips students with entrepreneurial knowledge through the delivery of material, discussions and questions and answers. this activity was carried out for 1 day on July 3, 2024.</p> 2024-10-05T09:42:16+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemberian Penyuluhan Kesehatan Mengenai Stunting Pada Pemuda Pemudi di Dusun II Pekik Nyaring, Kec. Pondok Kelapa, Kab. Bengkulu Tengah 2024-10-05T09:45:09+00:00 Miska Khairunnisa Meto Widio Utomo Anggi Wilantara <p>Stunting is a disruption in the growth and development of children due to long-term malnutrition. Stunting can be caused by malnutrition experienced by the mother during pregnancy, or by the child during his growth period.</p> 2024-10-05T09:45:08+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pembinaan Administrasi Ibu Rumah Tangga terhadap Pertumbuhan Kesehatan anak di Perumahan Central Park Cikarang Utara 2024-10-05T09:48:51+00:00 Rustianah Rustianah Indra Permana Dian Rachmawati Riski Eko Ardianto <p>The Indonesian government launched a health program to deal with health problems, especially public health, with the POSYANDU program so that children under five get health that can be monitored early in the community environment. The program usually runs for 6 months and is usually carried out every three months due to lack of community resources in the implementation due to the large working area, to deal with these problems make the community a partner by applying the concept of community empowerment so that they can be independent and the level of human health in each region can increase. This study aims to find out and describe the concept of empowerment used in the implementation of the posyandu program with the health services of children under five in the RT 075 Housing area cikarang central park north cikarang. The research shows that health and administrative services, especially for mothers, aim to improve the quality of better data collection and good services, so there needs to be support from many parties, one of which is support from the government as the highest institution both financially, facilities and infrastructure, as well as coaching cadres.</p> 2024-10-05T09:48:49+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##