AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian <div id="journalDescription"> <p><strong>AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian</strong> is a scientific communication media which is issued by Agribusiness Study Program and Agricultural Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Dehasen in collaborations with&nbsp;<a title="AJPI link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Asosiasi Jurnal Pertanian Indonesia (AJPI)</a>. <strong>AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian</strong>&nbsp; is a peer-reviewed journal. Publisher by Unived Press,&nbsp;Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu. <strong>AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian</strong>&nbsp;is dedicated to researchers and academics intent on publishing<strong>&nbsp;research paper</strong>, <strong>technical paper</strong>, <strong>conceptual paper&nbsp;</strong>and <strong>case study reports</strong>. Scientific periodic publication on Agricultural Food Technology, Agribusiness, Agricultural Socio-Economics and Business issue as media for information dissemination&nbsp;of research result for lecturer, researcher and practitioner.&nbsp;AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian , <strong>p-ISSN</strong> <a href=";1414472662&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2407-1315</a>&nbsp;and <strong>e-ISSN</strong> <a href=";1584003211&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2722-1881</a> in a year published twice year.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <div id="additionalHomeContent"> <p><strong>AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian</strong>, the authors are required to register in advance and upload the manuscript online. The process of the manuscript could be monitored through OJS. Authors, readers, editorial boards, editors, and peer review could obtain the real-time status of the manuscript. A hard copy of the journal could be purchased by the system. Several other changes are informed in&nbsp;<a title="Journal History" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Journal History</a>.</p> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div> en-US <p>Author retains the copyright and grants the journal the right of first publication of the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal</p> (Lina Widawati) (Eko Sumartono, S.P., M.Sc) Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Perceptions of Agricultural Commodity Traders on the Effectiveness of the Traditional Market Revitalization Program in Bengkulu City <p><em>Revitalization is an alternative path that must be taken by traditional markets in order to compete in the globalization era. The role of traditional markets will continue to be degraded and reduced if adequate facilities are not immediately repaired. This is due to the increasing number of modern markets emerging so that with the revitalization, it is expected that traditional markets can compete with modern markets.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the traditional market revitalization program in Bengkulu City and its relationship to revenue, number of consumers, working hours, and user fees. This research was conducted intentionally with the purposive sampling method. Respondents in the study amounted to 55 people spread over three traditional markets in Bengkulu City, namely Panorama Market, Minggu Market, and Barukoto Market. The results of the study show that the overall revitalization program for traditional markets in Bengkulu City is quite effective. Based on correlation analysis, variable acceptance, number of consumers, and working hours have a positive correlation to the effectiveness of the traditional market revitalization program in Bengkulu City. Meanwhile, another variable, namely user fees, has no correlation with the effectiveness of the traditional market revitalization program in Bengkulu City.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Fachrul Irhami Dhita, Gita Mulyasari, Irnad Irnad (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 08:31:31 +0000 Effect of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rubrum) Extract on Chemical and Microbiological Characteristic of Goat Milk Yoghurt <p><em>Goat’s milk consumption (9.6 litre/capita/year) by Indonesian is still lower than cow’s milk consumption (11.8 6 litre/capita/year). One of the causes is because the goaty flavour in goat’s milk. Yoghurt is increasingly in demand, especially for people with lactose intolerance. Yoghurt is preffered because of its probiotics. Innovation in adding red ginger extract in goat milk yoghurt processing is expected can increase public interest in goat’s milk consumption. Besides being able to decrease the goaty flavour, red ginger extract could have more health benefits because of its bioactive contents. This study analysed fermentation time’s effect on the chemical and microbiological characteristics goat’s milk yoghurt (YSK) and goat’s milk yoghurt with red ginger extract (YSK EJM). This study is designed with Randomized Group Design (RGD). The first factor (A) is a different type of yoghurt, namely A1=goat's milk