Dehasen Untuk Negeri2025-01-21T03:12:17+00:00KARONA CAHYA Journal Systems<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong><a href="">e-ISSN 2809-8684 </a> <a href="">p-ISSN 2809-8854</a></strong></span></div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)</strong></span> adalah jurnal multidisiplin ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dengan menggunakan dua bahasa (Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia). <strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri</span></strong> merupakan jurnal yang bertaraf nasional yang memiliki fokus utama pada pengembangan ilmu-ilmu di bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;">Lingkup bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat antara lain meliputi pelatihan, pemasaran, keamanan pangan lokal, Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG), desain, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan, Transfer Teknologi, Globalisasi dan Transformasi Sosial, Pengembangan Kompetensi dan Kewirausahaan, Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Rekayasa Sosial, Manajemen Konflik, dan Literasi Informasi Digital.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri</strong></span>, berisi berbagai kegiatan Mahasiswa dan Dosen sebagian besar di Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dalam menangani dan mengelola berbagai potensi, hambatan, tantangan, dan masalah yang ada di masyarakat. Implementasi kegiatan layanan juga melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan mitra. Kegiatan pelayanan diorganisasikan menjadi kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"> </div> Kewirausahaan Dan Wirausaha Digital Pada Ma An-Nur Pagar Jati Kota Bengkulu2025-01-11T03:46:39+00:00Abdurrahman Irwandirahmanirwandi@gmail.comAhmad<p>At MA AN-NUR Pagar Jati, Bengkulu City, students are a small group of people who will face the world of work to meet their financial needs. Currently, the industrial world is moving very fast, so students must be able to keep up with the times. This introduction to entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurship aims to foster creative, innovative, independent, leadership attitudes, being good at managing money, and having a spirit of never giving up are some of the entrepreneurial attitudes that need to be instilled in students. Currently, it is very important to use social media in the sales system in order to increase promotions and increase sales throughout the world easily without spending a lot of money. This starts from an introduction to the target regarding the importance of knowing (digital marketing) for entrepreneurship where the world of digital marketing from year to year to the next will always be used and always in the future because in the current era it is a digital era. The introduction of entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurship that is taught is expected to be able to reduce consumerist patterns in children by training them to create something of value and bringing the next generation to create jobs in the future</p>2025-01-11T03:42:37+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pembuatan Video Promosi Wisata Alam Curug Terambon Kepahiang Provinsi Bengkulu Berbasis Digital2025-01-11T03:46:44+00:00Vethy<p>Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province has many beautiful and easily accessible tourist destinations, one of which is in Pagar Gunung Village, Kepahiang District. This village has a stunning natural tourist attraction, namely Curug Terambon with the charm of a waterfall that flows freely between piles of beautiful rocks. Developing tourism potential and increasing tourism promotion is an important priority program to be carried out in order to improve the economy of village communities. And to make all this happen, it is necessary to get support from all village communities, especially youth, by utilizing various digital platforms, namely increasing tourism promotion on social media. Therefore, Lecturers and Students of the Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dehasen Bengkulu University carried out community service activities to help the youth of Pagar Gunung Village in their efforts to introduce the village's potential to the wider community through assistance in making digital-based tourism promotional videos. Through making this video, the charm of Curug Tarambon as a potential tourist attraction for Pagar Gunung Village can be explored. This activity went well and is expected to provide benefits, namely increasing the capacity of the youth of Pagar Gunung Village, especially the skills of making videos by utilizing the cellphone media they have, where the results of video production can be used as promotional media so that they can help introduce the village's potential to the wider community.