Dehasen Untuk Negeri2024-07-22T13:02:03+00:00KARONA CAHYA Journal Systems<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong><a href="">e-ISSN 2809-8684 </a> <a href="">p-ISSN 2809-8854</a></strong></span></div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri (Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)</strong></span> adalah jurnal multidisiplin ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dengan menggunakan dua bahasa (Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia). <strong><span style="color: #ffcc00;">Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri</span></strong> merupakan jurnal yang bertaraf nasional yang memiliki fokus utama pada pengembangan ilmu-ilmu di bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;">Lingkup bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat antara lain meliputi pelatihan, pemasaran, keamanan pangan lokal, Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG), desain, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan, Transfer Teknologi, Globalisasi dan Transformasi Sosial, Pengembangan Kompetensi dan Kewirausahaan, Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Rekayasa Sosial, Manajemen Konflik, dan Literasi Informasi Digital.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong>Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri</strong></span>, berisi berbagai kegiatan Mahasiswa dan Dosen sebagian besar di Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu dalam menangani dan mengelola berbagai potensi, hambatan, tantangan, dan masalah yang ada di masyarakat. Implementasi kegiatan layanan juga melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan mitra. Kegiatan pelayanan diorganisasikan menjadi kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.</div> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4" style="text-align: justify;"> </div> Membaca Teks Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pegawai Di DPRD Kota Bengkulu2024-07-22T13:02:03+00:00Ririn Novita Sarinovita.ririn89@gmail.comDhanu Ario<p>Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014 tentang Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah dan telah di turunkan dengan Peraturan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kota Bengkulu, menyatakan bahwa DPRD terdiri atas Anggota Partai Politik peserta Pemilihan Umum yang dipilih berdasarkan hasil Pemilihan Umum, dan DPRD merupakan Lembaga perwakilan rakyat daerah yang berkedudukan sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah. Meskipun dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan DPRD Kota masih jarang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, namun mereka berkeinginan untuk mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan lancar agar jika suatu saat ada kunjungan ke luar negeri atau dikunjungi oleh tamu dari negara lain, mereka bisa berbicara dengan lancar. Melalui kegiatan KKN ini, salah satu program utama adalah melatih kemampuan membaca teks Bahasa Inggris kepada pegawai di DPRD Kota Bengkulu dengan maksud agar mereka mampu minimal membaca teks Bahasa Inggris dengan lancar. Metode dalam melakukan kegiatan ini adalah Ceramah dan Praktek. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah, para pegawai sudah mulai mampu untuk membaca teks Bahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar.</p> <p> </p> <p>Kata Kunci: Latihan Membaca Teks, Bahasa Inggris, DPRD Kota Bengkulu</p>2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Aplikasi-Aplikasi Penerjemahan Bagi Pegawai di DPRD Kota Bengkulu2024-07-02T08:31:24+00:00Amanda Riskia Salamamandariskiasalam758@gmail.comDhanu Ario<p>Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014 tentang Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah dan telah di turunkan dengan Peraturan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kota Bengkulu, menyatakan bahwa DPRD terdiri atas Anggota Partai Politik peserta Pemilihan Umum yang dipilih berdasarkan hasil Pemilihan Umum, dan DPRD merupakan Lembaga perwakilan rakyat daerah yang berkedudukan sebagai unsur penyelenggara pemerintahan daerah. Dalam menjalankan kegiatannya, para pegawai ketika harus mengerjakan tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan Bahasa Inggris selalu menggunakan aplikasi atau memanfaatkan web penerjemah tanpa mengetahui apakah hasil terjemahannya benar atau tidak, melalui program KKN ini, para pegawai mendapatkan pelatihan agar mampu menggunakan aplikasi dan mengetahui tentang apa saja dimana google bisa salah menerjemahakan.</p>2024-07-02T07:33:42+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Bagi Anak-Anak Didesa Pekik Nyaring2024-07-02T08:31:30+00:00Muhammad Chafri Eza Dwi Putramuhammadchafri16@gmail.comMerry Ario<p>Desa Pekik Nyaring adalah merupakan suatu daerah yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Pondok Kelapa Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah, dimana konon ceritanya bagi orang yang pertama kali masuk ke daerah ini terdengar suara teriakan yang sangat nyaring dan terdengar dimana-mana, tetapi orang yang berteriak itu tidak dikenal dan tidak nampak. Sehingga kejadian misterius yang dialami para pendahulu kami dijadikan nama suatu Wilayah yaitu Wilayah Pekik Nyaring Menurut keterangan dari beberapa orang sesepuh desa, bahwa cikal-bakal Desa Pekik Nyaring diawali pada tahun 1956 didatang Transmigrasi dari Pulau Jawa sebanyak 230 KK dan penempatannya menyebar di seluruh Desa Pekik Nyaring, sehingga Desa Pekik Nyaring menjadi 4 Blok karena penduduknya tersebar ke empat wilayah dan masing-masing wilyah dipimpin oleh seorang pemangku. Diwilayah yang baru inilan warga Transmigrasi membangun wilayahnya untuk menata kehidupannya, ternyata dalam perjalanan hidupnya banya sekali rintangan yang dialami baik dari dalam maupun dari luar sepertihalnya gangguan berupa binatang, alam dan lingkungan. Anak-anak didesa ini masih memilki kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang rendah, sehingga berdasarkan hasil observasi, perlu untuk dibina. Dan hasil dari kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata didesa ini, mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa inggris terhadap anak-anak meski belum maksimal dikarenakan keterbatasan waktu.