yoghurt without added red ginger extract and A2=goat's milk yoghurt with red ginger extract. The second factor (B) is the fermentation time (P1= 0 hours, P2= 6 hours, P3= 12 hours, P4= 18 hours, and P5= 24 hours. Data were obtained by two replications and two repititions. Ph and total titrated acid between YSK and YSK EJM were significantly different </em>(p&lt;0.05) <em>after 12 hours fermentation. Total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) for the two variations were different after 18 hours fermentation. Total LAB reached </em><em>10</em><em><sup>6</sup></em><em>&nbsp;CFU/ml for 12 hours fermentation and continuesly increased for 24 hours fermentation, YSK (5.32 x 10</em><em><sup>7 </sup></em><em>CFU/ml) and YSK EJM (2.83 x 10</em><em><sup>7</sup></em><em>&nbsp;CFU/ml).</em></p> Lita Lianti, Febryos Pernandes Sinaga, Dina Fitryani (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:08:39 +0000 Analysis of Internal Factors, Performance, Satisfaction, and Loyalty of Farmers Group Members in Seluma District <p><em>Eight farmer groups in Rimbo Kedui Village, Seluma Regency, have 220 members. This research aims to: determine the performance of farmer groups; the level of member satisfaction with the performance of the farmer group; analyze factors that influence the level of member satisfaction with performance; analyze the factors that influence the level of loyalty of members towards farmer groups. The research was conducted in September 2019. Data was collected through simple random sampling of 100 members of farmer groups. Data were analyzed using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)-PLS methods. The research findings show that the overall performance level of each attribute is lower than the average value of members' interest in farmer groups, which reached 74.20%. The farmer group performance variable has a significant influence on the satisfaction variable. Then, the satisfaction variable also significantly influences the loyalty variable. The level of loyalty of farmer group members in Rimbo Kedui Village is within the loyal criteria.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Zunawarnis Kalbi, Satria Putra Utama (Author); Ketut Sukiyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:20:47 +0000 Level of Farmers Satisfaction with Agricultural Extension Services in Gapoktan Mekarjaya Pulomulya Village Lemahabang District Karawang Regency <p><em>Agricultural extension is a non-formal education for farmers and their families with the aim of changing knowledge, attitudes, skills, and towards a better. The level of satisfaction is a feeling experienced by someone after making a comparison between the desired level of expectation and the level of service that has been felt. The problem in Gapoctan Mekarjaya is that the counseling that has been running so far is uncertain the role of extension agent when the counseling occurs if there is a program from the government, and when the program ends, there is no follow up of extension activities to meet the needs of farmers by existing counseling that can further increase the capacity of farmers. The sample is determined in a proportional stratified random sampling by using the purposive sampling method for farmers respondents with known population sizes, they can use slovin samples taken by 40 farmer respondents. Quantitative research techniques. The data analysis used is Likert scale, category, customer satisfaction index, importance performance analysis, and descriptive. The results showed that in general, the level of importance of extension services to farmers was included in the criteria for a high average score of 143,64 and a total average of 3,88. The performance of extension services to farmers is included in the medium criteria of an average total score of 120,16 and a total average total score of 120,16 and a total average of 3,11. The farmers satisfaction level is in the satisfied category of CSI value of 77,73. Extension services in meeting the needs and needs of farmers need to be prioritized.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: extension service performance, importance level, satisfaction level, priorit</em><em>y</em></p> Aisyah Maulidina, Muharam Muharam, Kuswarini Sulandjari (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Probability and Impact of Risk on the Palm Sugar Household Industry in Air Periukan Sub-District Seluma District <p><em>Risk is significant since it is an unforeseeable event that causes problems for palm sugar business participants. To establish good corporate governance, risk management is required. The goal of this study is to identify risk sources, estimate risk likelihood, and assess risk impact on the palm sugar home industry in Air Periukan District, Seluma Regency. The quantitative and qualitative research methodologies employed include descriptive analysis, z-score, and VaR (Value at Risk). The findings revealed that the sources of risk in the palm sugar home industry in Air Periukan District, Seluma Regency were at production risk, specifically low palm sugar production, and at social risk specifically teens consuming palm sap as palm wine.