</p>2025-01-11T03:46:17+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Penggunaan Aplikasi Akuntansiku Dalam Menyusun Laporan Keuangan Berdasarkan SAK EMKM & KOPERASI Pada Warung Pentol Bakso Toyib Jl. Muhajirin Raya Kota Bengkulu2025-01-11T03:53:03+00:00Kamelia Sintia Watiinasyn01@gmail.comPutri<p>So far, there are many MSMEs whose financial management is carried out simply. This condition causes MSME owners to be unable to accurately measure the amount of income and costs incurred from these business activities. UMKM Pentol Bakso Toyib only records income / purchases from orders and expenses for production costs and does not make financial reports. This simple recording is done because they do not understand accounting so it is difficult to make financial reports. Financial reports are needed as a means of measuring business performance. The problem that exists in Toyib's Pentol Bakso Business is the limited knowledge of business owners about accounting so they need tools to prepare financial reports. The use of applications can make it easier for MSME actors to prepare their financial reports. Therefore, the community service programme is focused on training in the use of the Akuntansiku application through education on the use of the Akuntansiku application accompanied by explanations of accounting concepts and practices as an effort to improve business owners' accounting knowledge and skills. The owner only needs to input his financial data and the process of preparing his financial statements is carried out systematically in the application. The method of implementing PKM activities is an initial survey to obtain initial data and other financial information, preparation of materials, training and discussion, and evaluation. The results of the activity</p>2025-01-11T03:53:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Memanfaatkan Media Sosial Fecebook Dan Tiktok Sebagai Strategi Pemasaran Produk Tahu Industri Sumber Mulya Bengkulu2025-01-11T03:57:09+00:00Ermy Wijayaermy.wijaya04@gmail.comAntoni Antoniantoni290503@gmail.comErix<p>Marketing is the process of marketing a finished product to the consumer. The current marketing system that is becoming a new trend is the online marketing system. By using online marketing, it will be easier and can be done anywhere in marketing a product using social media. Social media that is often used today is facebook and tiktok, we as business people must also take advantage of these various social media in order to determine strategic planning for the company. Social media can also be used as a promotional medium to introduce products to the wider community. Marketing through social media has great advantages, one of which is the relatively cheaper cost compared to other media in carrying out promotional activities at the tofu factory in on the road merapi 13 RT 03 RW 01 Bengkulu. As we know that white tofu is one of the staple food companions of the community</p>2025-01-11T03:57:08+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Donor Darah Sebagai Implementasi Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Edukasi Di Pmi Provinsi Bengkulu2025-01-11T04:02:28+00:00Fiya<p>Aksi donor darah salah satu bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang memiliki dampak positif bagi kesehatan masyarakat dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan stok darah. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat melalui kegiatan aksi donor darah berbasis edukasi kesehatan pada peserta donor darah di PMI Provinsi Bengkulu. Metode yang digunakan meliputi identifikasi responden, sosialisasi, penyuluhan kesehatan dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan peserta donor tentang pentingnya donor darah “Bantu dan Selamatkan Dunia”. Dari hasil sebaran karakteristik peserta donor menunjukkan bahwa dari 137 pendonor darah paling banyak berada pada kelompok usia pada 17-25 tahun sebanyak 60 orang (43,80%), pada laki-laki sebanyak 75 orang (54,75%), memiliki golongan darah golongan darah B+ sebanyak 48 orang (35,03%) dan memiliki tekanan darah < 30/70mm/Hg sebanyak 117 orang (85,40%). Kesimpulan, program donor darah berbasis edukasi sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mendukung ketersedian stok darah di PMI Provinsi Bengkulu. Untuk keberlanjutan program disarankan agar PMI dan Perguruan Tinggi terus meningkatkan intensitas kegiatan edukasi serta memanfaatkan teknologi digital untuk menyebarluaskan informasi dan mengajak lebih banyak pendonor yang potensial. Adanya kolaborasi dapat memperkuat budaya donor darah di masyarakat sehingga kebutuhan darah dimasa depan dapat terpenuhi secara optimal.