</p>2024-07-02T07:38:15+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pasien Kanker Sistem Reproduksi Wanita Melalui Therapi Akupressure Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Efek Kemotherapi Di Rumah Singgah Kanker Baiti Jannati Bengkulu2024-07-02T08:31:38+00:00Des Metasaridesmetaheri@gmail.comDiyah Tepi Rahmawaticecoatepay@gmail.comBerlian Kando Sianiparberliankando@gmail.comFiya<p><em>Cancer of the reproductive system is the most common type of cancer suffered with the highest order of breast cancer after cervical cancer. Kemotherapi is one of the therapies undertaken by cancer patients including patients with reproductive system cancers including breast cancer and mammal cancer, this motherfire uses chemicals that can cause side effects in patients including headaches (myalgia), nausea and vomiting, alopecia etc. Acupressure is one type / way of health care that is done through pressing techniques on the surface of the body on acupuncture points using fingers, or other body parts, or blunt-tipped aids with health purposes. The acupressure method prioritizes promotive and preventive., Acupressure can also reduce pain in cancer patients as a result of motherhood, besides that it can also reduce nausea and vomiting. The purpose of this service is to find out that acupressure carried out on cervical cancer patients and breast cancer who undergo mothership can reduce side effects due to motherhood that is adopted. The method of this study was to acupressure patients who treated motherfire at the Biati Jannati halfway house as much as 15 pasein, The results of this study showed that there was a decrease in maternal side effects after acupressure for 1 month with decreased side effects in the form of pain, nausea and vomiting</em></p>2024-07-02T07:46:57+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Digital Menggunakan Aplikasi Buku Kas Pada Usaha UMKM Miener2024-07-05T04:55:21+00:00Ramadhan Apriliaapriliamelisa456@gmail.comDenada Aldadenadaalda1266@gmail.comIlham Giri Muda<p><em>The development of technology is very influential on the times, especially in today's digital era. Technology has had a significant impact on human life in the social, economic and cultural fields. In the economic sector, technology changes business processes to be more efficient and effective, thereby increasing productivity and business growth. One of them is the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) which are already numerous in Indonesia. The background of the formation of UMKMs in Indonesia is the rapid development of technology, limited access to capital and high unemployment rates which cause poverty. The implementation of this service is carried out by socialising the use of theash book application in Miener UMKM. This community service activity consists of five stages, namely: Identification process, Preparation, Interview, Implementation stage, Evaluation of activity results. Based on the training and socialisation carried out, Miener business owners are very easy to understand and the applications used are very helpful in the process of recording financial reports. The use of applications in the UMKM process is very helpful and simplifies transactions so that there are no errors in the sales transaction process. Recording financial reports provided automatically makes it easy for business owners to understand and is very efficient in its use.</em></p>2024-07-02T07:53:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Motivasi Siswa Kelas XI SMAN 6 Bengkulu Selatan2024-07-02T08:31:52+00:00Pongki Resmala Putripongkiresmalapongki@gmail.comAhmad Utama Putraiswie85@gmail.comDewi<p><em>Entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative ability that is used as a basis, tips and resources for seeking opportunities for success. The essence of entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different (create new and different) through creative and innovative thinking to create opportunities. As time goes by, an entrepreneurial spirit is needed that grows from the younger generation to support the national economy through entrepreneurship. This Community Service activity aims to provide class XI students at SMAN 6 South Bengkulu with an introduction to learning about entrepreneurship, interests and motivation as well as the benefits of entrepreneurship. This activity explains the concept of starting a business, including a business plan, various business opportunities, the benefits of starting a business, and the characteristics of entrepreneurship. There is a need for motivation in the field of entrepreneurship for students so that they can increase class XI students' interest in entrepreneurship which can later help the economy for themselves and their families. It is hoped that class.</em></p>2024-07-02T07:59:13+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Prima Pada Toko Baju Tulip Bengkulu2024-07-02T08:31:56+00:00Alisa Yulianaalisayuliana66@gmail.comOni Yuliantioniyul@unived.comErmy Gustina<p><em>The title of this service is Counseling on Improving the Quality of Excellent Service at Tulip Clothing Stores Bengkulu. This service mainly wants to socialize and explain matters concerning Counseling on Improving the Quality of Excellent Service in determining the purchase of a product. as for the purpose of this service is so that the community can find out about improving Excellent Service at Tulip Clothing Stores. The results of the service show that the improvement of the Tulip Clothing Store's Prima Service is quite good and the prices are friendly, ranging from the cheapest to the most expensive ones there are also, for the completeness of the products in the Tulip Clothing Store is arguably quite complete ranging from children's clothing to adults, and there are also many choices of clothes, such as Muslim clothes, dresses, children's koko, robes and many more choices of clothes that suit your needs. So it is likely to attract customers to shop and buy products at the Tulip Clothing Store.