</em>&nbsp;<em>The likelihood value of production risk in the palm sugar home industry in Air Periukan District is 53.27%, while the social risk of youths using palm sap as a palm wine drink is 26.33%. The effect value of low-risk palm sugar production is Rp. 531,703.164 per production, and the social risk impact value of teens who use palm sugar as palm wine is Rp. 47,173.152 per production.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Herri Fariadi Lubis, Satria Putra Utama, Indra Cahyadinata (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:40:12 +0000 Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Velva Guava Crystal with the Addition of Combrang Juice and CMC <p><em>This research aims to ascertain the impact of CMC and kecombrang fruit juice addition on crystal guava Velva's organoleptic and physicochemical properties and the optimal treatment regimen to yield velva with the best properties. The two-factor factorial pattern utilized in this study's fully randomized design (CRD) has three repetitions. Factor I include 5%, 10%, and 15% of kecombrang fruit juice (v/v). Factor II, namely the addition of 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1% CMC. The conclusion in this study was 15% kecombrang fruit juice and 1% CMC concentration, which produced crystal guava velva with an antioxidant activity value of 41.543%; crude fiber content 6.270%; melting time 17.37 minutes/20gr; viscosity 4203 mPas; overrun 22.03 %; total solids 39.06 %; and the hedonic organoleptic test includes color 3.63; aroma 3.10; texture 3.73 and taste 3.27. The conclusion of this study shows that velva guava crystal has met the quality standards of velva.</em></p> Nurinindya indhayu, Sarofah Ulya, Jariyah Jariyah (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:52:01 +0000 Development Strategy of Kebun Jagung Yoyo as a Tourism Object in Tarumajaya District of Bekasi Regency <p><em>This research aims to identify internal and external factors, analyze what strategies can be implemented and what strategies are recommended in an effort to develop Yoyo Corn Garden as a tourist attraction. Research was conducted at the Yoyo Corn Garden natural tourist attraction in Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency. The problem that occurs is that the number of visitors continues to decline every week. The decrease in the number of visitors was caused by a lack of promotion, facilities and management knowledge to manage the business which was not yet optimal. The method used in this research is SWOT analysis using the IFAS, EFAS matrices and the grand strategy matrix. In every environmental analysis there are several factors in it, namely strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The results of this research in the SWOT analysis obtained 9 alternative strategies that can be used. The results of calculating the total score on the IFAS matrix are 1.50 and the total score on the EFAS matrix is ​​1.29, this shows that the opportunities and strengths that are owned can overcome weaknesses and threats well. The position of Yoyo Corn Plantation in the grand strategy matrix is ​​in quadrant I (one), so the strategy that will be recommended to be implemented is an aggressive strategy using the SO (strength - opportunity) strategy by utilizing internal strengths to maximize existing opportunities in an effort to develop Yoyo Corn Plantation as an object. tour.</em></p> Puspa Danita, Abubakar Abubakar, I Putu Eka Wijaya (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of The Role of Social Capital in the Tea Farmer Partnership System at PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh Kulon Progo <p><em>Partnership is a form of cooperation that exists between two parties, where the relationship provides benefits to each other. Partnership cooperation is generally agreed in writing and includes clear rights and obligations between both parties. The commitment that occurs between both parties is the main key in the parthership system. In addition, the role of social capital in the form of trust, norms and social networks is also needed to support the sustainability of partnership, in this case tea farmers and PT. Pagilaran. This research aims to determine the tea farmer partnership system at PT. Pagilaran Afgdeling Samigaluh and find out the role of social capital in the tea farmer partnership system at PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh. The method used in this reseach are survey and descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research results show that the partnership system thah exists between tea farmers and PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh is a pure partnership system (buy and drop). Apart of that, social capital in the form of trust, norms and social networks in the partnership system between tea farmers and PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh plays a very important role in maintaining the sustainability of the partnership and of course still pays attention to the rights and obligations of each parties.