</p>2025-01-11T04:02:26+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## dan Pendampingan Microsoft Excel untuk Meningkatkan Keahlian Staff Desa Tanjung Baru2025-01-11T04:04:38+00:00Azwar Azwarazwardaya1@gmail.comLucyana Lucyanalucycivil76@gmail.comDestiarini Destiarinidestiariniubr@gmail.comEka Rizki<p><em>Computer technology has developed recently and is used to help humans, one of the technologies is the use of the Microsoft Excel computer application. A village is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries and has the authority to regulate and manage community interests and is led by the village head or village head. The use of Microsoft Excel has been used to process data but it is not fully known so it does not provide benefits and is less effective in serving the community. The aim of this training is to improve the quality of human resources in the Tanjung Baru village apparatus. The methods used are interviews and surveys. The results obtained from this training are an increase in the ability of Tanjung Baru village equipment and staff in operating Microsoft Excel to help smooth work and village administration services</em></p>2025-01-11T04:04:36+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Akuntansi Sederhana Bagi Umkm Di Kecamatan Taba Penanjung2025-01-11T04:11:02+00:00Kresnwati Hanilasitihanila@gmail.comHesti Riski Rahayuhesti@gmail.comWildhan Rivaldo<p><em>M</em>SMEs are a sector that supports 97% of the workforce in the Republic of Indonesia, however many MSMEs do not carry out proper accounting records. Several underlying factors include an incorrect financial reporting mindset, limited knowledge of financial management and accounting and limited time and energy. Simple accounting recording training is a solution to help MSMEs manage their finances more regularly and bankably. Accounting training carried out for 30 MSMEs in Taba Penanjung sub-district, Bengkulu Regency is being carried out in one day as a form of community service, receiving a positive and enthusiastic response from the training participants and providing quite a positive impact based on the pretest and posttest. MSME players with various educational backgrounds are considered quite capable of understanding the basic equations of accounting and financial reports such as balance sheets, profit and loss and notes to financial reports (CaLK) in a simple manner. Further assistance, not limited to training, is a recommendation for this simple accounting recording training activity.</p>2025-01-11T04:11:01+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Aplikasi Kasir Pintar Berbasis Android Untuk Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Pada Usaha UMKM Sarapan Pagi2025-01-16T05:18:10+00:00Nurzam Ikhsalianalianatiara963@gmail.comM. Gali Mahardikamgalimahardika@gmail.comNyimas Asti<p>Sarapan Pagi which is an MSME engaged in the food and beverage business. Established in 2014, the financial records of UMKM breakfast still apply manual recording so that financial management is still not going well, so they do not know whether their business is profitable or loss and cannot control cash flow properly. The implementation of this service is carried out by socializing the use of the Smart Cashier application in Breakfast MSMEs. This community service activity consists of five stages, namely: Identification of application needs, Design, Interview, Implementation Stage, Evaluation of activity results. Based on the socialization carried out, that in recording finances using the Android-based Smart Cashier Application on the Smartphone of MSME owners in the Pantai area, Bengkulu City, it is proven to make it easier in business transactions in the form of sales-purchases, accounts payable, financial reports on Smartphones are easy to use at any time and this application can manage or control cash flow better and can find out that the business is still losing money. Real time information in this system helps operations move more effectively and efficiently. The purpose of the title "Application of an android-based smart cashier application for presenting financial reports on breakfast MSME businesses" is to provide education and training to breakfast MSME business actors in managing their finances more effectively.</p>2025-01-16T05:18:08+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Aplikasi Si Apik Bagi Umkm Warung Manisan Pak Agung2025-01-16T05:21:44+00:00Nenden Restu Cahya Riski Rahayuhestiriski96@gmail.comCemas<p>Si Apik application is a digital innovation designed to facilitate the management of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This journal discusses the implementation and impact of using the Si Apik application at Warung Manisan Pak Agung, an MSME engaged in the sale of traditional sweets. This study uses qualitative methods, involving in-depth interviews with the owner and customers, as well as direct observation of the store's operations. The results of the study show that the use of the Si Apik application not only increases operational efficiency, such as stock management and transaction recording, but also has a positive impact on customer satisfaction through faster and more accurate services. These findings indicate the significant potential of the Si Apik application in supporting the digital transformation of other MSMEs in Indonesia.