</em></p>2024-07-02T08:05:22+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemasaran Digital Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Pada Thrifting Panorama Kota Bengkulu2024-07-02T08:31:57+00:00Puja Andinipujablpr@gmail.comAhmad<p><em>This research aims to explore digital marketing strategies that can be implemented to increase sales at the thrifting shop in Panorama, Bengkulu City. By utilizing social media and e-commerce platforms, it is hoped that thrifting business actors can increase market reach and income. The research methods used were surveys and interviews with Ms. Elytha as a thrifting business actor as well as analysis of sales data before and after implementing digital strategies. The research results show that effective use of social media and e-commerce can increase sales by up to 30%. The conclusion of this research is that digital marketing strategies have great potential to be implemented in thrifting businesses in Bengkulu. The challenge faced is tight competition between business actors who use the same digital marketing strategy.</em></p>2024-07-02T08:10:27+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Produksi Pada Usaha Gula Merah (Aren)2024-07-02T08:32:03+00:00Eka Salsa Patrisiaekasalsapatrisia@gmail.comIswidana Utama Putraiswie85@gmail.comLydia Gustina Putrilydiagustinaputri0308@gmail.comYeni<p>This research aims to identify and socialize production strategies in palm sugar businesses to increase efficiency and productivity. Socialization of this strategy was carried out involving palm sugar farmers, craftsmen and related stakeholders. The methods used include field observations, in-depth interviews, and evaluation. The research results show that by implementing more modern and efficient production techniques, as well as optimal use of resources, palm sugar businesses can improve product quality and production capacity. Apart from that, ongoing education and training on production and marketing management also supports the sustainability of this business. The conclusion of this research is that the socialization of appropriate production strategies can have a positive impact on increasing the competitiveness and welfare of palm sugar business actors.</p>2024-07-02T08:18:01+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Masyarakat Pada UMKM Toko Baju Tulipfits.Id Dalam Mengimplementasikan Teknologi Platform Shopee2024-07-02T08:32:05+00:00Jenny Dwi Syallaysyahjennysyaaa19@gmail.comZoniarti RahmanAbdulrahman@gmail.comYun<p><em>This socialization aims to describe the community service process carried out at the Clothing Shop MSME in implementing Shopee marketplace technology. A qualitative approach is used to explore the challenges and opportunities faced by MSMEs in the adoption of this technology. The development of information technology has changed the scope of marketing. This happens because traditional and conventional marketing methods have been incorporated into the digital world. Marketing that uses advanced digital technology is called digital marketing. Therefore, we conducted community service at one of the MSMEs, Toko Baju Tulip, to help MSMEs introduce their products to the general public using Shopee's digital marketing channel. The purpose of this community service project is to implement online marketing strategies through a web-based digital marketing system. This will also increase the market share of Toko Baju Tulip. The implementation uses focus group discussions (FGDs), observation, interviews, and documentation.</em></p>2024-07-02T08:22:37+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Untuk Promosi Dan Pemasaran Tahu Tempe Di Kota Manna2024-07-02T13:56:12+00:00Dita Ramahdaniramadanidita989@gmail.comSilke Sachanovrissasilkesacha05665@gmail.comRamadan Subhiramadan@gmail.comNurzam Rydarto<p>The world of marketing will definitely be influenced by rapid advances in technology, the digital world and the internet. The world is experiencing a shift from conventional (offline) to digital (online) marketing strategies. This digital marketing strategy has more. Digital marketing is the promotion and search for product markets through digital media online by utilizing various means, such as social networks, and allows potential consumers to obtain various information about products and carry out transactions via the internet. Mr. Yuli is a tofu and tempeh entrepreneur in the city of Manna, southern Bengkulu. This business was founded in 80 and he has been in this business for approximately 44 years. Providing online marketing training using social media so that this business can develop. By using product and distribution innovation methods.</p>2024-07-02T13:56:11+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Aplikasi Belajar Duolingo untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris2024-07-22T11:43:44+00:00Ami Ario Nadhif AlzuhdiNadhif.Alzuhdi@gmail.comAget<h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">ABSTRAK</span></h4> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan pendampingan kepada siswa-siswa bagaimana cara pemanfaatan dan penggunaan aplikasi belajar duolingo dalam belajar bahasa inggris di SMA N 9 Seluma. Sekolah ini terletak di Jalan lintas Bengkulu-Seluma. Secara umum sekolah yang terakreditasi A ini telah memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang memadai serta sistem dan tata kelola yang baik. Namun perlu ditingkatkan literasi siswa terutama dalam bahasa asing. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris diampu oleh dua orang guru untuk semua kelas dari kelas X sd. XII. Sementara kurikulum yang digunakan adalah Kurikulum Merdeka untuk kelas X dan XI, K13 untuk kelas XII. Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris siswa, motivasi belajar siswa terutama dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris tergolong rendah menurut pengakuan guru bahasa Inggris setempat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan motivasi dan minat belajar siswa melalui aplikasi belajar duolingo. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan pencapaian positif, termasuk peningkatan pemahaman siswa, kreativitas dalam produk akhir, dan keterlibatan yang lebih tinggi dalam pembelajaran. Dengan perbaikan ini, kegiatan ini dapat menjadi landasan efektif untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan minat belajar siswa dalam bahasa inggris dan mempersiapkan mereka menghadapi tuntutan literasi di masa depan.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kata Kunci: duolingo, aplikasi belajar</span></p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Ibu Hamil Dan Konseling Tentang Tanda Bahaya Ibu Hamil Dengan Kecemasan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sawah Lebar Kota Bengkulu2024-07-11T01:01:20+00:00Mepi<p><em>Puskesmas Sawah lebar is one of the health centers in Bengkulu City which is located at Jalan bukit barisan No. 2, sawah lebar, ratu agung sub-district, Bengkulu City, covering 3 villages. Based on data from the Bengkulu City Health Office in 2016 who experienced symptoms of depression and anxiety 2.3% of 8,760 pregnant women while in 2018 there was an increase in those experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety to 2.8% of 7,524 pregnant women (Bengkulu City Health Office, 2020). So that the purpose of the purpose of this activity is as a form of anticipation of health workers to improve the health of pregnant women in order to reduce the number of complications in pregnant women. The results of education obtained from 15 pregnant women before being given education, the results of knowledge are 13% of pregnant women have sufficient knowledge and 87% have insufficient knowledge about pregnant women's anxiety about danger signs in pregnancy. After education and assistance, 85% of pregnant women's knowledge became good and 15% were sufficient. This activity was enthusiastically received by the community in the working area of the puskesmas sawah lebar city of Bengkulu and it is hoped that later the sawah lebar puskesmas can assist and continue to educate pregnant women so that complications and anxiety of pregnant women can be prevented.</em></p>2024-07-11T01:01:18+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Manajemen Stress Non Farmakologis Pada Ibu Hamil Di Bpm Febra Ayudiah, SST, M.H2024-07-11T01:04:03+00:00Liya<p><em>Stress in pregnancy has the potential to cause morbidity during pregnancy. Complications that arise due to prenatal stress include: preterm labor caused by the placenta increasing the production of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and progesterone in stressful situations. Apart from that, at the beginning of pregnancy stress and a decrease in progesterone can cause abortion, progesterone which is calming and slows down gastric motility can trigger hyperemesis gravidarum and low birth weight (LBW) babies. This impact proves that the mother's mental state can influence the mother's health during pregnancy and the baby's growth and development in the next period of life (King et al, 2010; Woods et al, 2010; Silviera et al, 2012). Therefore, it is necessary to educate pregnant women about how to manage stress well with a stress management approach..So the aim of this activity is to improve health and reduce stress and be able to manage your own stress in pregnant women. After providing material and training to pregnant women at BPM Febra Ayudiah, SST, M.H, it was found that there was an increase in knowledge and pregnant women were able to reduce their stress by using the deep breathing relaxation technique, which is a non-pharmacological method for reducing stress.</em></p>2024-07-11T01:04:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Menumbuhkan Semangat Wirausahawan Kreatif Dan Inovatif Diera Digitalisasi Pada Siswa Kelas X DKV SMK 1 Pembangunan Kota Bengkulu2024-07-11T01:18:34+00:00Tiara Renita Putritiaraputrikh.09@gmail.comAhmad Utama Putraiswie85@gmail.comWagini Waginiwagini980@gmail.comAbdul<p><em>In the context of globalization and evolving digitalization, it is crucial for education to equip the younger generation with a creative and innovative entrepreneurial spirit. This comunity service aims to explore the impact of socialization on the development of entrepreneurial spirit among students in the 10th grade of the Visual Communication Design (DKV) program at SMK 1 Pembangunan Kota Bengkulu. Through a case study method and data collection via interviews and observations, this study highlights a significant increase in the interest and skills of young entrepreneurs after participating in socialization activities. The findings of this research can serve as a foundation for educational institutions and relevant stakeholders to strengthen socialization approaches in fostering entrepreneurial spirit among students</em></p>2024-07-11T01:18:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kewirausahaan Pembuatan Telur Gulung Pada Siswa Kelas VI SDN 48 Kota Bengkulu2024-07-11T01:39:50+00:00Intan Juniarintanjuniar52@gmail.comAhmad Utama Putraiswie85@gmail.comkamelia<p>Entrepreneurship is creating something that adds value and makes a profit. This is done by an individual or group to manage a business. Entrepreneurship can be interpreted as encouraging entrepreneurial actors to take risks by being creative and adapting in the face of continuous changes in the future.This community service activity aims to inform class VI students of SDN 48 BENGKULU CITY about how to become successful and creative entrepreneurs to be able in this sophisticated era. This activity explains what entrepreneurship is, how to become a creative entrepreneur and how to create an initial concept for starting a business, examples of products to market, ways to make products, good marketing strategies. It is hoped that with this, students at SDN 48 KOTA BENGKULU will understand entrepreneurship better and be more interested in business so that in the future they can open successful businesses and help create jobs for local people.