Jurnal Fokus Manajemen https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>e-ISSN&nbsp;<a href="blob:https://manajemen-issn.lipi.go.id/b88e0123-409a-406d-ac9c-3b2fff904763">2809-9141</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; p-ISSN&nbsp;<a href="blob:https://manajemen-issn.lipi.go.id/22d62323-69bb-4417-adb3-b0d1b3924183">2809-9931</a></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Management Focus is an online journal with complete references and open access for academics, researchers, and students, published by the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Indonesia. Journal of Management Focus is a periodical issue (Twice a year) in May and Noember. Its main objective is to disseminate scientific articles in the field of management. The language used in this journal is Indonesian or English. Without reducing its scientific weight, this journal accepts contributions of writings that have never been published in other print media and accepts advertisements.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">JFM are indexed by Google Scholar, and several others include Crossref, Road, Garuda, PKP Index, and indexcopernicus.</p> Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu en-US Jurnal Fokus Manajemen 2809-9931 <p style="text-align: justify;">An author who publishes in the <strong>Jurnal Fokus Manajemen (JFM)</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>agrees to the following terms:</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Author retains the copyright and grants the journal the right of first publication of the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Submission of a manuscript implies that the submitted work has not been published before (except as part of a thesis or report, or abstract); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors. If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) still hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions. For the new invention, authors are suggested to manage its patent before published.&nbsp;<span id="m_4863372954928520277yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1499518718599_9240">The license type is&nbsp;</span><strong id="m_4863372954928520277yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1499518718599_9241"><a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">CC-BY-SA 4.0.</a></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><img class="irc_mut iQ9a5BCPU1W8-HwpH6ZlgJaI" src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzxQS1SkHCEcIEWJgl3AGsOaYG6597aDA0dMctQzH4WPNufHKL" alt="Hasil gambar untuk gambar cc by sa" width="93" height="32"></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Fokus Manajemen (JFM)</strong> is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">You are free to:</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Share</strong>&nbsp;— copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Adapt</strong>&nbsp;— remix, transform, and build upon the material</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">for any purpose, even commercially.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> The Influence Of The Village Head's Leadership Style On The Performance Of Village Apparatus (Case Study of Pagar Banyu Village, Ulu Talo District, Seluma Regency https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5736 <p><em>This research was conducted at the Pagar Banyu Village office, Ulu Talo Subdistrict, Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province. It is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach, utilizing questionnaires and observations for the collection of scientific data and information. The study examines “The Influence of the Village Head’s Leadership Style on the Perfomance of Village Apparatus in Pagar Banyu Village, Ulu Talo Subdiscrit, Seluma Regerency.” The population in this study consited of 20 village apparatus and residents of Pagar Banyu Village. The sampling technique involved selecting 20 individuals, comprising village apparatus and some residents of Pagar Banyu Village. Data collection methods included observation and distribution of questionnaires to the apparatus and some local residents. Data analysis techniques employed instrument validity and reliability tests, simple linear regression analysis, as well as t-test and hypothesis testing.Based on the data analysis, it was found that the leadership style significantly influences the perfomance of Village apparatus, as evidenced by the results of simple linear regression y = 9.481 + 0.438x. the calculated t-value was greater than the critical t-value. If the leadership style of the village head is equal to 0, the perfomance of Village head has a positive and significant effect on the perfomamance of the apparatus in Pagar Banyu Village, Ulu Talo, Seluma. This implies that the hypothesis is accepted. </em></p> Jovi Andesta Pratama Islamuddin Islamuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 4 1 1–8 1–8 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5736 Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Wardah (Study Kasus Mahasiswi Pada Prodi Manajemen Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu) https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/6044 <p>A consumer in buying an item often assesses whether or not the item is suitable for them, whether or not it is suitable for them, therefore consumers really prioritize choosing by looking at product quality, price, and brand image to fulfill their wants or needs in buying goods.