</em></p> Resna Trimerani, Fani Ardiani (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 10:56:42 +0000 Effectiveness and Outcomes of Fishing Gear Assistance on Fishermen's Income in Pedes District Karawang <p><em>Fishing gear assistance is one of a series of activities undertaken by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries by providing fishing gear, Gill Net and Trammel Net to fishermen. The study aims to analyse the level of effectiveness of activities, analyze the strength of supportive and inhibitory factors that influence, and analyse the outcome of fishing gear assistance on fishermen's reception. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. Primary data collection is obtained directly through questionnaires and interviews whereas secondary data is acquired through journal literacy and related scripts as well as data from related agencies. Sampling was done with a census of 40 fishermen. Data analysis on this study uses the likert scale, the guttman scale and the t test. The results of this study show that the overall distribution of aid is running effectively. Both supportive factors have strong influence and both inhibitory factors have weak influence in the distribution of aid. There has been a change in fishermen's reception before and after the distribution of fishing gear with a sig. (2-tailed) value of 0,000 &lt; 0,05, whereas fisherman recipient of shrimp net assistance has not experienced any change in reception after the assistance of fish gear.</em></p> Ikhlasul Akbar, Kuswarini Sulandjari, Fatimah Azzahra (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:10:26 +0000 Influence of Brand Image, Price, Consumer Satisfaction, Product Quality and Promotion on Repurchase Decisions (Case Study on Teh Botol Sosro Consumers) <p><em>&nbsp;Teh Botol Sosro has successfully maintained its popularity in the highly competitive packaged tea market in Indonesia. To understand the factors influencing consumer repurchase decisions, a study was conducted at ÆON Mall Jakarta Garden City. This research evaluated brand image, pricing, customer satisfaction, product quality, and promotion as factors affecting consumer decisions, both collectively and individually.Use of primary data in this study were obtained through interviews with 100 randomly selected Teh Botol Sosro consumers, supplemented by data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and literature reviews. The research results indicate that these factors influence repurchase decisions. When assessed individually, brand image and pricing do not have a significant impact, while customer satisfaction, product quality, and promotion have a substantial influence on repurchase decisions. These findings have important implications for Teh Botol Sosro and other industry players in formulating more effective marketing strategies to maintain and expand their market share.</em></p> Dani Zahuri Mohammad, Slamet Abadi, I Putu Eka Wijaya (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:17:26 +0000 Production and Income Risk Analysis Oil Palm (Elaeis guinensis Jacq) Farming <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the production and income risks of oil palm plantations in Lubuk Bento Village. This survey was conducted in Lubuk Bento township, Pondok Suguh sub-district, Mukomuko district. The method used was simple random sampling with a sample of 44 farmers out of 290 oil palm farmers in Lubuk Bento Village. Income analysis and CV coefficient of variation studies were used for data analysis. The results showed that the production risk was 0.08 (0.08 &lt;0.5) which means that the production risk of farmers' farms is small. The value of income obtained by farmers amounted to RP. 7,127,209/month, and revenue of RP. 11,110,080/month. The total cost is RP. 3.982. 601/month.</em></p> Galih Basuki Nugroho, Yossie Yumiati, Ana Nurmalia (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:50:34 +0000 Comparative Study of Aromatic and Non-Aromatic Rice Farming in Farmer Groups in Talo Sub-District, Seluma District <p><em>In general, aromatic rice is included in a special rice class according to geographical indications because its quality and aroma characteristics depend on the region, it cannot be cultivated anywhere (Ministry of Agriculture Number 48 of 2017 concerning special rice). Non-aromatic rice is local rice that is cultivated and used to produce output or results in the form of local rice. On the other hand, aromatic rice farming is not carried out by many farmers, especially farmers in Seluma Regency, in fact there are only a few of them. The aim of this research is to examine comparative aromatic and non-aromatic rice farming in Talo District, Seluma Regency. The determination of the research location was carried out purposively, with the consideration that the research location was a farmer group that was active and continuously cultivated aromatic and non-aromatic rice, namely the Muda Sepakat farmer group and the Seijoan farmer group.</em></p> <p><em>The profit from rice farming in two aromatic and non-aromatic varieties in Talo District, Seluma Regency is that in the aromatic rice business, it can be seen that the average profit received during each planting season is IDR. 20,391,000, while the average profit for non-aromatics in one planting season is IDR. 15,850,500. so the difference in profit between the two varieties is Rp. 4,540,500. Aromatic rice farming is more profitable than non-aromatic rice.