</p>2024-07-11T01:39:48+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Jiwa Kewiraushaan Di Kalangan Milenial Berbasis Pengelolahan Limbah Yang Ramah Lingkungan Di MAN 1 Kota Bengkulu2024-07-11T01:43:41+00:00Kamelia Gustina Putrilydiagustinaputri0308@gmail.comNurzam<p><em>Proper waste management must be instilled in children from an early age. The purpose of this writing is to explain the definition of waste, the impact of waste and the management that has been carried out by the government and waste management in one of the MAN 1 Schools in Bengkulu City. This service discusses generating an entrepreneurial spirit among millennials based on environmentally friendly waste processing, especially waste management. Proper waste management is carried out with the 3R pattern (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) with the application to increase awareness about the environment (awareness), increase deep thinking about the environment (Thinking) and carry out waste management to increase the economic value and aesthetic value of waste (doing). The application of the waste management pattern appropriately increases the entrepreneurial spirit among the MAn 1 community environment in Bengkulu city.</em></p>2024-07-11T01:43:39+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Teknologi Metaverse Bagi Peningkatan Keterampilan Siswa Kejuruan Pada SMK Negeri 3 Seluma2024-07-11T01:47:51+00:00Eko<p>Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (SMK N) 3 Kabupaten Seluma yang berada di jalan lintas Bengkulu โ Tais merupakan sekolah yang telah banyak memperoleh prestasi sebagai sekolah kejuruan terbaik tingkat kabupaten dan telah terakreditasi A. Selain itu SMKN 3 Seluma ini telah berani mencanangkan sebagai sekolah unggulan yang patut menjadi contoh bagi sekolah-sekolah menengah kejuruan lainnya. Kelanjutan dari Analisis Situasi di atas, melakukan identifikasi permasalahan yang ada pada SMKN 3 Seluma, baik permasalahan eksternal seperti kondisi geografis, jarak tempuh; juga dilakukan identifikasi permasalahan yang utama, yakni jumlah siswa, bidang kejuruan yang yang diselenggarakan, kepadatan peserta didik per bidang kejuruan, rasio guru dengan siswa serta dengan pertimbangan unsur penunjang lainnya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang terkonsentrasi pada masyarakat pendidikan ini khususnya di SMKN 3 Seluma adalah penyampaian berbagai pengetahuan dan teknologi bidang teknologi informasi dengan harapan dapat mengecilkan kesenjangan pengetahuan masyarakat bidang teknologi informasi seperti Metaverse yang dalam istilah sehari-hari jangan sampai banyak siswa <strong><em>gaptek</em></strong> (gagap teknologi) agar dapat lebih berperan dalam persaingan dunia di luar dinding sekolah. Teknologi Metaverse adalah teknologi masa kini ruang tiga dimensi yang menggabungkan dunia realitas dan dunia digital yang canggih. Metaverse merupakan ruang virtual di mana semua orang dari seluruh dunia dapat berkumpul, berkomunikasi serta berinteraksi satu sama lainnya menggunakan teknologi VR (Virtual Reality) dan AR (Augmented Reality). Pembahasan pada studi penelitian ini mencakup tantangan dan dampak Metaverse terhadap dunia pendidikan.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Keindahan alam dan budaya Melalui Study Tour ke Pura Tanah Lot, Bali2024-07-11T05:56:58+00:00Jeni Vegas TamahCocbahan69@gmail.comAbdul Wahidulapentarafid@gmail.comRafid Ula Pentaabdulwahid23@gmail.comDewantara Dewantaradtara8752@gmail.comIndra<p><em>Study tour is one of the effective ways to directly learn about the natural beauty and culture of a region. This journal documents our experiences during a study tour to Tanah Lot, Bali. We explored the natural wonders, got to know the local culture, and felt the warmth of the local community. By combining direct experiences and deep reflections, we were able to enrich our understanding of the cultural richness and natural beauty of Bali.</em></p>2024-07-11T05:56:57+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sampah Berbasis 5R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace, Replant) Sebagai Implementasi Mata Kuliah Kewarganegaraan Di SD Negeri 137 Palembang2024-07-11T06:28:30+00:00Eka RIzki<p><em>As a society that is a nation and a state, we must have a character to be realized which is sourced from the noble values โโof the nation guided by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Among the concepts of its implementation are listed in the citizenship course. In the implementation of the citizenship course is to implement waste management based on 5R (reduce, reuse, recycle, replace, replant). This service aims to educate students, teachers and staff at SD Negeri 137 Palembang about the importance of responsible waste management and introduce 5R practices that can be applied in the school environment. During the activity, participants will actively participate in the activities of reducing, using, reusing, replacing and replanting and learning the benefits and process of implementing 5R in schools. The result of this service is the implementation of character building for students so that they understand the concept of waste management so that they can be more sensitive, intelligent, and skilled in utilizing and utilizing the resources they have to be smart in managing waste.