</p>2025-01-16T05:21:42+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Aplikasi Ovo Untuk Umkm Solusi Pembayaran Laundry Bunda Erma2025-01-16T05:29:18+00:00Afri Novitandea5200@gmail.comDani<p>Transaction reporting and financial management systems play a vital role in ensuring the efficiency and sustainability of businesses, both small and large. The development of technology has brought major changes to corporate procedures, including the transformation of MSMEs from manual paper-based records to a more modern digital system. One innovative solution is the use of digital wallet applications such as OVO, which is popular in Indonesia. OVO allows its users to conduct various financial transactions online, including cashless payments, money transfers and bill payments. In this context, payment is the process of transferring value from a consumer to another party, whether for the purchase of goods or services, payment of bills, or transfer of funds. With OVO, the payment process becomes faster, more practical and secure, helping MSMEs adapt to modern technology and improve their operational efficiency. In addition, the app also makes it easier for consumers to keep up with the trend of digital transactions, creating comfort and convenience in their daily lives and business activities. The adoption of payment technology like this supports the digital transformation of MSMEs and encourages more inclusive economic growth.</p>2025-01-16T05:29:17+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Jaringan Komputer Sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Di Smk Negeri 2 Empat Lawang2025-01-20T04:42:17+00:00Khairil<p>This training aims to enhance students' knowledge of computer networks, providing various benefits in the era of technological advancement. By learning about computer networks, students acquire skills relevant to industry needs, improve digital literacy, and open promising career opportunities. Additionally, this training prepares students for further education. The training was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Empat Lawang with 46 student participants. The materials covered included fundamental concepts of computer networks, such as protocols, topologies, and network hardware and software. The training was designed using an approach that included delivering materials, simulating the construction of simple computer networks, and evaluation sessions through Q&A to deepen students' understanding. The results of this training showed an increase in students' knowledge, particularly in understanding the basics of computer networks and their ability to assemble and configure simple networks. Moreover, the training successfully fostered students' curiosity and interest in information technology, preparing them to face challenges in the digital era and become individuals ready to compete in the workforce and pursue higher education.</p>2025-01-16T05:33:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Mie dan Stik Sehat Berbahan Dasar Tomat di Kelompok Tani Sabar Subur dan Bina Karya Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara2025-01-20T07:28:38+00:00Yossie Yumiatiyossie.yumiati.fp@gmail.comEvi Andrianiandriani071085@gmail.comRika Dwi Yulihartikarikawindry@gmail.comHerri Fariadiherrifariadilubis@gmail.comAna<p>Sawang Lebar Village is one of the villages located in Tanjung Agung Palik District, North Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province. Based on data from the Bengkulu Tengah Regency Agriculture Service in 2023, farmers in Sawang Lebar Village generally grow tomatoes as their daily source of income. The nature of tomatoes is that they rot quickly so that unsold fruit is simply thrown away. The purpose of this community service activity is to form a tomato noodle and healthy stick processing business unit and to increase the skills and knowledge of members of the Sabar Subur and Bina Karya Farmers Group regarding food processing. This tomato noodle and healthy stick processing activity has been carried out for 1 month from preparation to implementation of the activity for the implementation of the activity at the Village Hall in Sawang Lebar Village, Tanjung Agung Palik District, North Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province which was attended by mothers from the Sabar Subur and Bina Karya Farmers Group consisting of 20 (twenty) people. During the activity, there were no obstacles faced because each participant, the day before the activity was carried out, had received material on processing tomato sticks and tomato noodles.