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Key words: Comparative; Aromatic; Non Aromatic</em></p> Anton Feriady, Elni Mutmainnah (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:32:15 +0000 Consistency Analysis of Rendement and Quality of CPO (Crude Palm Oil) Palm Oil Processing at PT. Agricinal North Bengkulu <p>The yield and quality of CPO is influenced by the condition of unripe and overripe FFB (fresh fruit bunches), which can cause an increase in ALB, water content and dirt content. The quality of CPO is also influenced by FFB from the community. Analysis of the consistency of the yield and quality of CPO was carried out due to the age of the plants that were too old and the performance of the factory machines decreased due to the age of the machines. Analysis of yield consistency and quality was carried out using statistical quality control methods, namely quality control using a statistical approach using control charts and causal diagrams. This study uses secondary data on the yield and quality of CPO for the past year (July 2021-June 2022). The research results show, there are data that are outside the upper control limit, yield in July 2021, free fatty acid content in May 2022 and dirt content in October 2021. While the water content is statistically controlled (in statistical control). The yield and quality of ALB are influenced by type of raw material, production capacity and oil losses. Moisture content and dirt content are affected by treatment of production process and machine conditions.</p> Johannes Agung Sitorus, Andwini Prasetya Prasetya, Hesti Nur'aini, Diah Azhari (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 23 Dec 2023 04:05:35 +0000 Effect of Bokasih Rice Husk Ash Fertilizer on the Growth and Production of Soybean Plants (Glycine max (L) Merr.) <p><em>Bokashi is compost produced through fermentation with the addition of (EM-4), which is an activator to speed up the compost making process. Many research results show that bokashi has better quality compared to simple composting techniques. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of rice husk ash bokashi fertilizer on the growth and yield of soybean plants and to obtain the best dose of rice husk ash bokashi fertilizer in increasing the growth and yield of soybean plants. The research method used a randomized block design, there were 4 replications and 6 treatments (B0 = 0 g/polybag, B1 = 100 g/polybag, B2 = 200 g/polybag, B3 = 300 g/polybag, B4 = 400 g/polybag and B5 = 500 g/polybag). The results of the diversity analysis showed that the treatment of bokashi fertilizer with rice husk ash had a very significant effect on plant height and plant dry weight, a significant effect on the number of pods and weight of 100 seeds per plot, and no significant effect on the number of branches. Providing rice husk ash bokashi fertilizer with treatment B4 = 400 g/polybag produces the best growth and production results of soybean plants when compared with other treatments, where the highest plant height is an average of 75.5 cm, the average number of pods contained in the plant is 68. 25 pods, the average weight of 100 seeds per plot is 14.37 grams and the average dry weight of the plant is 1.53 grams.</em></p> Rusnaini Rusnaini (Author); Wuriesyliane Wuriesyliane ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 23 Dec 2023 04:23:21 +0000 Urban Farming Development Strategy of Hydroponic Vegetables in Bekasi City <p><em>Urban Farming is one of the important Bekasi City Government’s programs to strengthen the food security, considering the increase in agricultural land conversion. This research aims to determine the internal and external factors influencing the development of community’s hydroponic vegetable business (HVB), alternative strategies for developing the community’s HVB, and priority order of competitive strategies to be implemented in the development of the community’s HVB in Bekasi City. Descriptive method was used in this research, supported by data analysis using IFE, EFE, SWOT, IE, and QSPM matrices. The total IFE matrix score was 2.4, indicated the hydroponic community's average ability in responding to the internal environment. The total EFE matrix score was 1.98, showed its low ability to respond to the external. The IE matrix implied the hydroponic community’s position in cell VIII or in the harvest and divest position. Based on the SWOT matrix, four alternative strategies have been obtained in priority order, which also have been analyzed by using the QSPM matrix; (1) revitalization of the urban farming-development program, (2) market facilitation of hydroponic community production, (3) promotion of hydroponic vegetables as fresh vegetables, and (4) education for hydroponic community.