</em></p>2024-07-11T06:28:28+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kecerdasan Buatan Dalam Era Digitalisasi Untuk Mendukung Kompetensi Siswa2024-07-22T04:53:40+00:00Prahasti Monaprahasti.mona82@gmail.comToibah Umi Kalsumcicik.umie@gmail.comAchmad Fikri SallabyFikrisallaby@gmail.comAhmad Asyhariprahasti.mona82@gmail.comDewantara<p>Increasing the competency of Vocational High School students must continue to be improved through various strategies as an effort to prepare themselves to be able to compete in the world of work and industry. The aim of implementing this Community Service is to introduce the development of information technology through artificial intelligence in the era of digitalization in an effort to support student competence. The use of artificial intelligence through activities to introduce various artificial intelligence software or technologies is carried out through face-to-face methods which are carried out at SMKN 3 Bengkulu City. The strategy in community service activities is implemented through presentations and presentations involving resource persons by lecturers with assistance provided by students. Furthermore, in addition to presenting the material in the form of a presentation, an interactive dialogue was held with the participants regarding the material presented. Based on the results of implementing Community Service (PKM) activities, it can be concluded that students understand the use of artificial intelligence in supporting student competencies. Furthermore, during the implementation there was interactive interaction through questions from students regarding the development of artificial intelligence technology. This also shows that artificial intelligence in the digitalization era can support the competence of vocational high school students.</p>2024-07-22T04:53:39+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Rutin Senam Lansia Di Desa Pekik Nyaring Bengkulu Tengah2024-07-22T04:57:13+00:00Ira Yugitairayugita@gmail.comElpina Elpinaelpinapina21@gmail.comZulfa Andrianizulfafok@gmail.comHandi Rustandihandi_rustandi@ymail.comNimas Ayu<p><em>The elderly are a group of individuals who are more than 60 years old and are the final stage of development followed by several gradual changes or commonly called aging. Elderly gymnastics is a series of regular, directed and patterned tone mobility that is followed by the elderly which is carried out with the intention of increasing the functional ability of the body to achieve this goal. In addition to elderly gymnastics activities, deep breathing exercises can also be done to maintain the health of the elderly (Rosmaharani & Noviana, 2022). One of the impacts of dementia that occurs in the elderly is cognitive impairment in the form of decreased memory or senility. In addition, according to (Kurniasari, 2022) the impact of dementia is affecting the communication skills, cognitive, emotional and behavioral abilities of the elderly. Improving the quality of life in the elderly can be done through elderly gymnastics. The purpose of this Community Service is to provide gymnastics training to the elderly in Hamlet III, Pekik Nyaring Village. This community service has been carried out from May 29, 2024 to June 9, 2024. The evaluation of activities is based on pre and post questionnaire data. The results of Community Service show that the elderly have enough knowledge as many as 21 people (70%). After the implementation of the elderly gymnastics, the knowledge became good for 27 people (90%). Conclusion The implementation of gymnastics can improve the quality of life of the elderly.</em></p>2024-07-22T04:57:11+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pencegahan Dan Pengendalian Hipertensi Melalui Penyuluhan Kesehatan Dan Kegiatan Senam Hipertensi Pada Lansia Didusun Ll Desa Pekik Nyaring,Kab Bengkulu Tengah2024-07-22T05:17:17+00:00Siski Nurfadilahsiskinurfadilah@gmail.comSusi LestarisusiLestari@gmai.comMiska Khairunisakintananisa.kb@gmail.comWulandari<p><em>Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. Where Hyper means excessive, and Tensi means pressure/tension, so hypertension is a disorder of the blood circulation system which causes an increase in blood pressure above normal values (Musakkar & Djafar, 2021). The method in this research uses lecture and question and answer methods. The results and discussion show that before and after the counseling there was an increase in good knowledge from 23% to 69%, while for the lack of criteria there was a change from 74% to 31%. Conclusions and suggestions Can provide knowledge about hypertension and carry out hypertension exercise activities for the elderly.</em></p>2024-07-22T05:17:15+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengendalian Hipertensi Dengan Pendekatan Edukatif Dan Komprehensif Dalam Mewujudkan Kemandirian Self-Care Kondisi Kronik Pada Komunitas Dusun 4 Desa Pekik Nyaring, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah, Propinsi Bengkulu2024-07-22T05:20:39+00:00Nopita Dwi Ramadantidinirmdant@gmail.comAnggi Wilantaraanggiwilantara57@gmail.comNesa Pebriantinesapebrianti@gmail.comTita Septi Yovita<p><em>This community service was carried out in Hamlet 4, Pekik Nyaring Village, Pondok Kelapa District, Central Bengkulu Regency, chosen because there was data on hypertension among adults and the elderly obtained from data from the working area of the Pekik Nyaring District Health Center. Pondok Kelapa Kab. Central Bengkulu. After interviews with the community, the problem of hypertension in Hamlet 4, Pekik Nyaring Village, was mostly caused by age, lack of concern for routine blood pressure checks because they were busy gardening, and limited health services. Facing this situation, students discussed with a team of field supervisors, the community health center, the hamlet head, cadres and residents of Hamlet 4 of Pekik Nyaring Village to determine the program that would be implemented. The stages of implementing this community service activity were carried out by interviewing the Kadun (hamlet head), cadres, and the community health center (CI) regarding the problems in Hamlet 4, Pekik Nyaring Village. Then the activity program was determined through FGD (Focus Group Discussion) which would be carried out to deal with existing problems in Hamlet 4, Pekik Nyaring Village. Student counseling will provide a pre-test questionnaire related to hypertension. Next, a question and answer session was held with the community who were given education. The final stage of this activity is that participants are given a post-test