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price, and brand image on Wardah purchasing decisions for students in the Management Study Program at Dehasen University Bengkulu. The type of research used is quantitative. The data analysis methods used are validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression, cyclical test, hypothesis test, and determination test The results of multiple linear regression have the equation Y = 22.500 + 0.302X1 + 0.017X2 + 0.923X3 + 3.250, because the direction of regression is positive, it means that if the product quality, price, and brand image increase, the decision to purchase Wardah products for students in the Management Study Program of Dehasen University Bengkulu will also increase. Product quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions for Wardah products for students in the Management study program of Dehasen University Bengkulu, this is proven by the results of the t test which shows that the tcount value is smaller than the t table (3.376&gt; 1.671) with a significant value of 0.001 &lt;0.05, meaning that H0 is rejected Ha is accepted. Price has a significant effect on purchasing decisions for Wardah products for students in the Management study program at Dehasen University Bengkulu, this is evidenced by the results of the t test showing the tcount is greater than the table (0.183 &lt; 1.671) with a significant value of 0.855&gt; 0.05, meaning that H0 is accepted and Haditolak. Brand image has a significant effect on purchasing decisions for Wardah products for students in the Management study program at Dehasen University Bengkulu, this is evidenced by the results of the t test showing the tcount is greater than the ttable (8.976&gt; 1.671) with a significant value of 0.000 &lt;0.05, meaning that H0 is rejected and Had accepted. Product quality (X1), Price (X2), and Brand Image (X3) together have a significant effect on the decision to purchase (Y) Wardah products for students in the Management study program at Dehasen University Bengkulu, this is evidenced by the results of the F test showing Fcount&gt; Ftabel (43.569&gt; 2.76) with a significant value of 0.000.</p> Fithria Habib Efendi Karona Cahya Susena Abdul Rahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 4 1 9–18 9–18 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.6044 Pengaruh Soft Skill Dan Hard Skill Terhadap Kesiapan Kerja (Studi Komparasi Gen Z Dan Gen M) Di Kota Bengkulu https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5794 <p><em>This study aims to find out the impact of soft skills and hard skills on employment readiness (comparative study of Gen Z and Gen M) in Bengkulu City. This type of research is a type of quantitative descriptive research, the object of this a research is Gen Z and Gen M in Bengkulu City. The population in this study is unknown because of the large number and scope of objects so wide that the method used is non-probability sampling.&nbsp; The method used for determining the sample is random Sampling which determines the number of samples used in this research using the Cochran formula with 91 Gen Z samples and 91 Gen M samples. The data collection method uses a questionnaire using an ordinal scale measurement tool. Data analysis techniques using Dual Liniear Regression Analysis Test, Hypothesis Test and Paired t – test .The results of this research can be concluded that the variables Soft Skill and Hard Skill have a positive and significant influence on Work Preparedness.</em></p> Muhamad Raihan Mimi Kurnia Nengsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 4 1 19–28 19–28 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5794 An Analysis Of Factors Affecting Users' Decisions Of Online Ojek Services In Bengkulu City https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5756 <p><em>The people of Bengkulu now can use online ojek services and they can be accessed by the public as an alternative mode of transportation for their activities. In increasing decision to use online ojek services, this will be influenced by the service marketing mix. The aim of this research is to determine the factors affecting users’ decision of online ojek services in Bengkulu city. The sample in this study was 145 people from Bengkulu city who used online ojek. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire and the analysis methods used were multiple linear regression, determination tests and hypothesis tests. The research results show the regression equation Y = 4.179 + 0.222 (X</em><em>1</em><em>) + 0.055 (X</em><em>2</em><em>) + 0.217 (X<sup>3</sup>) + 0.351 (X</em><em>4</em><em>) + 0.277(X</em><em>5</em><em>) + 0.292 (X</em><em>6</em><em>) - 0.094 (X</em><em>7</em><em>). The</em></p> <p><em>results of partial hypothesis testing research show that the variables Product (X</em><em>1</em><em>)</em></p> <p><em>Promotion (X</em><em>3</em><em>), Distribution (X</em><em>4</em><em>), People (X</em><em>5</em><em>), Process (X</em><em>6</em><em>) have a significant influence on users’ decision of online ojek services (Y) while the variable Price (X</em><em>2</em><em>) and Physical Environment (X</em><em>7</em><em>) has an insignificant influence on users’ decision of </em><em>online ojek services (Y). Simultaneous testing shows a significance value of 0.000, less than 0.05, indicating that together Product (X</em><em>1</em><em>), Price (X</em><em>2</em><em>), Promotion (X</em><em>3</em><em>), Distribution (X</em><em>4</em><em>), People (X</em><em>5</em><em>), Process (X</em><em>6</em><em>) and Physical Environment (X</em><em>7</em><em>) has a </em><em>significant influence on users’ decision of online ojek services (Y).</em></p> Debi Tri Saputra Saputra Ahmad Soleh Tito Irwanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-24 2024-05-24 4 1 29–40 29–40 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5756 Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Kompensasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Perangkat Desa Di Kecamatan Ilir Talo Kabupaten Seluma https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5792 <p><em>The title of this study is the effect of work environment, compensation and job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of village officials in the Ilir Talo sub-district of Seluma Regency. This research is based on the importance of organizational commitment in an organization. Several factors that influence organizational commitment are work environment, compensation, and job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the effect of work environment, compensation, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment.This type of research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population of this study were all village employees in Ilir Talo sub-district, Seluma district. The number of research samples was 90 people. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis techniques.The results of data analysis obtained multiple linear regression equations as follows: Y = 2.387 + 0.175 X1 + 0.268 X2 + 0.092 X3. The results of the analysis show that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, compensation has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, and job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Simultaneously, work environment, compensation, and job satisfaction have a significant effect on organizational commitment.It is recommended that the village head be able to increase the organizational commitment of village officials by creating a positive work environment, improving the welfare of village officials, and increasing the job satisfaction of village officials, especially in terms of promotion.</em></p> Lovi Hartono Islamuddin Islamuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-25 2024-05-25 4 1 41–54 41–54 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5792 Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Dan Work Stress Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Gading Peruna Citra Enineering Kota Bengkulu https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5795 <p><em>This research aims to examine the influence of the work environment and work stress on employee performance at PT Gading Peruna Citra Engineering, Bengkulu City. The research sample is employees of PT. Gading Citra Engineering Bengkulu City. This research uses quantitative methods. The data collection technique in this research uses a questionnaire, which is a data collection technique carried out by giving questions and written statements to respondents to answer. The data analysis techniques used in this research are Validity Test, Reliability Test, Normality Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heteroscedasticity Test, t Test, f Test, Multiple Linear Regression, Determination Coefficient Test using SPSS.Multiple linear regression analysis with hypothesis testing, with the research results it can be concluded that all independent variables, namely variables (Work Environment and Work Stress) simultaneously or together have a significant effect on the dependent variable, namely Employee Performance (Y). This means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that the work environment and work stress together have a significant effect on employee performance at PT. Gading Peruna Citra Engineering Bengkulu City.The conclusion of this research shows that there are two variables that have a significant influence, namely the work environment on employee performance and work stress on employee performance. </em></p> Bobi Candra Gunawan Taufik Bustami ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-25 2024-05-25 4 1 55 –64 55 –64 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5795 The Effect Of Perceived Value And Customer Satisfaction On Customer Loyalty (Case Study On Solaria Bencoolen Mall Customers) https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5837 <p><em>The title of this research is the effect of perceived value and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty (case study on Solaria Bencoolen Mall customers). This research is based on the importance of customer loyalty for business companies. Some of the factors that influence customer loyalty are perceived value and customer satisfaction. This study aims to determine the effect of perceived value and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty of customers Solaria Bencoolen Mall restaurant.This type of research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The research population is all Solaria Bencoolen Mall restaurant customers. The sample size was 88 people, taken using accidental sampling technique. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using Multiple Linear Regression analysis. Partial test results show that perceived value has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty variables (t</em><em><sub>count</sub></em><em>&nbsp;= 3.516 and Sig = 0.001) and customer satisfaction variables have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty variables (t</em><em><sub>count</sub></em><em>&nbsp;= 5.328 and Sig = 0.000). The simultaneous test results show that the perceived value variable and the customer satisfaction variable together have a significant effect on customer loyalty (F</em><em><sub>hitung</sub></em><em>&nbsp;= 72,988 and Sig = 0.000). The regression equation of the test results is: Y = 4.664 + 0.298 X1 + 0.510&nbsp;X2, with a Coefficient of Determination value of 63.2% (R Square = 0.632). Where the Coefficient of Determination means that together perceived value and customer satisfaction contribute 63.2% in influencing customer loyalty of Solaria Bencoolen Mall restaurant customers.</em></p> Intan Tri Wahyuni Subandrio Subandrio ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-25 2024-05-25 4 1 65 –76 65 –76 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5837 Pengaruh Standar Operasional Prosedur (Sop) Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Agro Perak Sejahtera Bengkulu Utara https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5796 <p><em>With work productivity, it is expected that work can be carried out effectively and efficiently, so this is very necessary in achieving the goals that have been set. Many things affect work productivity, including SOPs and work environment. This research belongs to the category of quantitative research, which aims to explain the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The research method used is a quantitative approach, focuses on objective phenomena, and is applied to investigate populations as well as specific samples in research. The sampling in this study was a total sampling of 55 employees of PT. Agro Perak Sajahtera North Bengkulu. From the table above, it can be seen that the significance value of F is 0.000 &lt; 0.050 and Fcalculate &gt; Ftable, 104,038 &gt; 3,17 from the results of data management, it can be concluded that all independent variables, namely variables (Standard Operating Procedures and Work Environment) simultaneously or together have a significant effect on the dependent variable, namely Employee Work Productivity (Y). This means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on and discussion of partial test results of research on the Effect of Standard Operating Procedures and Work Environment on Employee Work Productivity at PT. Agro Perak Sajahtera North Bengkulu, it can be concluded that: Standard Operating Procedures have a positive effect on the Work Productivity of PT. Agro Perak Sajahtera North Bengkulu. Work Environment has a positive effect on the Work Productivity of PT. Agro Perak Sajahtera North Bengkulu.