</p>2025-01-20T07:28:36+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengelolaan Uang Saku Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 16 Kabupaten Seluma2025-01-20T07:43:21+00:00Liviansyah Liviansyahanaqzeb@gmail.comKurniawan Agusmanaanaqzeb@gmail.comRatnawili Kurnia<p>Sekolah Dasar Negeri 16 Seluma is a public primary school located in Seluma Sub-district, Seluma Regency, Bengkulu. The purpose of this socialisation is to measure the level of pocket money management literacy of students of SD 16 Seluma and identify the factors that influence it. Based on data analysis, it was concluded that the majority of students who participated in the socialisation had a poor understanding of money management literacy. The factors of financial education knowledge, saving habits, and family factors were found to have a significant relationship. Therefore, by referring to the above research, it can be concluded that there is a need to develop financial education programmes in school subjects to prepare students to become financially intelligent individuals. The method used was Forum Group Discussion (FGD) involving students of SD 16 Seluma, in this activity, namely material explanation, questions and answers and quizzes. The results of discussions and discussions in the socialisation are that to facilitate the fulfilment of needs in the future, it is necessary to have a savings and must get used to living frugally.</p>2025-01-20T07:43:19+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Teori Manajemen dalam Kegiatan 17 Agustusan di Desa Lubuk Resam dalam Perspektif Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)2025-01-20T07:50:39+00:00Ardian Revaldoardian013@gmail.comTezar Ariantotezar.arianto7@gmail.comMimi Kurnia<p><em>The community service programme (KKN) in Lubuk Resam Village aims to implement management theory in the organisation of the 17 Agustusan event, an important annual celebration for the local community. In this activity, students had to apply various management functions, such as planning and organising. As well as having to communicate and report the results of company activities, information, personnel tasks both orally and in writing, and directing and controlling to ensure the event runs smoothly. The planning process includes setting activity objectives, developing a schedule, and allocating a budget. Organising is done by forming a committee that divides specific tasks to manage various aspects of the event. Directing involves coordination between committee members and the community to ensure that each component of the activity goes according to plan. Controlling is done through periodic evaluations to assess the effectiveness and impact of the activities. This article reviews how KKN students play an active role in supporting activities and assisting village communities through the application of theoretical and practical approaches. The results of the activities showed that the application of management theory effectively improved the smooth running of the events and motivated active participation from the villagers. With a systematic managerial approach, the 17 Agustusan activities in Lubuk Resam Village were able to run in a more structured manner, facilitating social interaction and strengthening community spirit. These findings suggest that the application of management theory not only improves the efficiency of activities but also provides significant benefits for the development of village communities.</em></p>2025-01-20T07:50:37+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Laporan Keuangan Menggunakan Aplikasi Akuntansiku Pada Usaha UMKM Tahu Jeletot Pedas Nampol Di Bengkulu2025-01-20T08:21:38+00:00Ramdhan Rafika Rahmagitarafikarahma8@gmail.comNabilla Dwi<p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is one of the sectors that support economic growth in Indonesia. The MSME sector is expected to be able to prepare financial reports for the businesses it runs. However, in reality, MSMEs have not been able to record bookkeeping due to a lack of understanding and resources for these problems. This community service aims to increase understanding of digital-based bookkeeping using the Akuntansiku application for MSMEs on Jalan Meranti, Bengkulu City. This service was carried out at the Nampol Spicy Tofu Jeletot MSME. One of the reasons we took the title "Making Financial Statements Using the Akuntansiku Application for MSMEs Jeletot Pedas Nampol Tofu" is because the Tofu MSME is able to record digital-based bookkeeping using the Akuntansiku application so that it is able to prepare financial reports for the business being run.</p>2025-01-20T08:21:31+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Massage Olahraga Sebagai Teknik Relaksasi Dan Pemulihan Otot Bagi Masyarakat Di Desa Blitar Kabupaten Rejang Lebong2025-01-20T08:29:12+00:00Ajis Harsena<p>The community service activity titled "Sports Massage Training as a Technique for Relaxation and Muscle Recovery for the Community in Belitar Village" aims to provide education and practical skills to the community in maintaining muscle health through proper massage techniques. The training involved 30 participants from various backgrounds who actively attended two main sessions: theory and practice. The theory session provided an understanding of the benefits of sports massage, such as improving blood circulation, reducing muscle tension, and accelerating body