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Esi Asyani Listyowati, Ahya Kamilah, Haris Budiono, Ridwan Lutfiadi (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Farmers Adaptation as Local Wisdom in Drought Disaster in Simpenan Sub-District, Sukabumi District <p><em>The farmer community is never separated from drought as an environmental cycle. This study aims to determine the adaptation formed by the environment of hydrometeorological disasters as the most important factor in shaping local wisdom in shaping the adaptation of farmers to the climate. This study uses data triangulation to clarify the differences and similarities of in-depth information and the adaptation process. In this study, found the stages of adaptation in drought resilience. The findings of this study are that repeated disasters will form a pattern of adaptation. The results obtained from the adaptation pattern resulting from interactions with the environment</em>.</p> Muhammad Zakaria, Danu Priyono, Ruby Dwijayanti (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 23 Dec 2023 05:25:22 +0000 Income Ratio of Lokan Search Fishermen (Geloina erosa) Families in the Village of Suka Maju, Air Periukan District, Seluma District <p><em>The maritime and fisheries sector is one of the economic sectors that has a role in national economic development, especially in providing protein, earning foreign exchange and providing employment opportunities. The aim of this research is to determine the contribution to household income and to determine the contribution of local people to household income in Suka Maju Village, Air Periukan District, Seluma Regency. The methods in this research include primary data and secondary data. The research results show that the income of local fishermen in the Air Priukan District is quite high. Income for each person varies according to the number of lokans sold and the selling price of lokans. Lokan fishermen are people who get lokan from the sea. Their income level is more focused on how much they sell and how many days they sell. To get lots of lokans, you only need the skills to dive, swim and have the strength to breathe for a long time, so that loch seekers can easily reach the ground mixed with rocks, so that the river shells hide behind rocks and sand mixed with clay. The household income of Lokan Fishermen in Sukamaju Village, Air Priukan District, Seluma Regency is IDR 2,222,920 per year, consisting of the income of Lokan Fishermen of IDR. 1,137,904.99, meanwhile the income contribution of Lokan Fishermen is 53.64% of household income</em>.</p> Suparyanto Widodo, Rika Dwi Yulihartika, Evi Andriani (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 23 Dec 2023 06:29:48 +0000 Impact Of Climate Change On Cognitive Aspect And Income Of Marn Farmers In Marginal Area In Lombok Timur District <p>Climate change is a phenomenon that farmers do not want to exist because the production risk it creates is quite high. Given that the ability of farmers in anticipation is still minimal with limited information and knowledge so that the potential for crop failure is large. The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of climate change on the cognitive aspects and income of corn farmers in marginal areas. The research location was determined purposively in Jerowaru District. The research sample of 30 was determined by census in the Temodo Lestari farmer group. Estimation of the cognitive aspects uses the EPIC model with the Likerts Summated Rating Scale (LSRS) while income is estimated using the concept of total revenue minus the total cost while running a corn farming business. The results showed that more than 60 percent of farmers know about climate change and the risks it poses. While the climate change adaptation strategy for the majority of farmers has not implemented it as a result of more than 30 percent of farmers still lack information related to climate change. The income of corn farmers due to climate change is more than 40 million per hectare.</p> Muhammad Joni Iskandar, Adnan Putra Pratama, Andi Lisnawati (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 23 Dec 2023 16:54:48 +0000 Prospects Of The Leading Business Sector Of Palm Oil Digital Scales (Ram) In Pino District, Bengkulu Selatan Regency <p><em>Marketing of palm oil in the form of FFB </em>(<em>Fresh Fruit Bunches)</em>&nbsp;<em>&nbsp;to palm oil companies (PKS) is carried out by independent oil palm smallholders through existing marketing institutions, both collecting businesses, which will affect the income that farmers will receive. Weighing Business is a FFB marketing agency in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency which already has a permit to sell farmer's FFB to companies and has fruit transportation facilities and has means of transportation in the form of trucks and pick-up cars.</em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this study was to examine the prospects for the leading sector of the palm oil weighing (RAM) business in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency. The research location was carried out in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency. The determination of the research location was carried out purposively, with the consideration that the research location was a center for palm oil production with a lot of digital scales or RAM with a capacity of ± 30 tons and already had an operating permit.