</em></p> Juni Setiawati Tezar Arianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-25 2024-05-25 4 1 77– 86 77– 86 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5796 Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja ,Lingkungan Kerja Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Agro Perak Sajahtera Bengkulu Utara https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5797 <p><em>Employees are a very valuable asset in achieving company goals. As an employee, when carrying out work you must be as effective and efficient as possible. The quality and quantity of employees must be in accordance with employee needs and the placement of workers must also be appropriate and in accordance with their desires and skills. In this way, employee performance will be better and more effective in supporting the realization of company goals. This thesis is to analyze the influence of work motivation, work environment and job satisfaction on employee performance at PT. Agro Perak Sajahtera, North Bengkulu, sampling in this research was total sampling. are 55 employees of PT. Agro Perak Sajahtera, North Bengkulu. Multiple linear regression analysis with hypothesis testing, with the research results it can be concluded that all independent variables, namely variables (Work Motivation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction) simultaneously or together have a significant effect on the dependent variable, namely Employee Performance (Y). This means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that work motivation, work environment and job satisfaction together have a significant effect on employee performance at PT. Agro Perak Sajahtera, North Bengkulu.</em></p> Armada Armada Khairul Bahrun ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-25 2024-05-25 4 1 87– 98 87– 98 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5797 Pengaruh Switching Cost, Word Of Mouth, Dan Kepuasan Terhadap Loyalitas Pengguna Kartu IM3 Ooredo Indosat (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Manajamen Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu) https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5801 <p><em>Indosat, a company operating in the communications services sector, released its product "IM3" as a means of public communication. The aim of this research is to find out whether switching costs, word of mouth, and satisfaction influence the loyalty of IM3 Ooredo Indosat card users.This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu, involving students from the Management study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. In this study, the population aimed at was undergraduate management study program students at Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu who used or used IM3 Ooredo Indosat cards with a total sample of 54 people. The data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing.Based on the research results, the regression equation is Y = 11.725 + 0.231 X1 + 0.180 X2 + 0.430 X3 + e. Switching costs, word of mouth and satisfaction together show an influence on customer loyalty at IM3 OOREDO Indosat Bengkulu.</em></p> Dhea Resta Aristanti Khairul Bahrun ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 4 1 99–110 99–110 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5801 Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial Dan Job Insecurity Terhadap Kesejahteraan Psikologis Pegawai Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Dan Penataan Ruang (Pupr) Kota Bengkulu https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5798 <p><em>Many factors underlie the response to customer satisfaction. The objectives of Psychological well-being is not only influenced from within the individual, but can also be influenced by the individual's environment, namely Social Support and Job Insecurity. The aims of this research are (1) to determine the effect of social support on Psychological Well-being (2) to determine the effect Job Insecurity on Psychological Well-being, and (3) to determine the effect of Social Support and Job Insecurity on Psychological Well-beingThe type of research is quantitative research, conducted from December 2023 to January 2024. Respondents are employees (contract workers) of the Bengkulu City Public Works and Spatial Planning Service. Data were collected using a questionnaire and data analysis used a multiple linear regression model and processed with SPSS software.The results of the research show that social support has a positive effect on the employees psychological well-being of Bengkulu City Public Works and Spatial Planning Department, where the regression coefficient for social support is 0.737. This means that the higher the social support, the more psychological well-being will also increase. Job Insecurity has a negative effect on the psychological well-being of Bengkulu City Public Works and Spatial Planning Department employees, where the social support regression coefficient is -0.165. This means that the higher Job Insecurity, the lower the employee's psychological well-being. Social support and job insecurity together influence the employees psychological well-being. Social support and Job Insecurity contribute 55.9% in influencing the employees psychological well-being of Bengkulu City Public Works and Spatial Planning Department.