recovery. Meanwhile, the practice session focused on mastering basic massage techniques that could be applied independently. The results of the activity showed very positive responses from the participants. Most participants stated that the training was relevant to their needs and offered tangible benefits for daily life. However, several challenges were encountered, such as the limited availability of teaching aids and the need to simplify theoretical materials to facilitate understanding. Recommendations for future activities include improving facilities, extending the duration of training, and developing more specific training themes. Overall, this activity successfully achieved its stated objectives and is expected to have a sustainable impact on the community of Belitar Village. It also strengthens the role of Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu in supporting community empowerment through relevant and practical service programs.</p>2025-01-20T08:29:10+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Tentang Teknik Dasar Permainan Sepak Bola Pada Karang Taruna Desa Guru Agung 1 Kecamatan Kaur Utara2025-01-21T02:56:53+00:00Megi Personimegi@gmail.comDody Ertantodody@gmail.comRahmad<p><em>This report outlines the community service activities carried out by Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu with the title "Socialization on the Basic Techniques of Football for the Karang Taruna of Desa Guru Agung 1, Kaur Utara District." The objective of this activity was to enhance the understanding and skills of the Karang Taruna members of Desa Guru Agung 1 in playing football, specifically in mastering the basic techniques of football, including dribbling, passing, shooting, and positioning. The activity began with a socialization session on the fundamentals of football, followed by a practical session to improve the participants' skills. The event was attended by 30 Karang Taruna members of various ages, who were very enthusiastic about participating in each of the materials presented. This activity is expected to enhance football skills among the community, especially the youth, with the hope that it will make a positive contribution to developing sports potential in the village. The results of this activity show a significant improvement in the participants' basic football skills. Furthermore, the participants recognized the importance of sports as a means to maintain physical health and foster solidarity and cohesion within the community. Although there were some technical difficulties in providing visual aids, the activity successfully achieved its objectives. Moving forward, similar activities can be carried out sustainably and expanded with more in-depth training on game strategies and further development of football skills. This program also serves as one of the contributions of Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu in improving the quality of sports in the community and strengthening the relationship between the university and the local community.</em></p>2025-01-21T02:56:52+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Media Sosial Sebagai Sarana Promosi Terhadap UMKM Di RT 24 Kelurahan Pematang Gubernur Kota Bengkulu2025-01-21T03:12:17+00:00Aset Maliusmaliusaset@gmail.comShinta Kurniashintakurnka@gmail.comYopi Parzayopiparza@gmail.comTinton Irawanirawantinton74@gmail.comPutri Ricki Ameliaricki.ameliamarzan@gmail.comVethy<p><em>The development of information and communication technology has brought significant changes in various aspects of life, including in the business world. Social media as a digital technology product has become a very effective tool in supporting promotional activities for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). With the number of users continuing to increase, social media offers ample opportunities to introduce products and services to a wider market at relatively low costs. The community in RT 24 Pematang District, Governor of Bengkulu City, mostly consists of small business actors engaged in the trade and service sectors. However, they face various problems, such as limited knowledge about the use of digital marketing and lack of access to training in using social media. This causes the potential of social media to be less than optimal as a promotional tool, resulting in stagnant business development. This activity aims to provide solutions to the problems faced by MSMEs, carried out by the Thematic KKN team at RT 24 through a more comprehensive approach. The focus is on implementing social media-based digital marketing that is tailored to local needs, as well as introducing appropriate technology that can support business sustainability. It is hoped that the results of this activity will not only provide practical benefits for business actors, but also become a reference for developing similar programs in other regions.</em></p>2025-01-21T03:12:16+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##