&nbsp;</em><em>The results showed that the average income from the palm oil Ram business in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency was Rp. 26,188,188.89 with an average production cost of Rp. 21,832,892.59 so that they earned an income of Rp. 4,361,218.52, in one month.</em></p> Maheran Mulyadi, Anton Feriady, Jon Yawahar (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 28 Dec 2023 16:43:46 +0000 Study on Food Loss and Food Waste: Conditions, Impact and Solutions <p><em>The purpose of writing this article is an attempt to introduce readers to the problem of Food Loss &amp; Food Waste (FL&amp;FW) in a comprehensive concept regarding conditions, impacts and solutions for handling them. FL&amp;FW has been a global issue for a long time, but until now its impact is getting more serious. The losses incurred by FL&amp;FW are not only in the environmental field but are very complex including economic and social losses. Food and Agriculture Organization/FAO has estimated that 1/3 of world food production or around 1.3 billion tons which is equivalent to 990 billion USD has been lost in vain. But on the other hand, about 21,000 people die every day because of hunger. This topic will continue to be a central issue in the coming years, because the amount of food that must be provided will also continue to increase in line with the increasing world population and the problems caused by the Co-19 pandemic. Reducing food waste is a priority scale to maintain sustainable food security. The FL&amp;FW issue since 2015 has been one of the programs of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), on target 12.3 with a commitment to reduce food waste by half per capita by 2030. Therefore, all stakeholders (government, industry and society) must collaborate to implementing policies and cultural changes towards prevention of FL&amp;FW on all fronts.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mitha Ayu Pratama Handoyo, M, Nyoman Puspa Asri (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 08:38:52 +0000 Productivity of several upland rice under aluminum stress in acid dry land east lampung regency <p><em>Aluminum stress is a limiting factor for crop production on acid dry land with a low pH. The objectives of this study were to obtain aluminum-tolerant upland rice varieties in acid dry land. The study was carried out using a completely randomized block design (RCBD) consisting of 8 varieties, namely IR64, Inpago 7, Dodokan, Situ Bagendit, Dod-Pup1, Situ Bg-Pup1, Batur-Pup1, Batur and 4 strains, namely 19 (PB5)-2, 20 (PB8)-1, 21 (PB15)-1, and 22 (PB16)-1. The results also showed that the Situ Bagendit variety with the Pup-1 locus gave the highest yield per plot compared to other varieties and lines, namely 287.5 g. These results also correlate with the ability of the variety to withstand aluminum stress, with a tolerance value of 3.00 (quite tolerant).</em></p> Priyadi Priyadi, Rianida Taisa, Dulbari Dulbari, Rizky Rahmadi, Fajar Rochman (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 10:30:32 +0000 Role of Extension: an Effort and Guarantee to Protect Human Rights in Food Security <p class="A04-abstrak3" style="text-indent: 14.2pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif';">Agricultural extension workers are expected to be able to increase farmer participation in collaborating by participating in work program activities and supporting the work program so that the expected goals can be achieved. Agricultural extension workers have a strategic role in increasing the income of farming communities. The issue of food security is not only in Indonesia, in other parts of the world the issue of food security is one of the priorities of world countries. Food is the most important basic human need and its fulfillment is part of the human rights guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as a basic component for creating quality human resources. Realizing food security through agricultural extension as an agricultural country that has abundant soil fertility and local potential. The role of extension is very important to help increase agricultural productivity, support national food security and create farmer welfare. In order to examine several factors and the role of counseling that can support human rights in food security, the researchers conducted a study using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. Data analysis was done using Microsoft Excel and the Bibliometric application to capture global trends from existing research. Data collection was carried out using the Prism Protocol. An in-depth analysis was conducted on 30 articles that discussed the role of extension workers in realizing food security. Based on the research results, it is proposed that the role of extension workers needs to be increased as a determinant of welfare for farmers. The researcher recommends that there should be strategic efforts so that extension agents play a more effective role for small-scale farmers to achieve food security.</span></p> Lina Asnamawati, Is Eka Herawati, Yuliawati Yuliawati, Timbul Rasoki (Author) ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000