</em></p> Wini Sari Dewi Merta Kusuma ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 4 1 111–120 111–120 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5798 Pengaruh Beban Kerja Dan Manajemen Waktu Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Karyawan Di Perumda Tirta Hidayah Kota Bengkulu https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5821 <p><em>The aim of the research is to determine the effect of workload and time management on employee work effectiveness. The research was carried out at the Head Office of the Regional Public Company (Perumda) Tirta Hidayah, Bengkulu City from November-December 2023. Respondents were 154 employees at the head office, it was found that 125 respondents participated after data collection via questionnaires. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression models. The research results showed that workload and work effectiveness had a negative effect. This explains that an increase in load will be followed by a decrease in work effectiveness. Time management and work effectiveness have a positive effect. This explains that an increase in time management will be followed by an increase in work effectiveness. Workload and time management on work effectiveness are significant. This explains that an increase in workload and time management will also be accompanied by an increase or decrease in work effectiveness.</em></p> Elis Lestari Eti Arini ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 4 1 121–128 121–128 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5821 From Ratings And Purchase Decisions:Brand Image Perspective https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5834 <p><em>The title of this research is Online Ratings to Purchase Dicisions: Brand Image Perspective. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of Ratings Online Customer Review, Number of Sales, Product Displays on Purchasing Decisions on the Shopee Marketplace with Brand Image as a mediating variable. The research sample used the Shopee Marketplace in big cities in Indonesia, With 132 respondents selected using the Accidental Sampling method. Data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using Structural Mommet Analysis (AMOS). Software. The results og this research show that user ratings, Online Customer Review, number of sales, product displays have a significant Influence,on brand image and purchasing decisions. However, Brand Image only plays a mediating role in the influence of Ratings , Online Customer Reviews, Number of sales, Product Displays on Purchasing Decisions.</em></p> Winda Elfira Andi Azhar ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 4 1 129 –140 129 –140 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5834 The Influence of Product Quality and Service Quality on Makeup Artist (MUA) Consumer Satisfaction in Bengkulu City (Case Study of Fhadinalove Mua Consumers in Bengkulu City) https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5835 <p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of product quality and service quality on consumer satisfaction of Fhadinalove MUA in the city of Bengkulu.This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study is all consumers at Fhadinalove MUA whose number is unknown. The sample in this study uses the Non Probability Sampling Technique, namely a sampling technique that does not provide an equal opportunity for each element or member of the population to be selected as a sample and the method used namely Accidental Sampling, the sample used was 90 respondents, and the data collection technique was by distributing questionnaires. This research uses several data analysis techniques. These include: Instrument testing, classical assumption testing, analysis of respondent responses, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing.Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the equation form Y = 2.841 + 0.243 (X1) + 0.366 (X2). The research results and hypothesis show that product quality from the t test results shows thit&gt;ttable values (3.047 &gt; 1.987) and (sig α = 0.003 &lt; 0.050). Service quality t test results show thit&gt;ttable (7.403 &gt; 1.987) and (sig α = 0.000 &lt; 0.050). partially, the two variables product quality and service quality have a significant influence on consumer satisfaction. From the research results and hypotheses, it also shows that together product quality and service quality have an influence on consumer satisfaction, seen from the results of the f test showing the values, namely (126.422 &gt; 3.9505) and (sig α = 0.000 &lt; 0.050).</em></p> Bella Syofina Melati Ratnawili Ratnawili ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 4 1 141–150 141–150 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5835 Analysis Of Strategies For Changing Negative Personal Images Into Positive Images On Celebgrams https://jurnal.unived.ac.id/index.php/fokusman/article/view/5836 <p>The title of this research is Analysis of Strategies for Changing Negative Personal Images into Positive Images on Celebrities. This research is based on strategies for changing negative images into positive ones on celebgrams in the context of digital marketing. This is important because celebs have a big role in influencing consumer behavior on social media. This research aims to identify effective celebrity strategies on social media, their impact on reputation, career and influence on their followers, as well as the role of management in the business industry.The objects of this research are Jefri Nichol and Rachel Vennya, the research method used is descriptive qualitative methods. The data collection method in this research uses observation, which is carried out by observing posts from Instagram accounts and news articles on social media.By using observation techniques. The results of this research can be concluded that the post-case experiences and personal transformation experienced by two well-known Indonesian celebrities, namely Jefri Nichol and Rachel Vennya, after being involved in a controversy affected their image and careers. The findings show that despite facing huge challenges in maintaining their reputation and existence in the world of entertainment, both of them managed to maintain their popularity and credibility with different approaches.</p> Prawesti Prawesti Andi Azhar ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 4 1 151–164 151–164 10.37676/jfm.v4i1.5836