questionnaire. Implementation of direct improvements related to foot reflexology massage therapy and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), increasing public knowledge about hypertension from 18% to 98% as seen from the total score of the pre and post test questionnaires. The results show that hypertension exercise can reduce the average systolic blood pressure by 10mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 5mmHg. Post-training evaluation showed that cadres were able to instill foot reflexology techniques, including recognizing reflex points related to blood pressure, as well as conducting massage sessions that helped residents reduce muscle tension and other physical symptoms of hypertension. Live demonstrations carried out by cadres during the session demonstrated the training's ability to be able to teach and guide MBSR techniques to other communities. Overall, this community service program succeeded in achieving the main goal of increasing community awareness and skills in managing hypertension. With significant indicators of success in increasing knowledge and controlling blood pressure in the community, as well as increasing the skills of Hamlet 4 Pekik Nyaring Village cadres in carrying out foot reflexology massage therapy and MBSR therapy in dealing with stress due to hypertension.</em></p>2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kecap Jamur Tiram Menggunakan Enzim Bromelin di SMKN 7 Kota Bengkulu2024-07-22T05:26:27+00:00Lina Widawatilina.widawati.84@gmail.comDiah<p><em>Oyster mushrooms have a high nutritional content, so they are often used as a base for dishes or snacks. Because of the high protein and glutamic acid content in oyster mushrooms, they have the opportunity to be processed into soy sauce. The use of bromelain enzyme from pineapple juice can produce oyster mushroom soy sauce with good quality characteristics. Oyster mushrooms provide dietary fiber and other ingredients that can improve health. Oyster mushroom is a very interesting prospect, because it is a commodity that has a fairly high quality demand. SMKN 7 Bengkulu City has an industrial and culinary department. The knowledge and skills of students on the progress of the oyster mushroom marketing business and its processed diversification results are still relatively underdeveloped. This is due to several factors including: lack of knowledge and skills in food processing, relatively small interest of students in the process of diversifying processed foodstuffs, and relatively small skills of students in extending shelf life and increasing the economic value of food products. Modern packaging and labeling, oyster mushroom soy sauce products using bromelain enzyme will become more economically valuable and feasible to develop and allow for expansion of the marketing area. Therefore, the community service team together with partners identified that it is necessary to improve soft skills and skills for students of SMKN 7 Bengkulu City, which can be done through training and applications in community service programs.</em></p>2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Fungsi Organisasi Melalui Kegiatan Pemetaan Kawasan Rawan Dan Rentan Narkoba Di Kota Bengkulu2024-07-22T09:03:32+00:00Nuche Azissah Pebrianiemipebriani@yahoo.comRavika Ramlisravikaramlis04@gmail.comDilfera<p><em>Narcotics and psychotropic substances are drugs, materials that are useful in the field of health care, but on the other hand can cause dependence which is very detrimental if used without strict supervision. Narcotic substances were originally indicated for medicinal purposes, but with the development of science and technology, types of narcotics can be misused. Drug abuse has become a serious problem in various countries, both in developed countries and in Indonesia. To deal with the problem of narcotics, the activity "Implementation of Organizational Functions Through Mapping Activities of Drug Prone and Vulnerable Areas in Urban Children and Youth in 2024 at the Kandang Village Office, Kampung Melayu District, Bengkulu City" was carried out.</em> <em>The purpose of this activity is to realize a clean city from drugs. In the community service activities that have been carried out, it is considered very important. The results achieved in the formation of Volunteers, Intelligence in the Working Area of Kelurahan Kandang, Kampung Melayu Subdistrict, Bengkulu City, whose members consist of local people, both youth and youth organizations as well as community leaders who are chosen and trusted by the community. They will help socialize and control community activities, including monitoring and controlling those suspected of being involved in consuming or distributing drugs. Assistance to the cadres has been provided in health services and counseling activities, not only related to drugs but also other health issues, through technical guidance from BNN Bengkulu City.</em></p>2024-07-22T09:03:30+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Media Sosial Untuk Memasarkan Penjualan Mie Ayam Dan Bakso Ananda Di Desa Durian Demang2024-07-22T09:18:48+00:00Arif Lesmanaariflesmana@gmail.comKamelia<p><em>The Mie Ayam and Bakso Ananda business in Durian Demang Village faces challenges in increasing visibility and sales amid intense competition. This study aims to assist the business by developing and implementing a digital marketing strategy. The method used includes observation, interviews, and surveys to identify marketing needs and opportunities. The strategy implemented involves using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp to promote products. Training and mentoring were provided to the business owner on how to optimize the use of social media. The results of the activities showed significant increases in the number of customers, social media followers, and product sales. The implementation of the digital marketing strategy proved effective in enhancing the business's visibility and competitiveness. In conclusion, digital marketing strategies can be an effective solution for small and medium-sized enterprises to face market competition. It is recommended that business owners continuously develop their digital marketing skills and collaborate with marketing experts to maintain the achieved success.</em></p>2024-07-22T09:18:47+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pertolongan Pertama Dan Cidera Olahraga Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 5 Bengkulu Selatan2024-07-22T11:08:26+00:00Ajis Marta<p><em>The report on first aid and sports injury training at State Vocational High School 5 Bengkulu Selatan in 2024 describes efforts to enhance awareness and skills in handling sports injuries among students. This training highlights the importance of prompt response and proper handling when dealing with minor or serious injuries during sports activities. Participants are trained to identify signs of injury, provide effective first aid, and manage emergency situations calmly and systematically. Additionally, the training also provides understanding of preventive measures for sports injuries. It is hoped that with the improvement of these skills and knowledge, the school can create a safer and supportive environment for students to engage in sports activities.</em></p>2024-07-22T11:08:24+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Wirausaha Digital Dan Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Motivasi Seorang Siswa SMKS 1 Pembangunan Kota Bengkulu2024-07-22T11:14:33+00:00M. Rahman Irawan Fitrianoyun.fitriano@gmail.comNadya Putri Wulan<p><em>Digital entrepreneurship has made a tremendous impact in the world. Digital businesses are built through internet networks such as Google, Facebook, or other social media. Digitalization also has an impact on the development of new entrepreneurs. Socialization of Digital Entrepreneurship to Students of SMKS 1 Pembangunan Bengkulu City. It is an important step in preparing them to face this increasingly digital world of work. This service activity was carried out at SMKS 1 Pembangunan Bengkulu City on Friday, June 07, 2024. The implementation of this service activity is the socialization of digital entrepreneurship and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit to increase the interest and motivation of a student, At the socialization of digital entrepreneurship, students of SMKS 1 Pembangunan Bengkulu City are very likely to increase awareness of entrepreneurship at a young age, and must understand the challenges and multiply relationships and network connections are necessary. And what is more important to start this digital entrepreneurship is what skills and characters an entrepreneur must have in dealing with good and correct consumers. Problem solving through this socialization of digital entrepreneurship to SMKS 1 Pembangunan students of Bengkulu City is to encourage the creation of a culture that supports entrepreneurship and also increases awareness of innovation values to inspire students to become young entrepreneurs. From the problems in the service, students must be instilled with the values of innovation.</em></p>2024-07-22T11:14:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Media Sosial Untuk Mempromosikan Usaha Rumah Tangga Kedai Ken Al2024-07-22T11:24:52+00:00Ardika Okta Ariyansyahardikaoktaariansyah02@gmail.comKarona Cahya<p><em>Media Sosial is an internet-based application that allows consumers to access various information, opinions, and experiences. It can meet consumer needs by providing factual, specific, and non-commercial information. In the digital era, media sosial has become a crucial marketing platform for businesses. It helps in promoting products, increasing customer engagement, and reducing costs. Kedai Ken Al, a Nusantara-based restaurant, uses social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp to reach a wider audience and increase sales. Digital marketing is a strategy to promote products, engage with customers, reduce costs, and conduct online sales. Promoting products is a priority for businesses to inform consumers about their products and services, and it helps them understand consumer needs and meet their needs. The activity is to identify the level of knowledge and skill level regarding social media in a responsible manner between the trainer and companion and the participants. Participants are given training and mentoring in community service and assistance regarding digital marketing, especially through social media. Continuing Training and Mentoring in service and mentoring through materials: creating an account for a business, uploading product photos, editing photos using features from Facebook and Instagram, and providing responses to consumers. Marketing activities are still considered traditional, involving small products or what is commonly known as stalls. The promotional method used is still considered to rely on word of mouth (WOM) promotion or what is better known as word of mouth promotion. Promotion aims to convey information related to a product or brand to the target market in order to attract their attention and influence their attitudes. This assistance is carried out by providing knowledge that one of the promotions that can be carried out is social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and TikTok. The use of social media as a tool for business promotion makes it the right choice because, apart from that, social media users are increasing day by day. Interactivity in social media is also a high form of communication with other social media users. Instagram is a platform for sharing photos and videos, applying digital filters, and sharing visual information on Instagram. WhatsApp proves the use of marketing on WhatsApp as an effective business promotion tool because it can be accessed by anyone, so that the promotional network can be wider on Jalan Kini Balu 4, Kebun Tebeng sub-district. WhatsApp does not use credit and internet data.</em></p>2024-07-22T11:24:51+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##